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The Black Culture Thread |OT2|


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
This is always the biggest thing for me. I look at my principles, what's important to me, what I want to see in the future - and I feel I am a Republican by definition. Then I see what the GOP is and all that it aims for and represents, and I want to flip a table.


I am not saying GOP is racist, just if slavery was on the 2012 ticket they wouldn't pull a muscle fighting it.

No, they totally would fight it, because they like to play the "party of Lincoln" card.

They'd drop the Civil Rights Act like a bad habit, though.


lol @ party of Lincoln, they're not even the party of 40 fucking years ago. Todays republicans are anything but rational and are seemingly joined at the hip with religious fundies.


How does a person as a republican reconcile their belief in a book that says "it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." with their philosophy on wealth, the middle class and poor people? Cognitive dissonance much?


The physical form of blasphemy
Yea. Blew my mind when I read that "legitimate rape" nonsense. These dudes are so out of touch with reality, that it's scary they actually exist in it.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
The stupidest character and sitcom dads reminded me of my first tv crush, and now I have to ask you guys

Did Urkel really have proper glasses on if he picked Laura over Myra?
This is always the biggest thing for me. I look at my principles, what's important to me, what I want to see in the future - and I feel I am a Republican by definition. Then I see what the GOP is and all that it aims for and represents, and I want to flip a table.

Only a portion of the economic platform makes sense. The rest is batshit insane.

The GOP is straight-up Legion of Super Villains at this point.

I said DAMYUM. Funny I didn't think much of her when I was a kid.

She was always the more attractive one to me. I'd always wonder what the problem is.
Laura was the Magic, Myra was the Lakers.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Only a portion of the economic platform makes sense. The rest is batshit insane.

The GOP is straight-up Legion of Super Villains at this point.

I just can't support it all. It would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad.

I'm begging for someone better than Obama.



Its a chiplike snack that seems to be popular with kids. They taste like ass to me though. Or at least what I'd assume ass tastes like.

They taste like hot cheetos with lime drizzled on it, except they maintain their crunch unlike the before mentioned concoction.
I need some advice badly.

How do you guys/gals? Deal with being a minority in the social arena? I mean when you're going out shopping, for a run/walk, interview, etc; and you get those looks and shocking gasps from people if you even show a hint of assertiveness? I'm really struggling with this sit because I'm 6'5 and mostly muscle now and even before that, I always felt like I was being judged way before even opening my mouth. Especially when it comes to dating. I've been getting really angry at myself lately and hurting myself because of it. Two years ago I lost a ton of weight and was bone thin to the point of freaking my parents out, just so that I could appear "smaller". Obviously my height and bone size didn't make any difference though and so I gained my weight back.

Honestly at this point I feel as if it's all in my head. That I'm just sabotaging myself. But it infuriates the hell out of me when I'm going for a run and coming back to my own house, open the door as my female roommate is leaving and she gasps when she see's me push through the door. I swear this shit has ruined my dating chances because I can't even bother to approach white women anymore since I literally cannot trust them. I always feel as if their is some ulterior motive or that they're in it just for "the experience".

I don't know what I am. I was born and raised in this fucking country and yet I've never felt as if I truly belonged. Why do I have to be beyond great instead of just good to be treated the same? I seriously hate my life.


I need some advice badly.

How do you guys/gals? Deal with being a minority in the social arena? I mean when you're going out shopping, for a run/walk, interview, etc; and you get those looks and shocking gasps from people if you even show a hint of assertiveness? I'm really struggling with this sit because I'm 6'5 and mostly muscle now and even before that, I always felt like I was being judged way before even opening my mouth. Especially when it comes to dating. I've been getting really angry at myself lately and hurting myself because of it. Two years ago I lost a ton of weight and was bone thin to the point of freaking my parents out, just so that I could appear "smaller". Obviously my height and bone size didn't make any difference though and so I gained my weight back.

Honestly at this point I feel as if it's all in my head. That I'm just sabotaging myself. But it infuriates the hell out of me when I'm going for a run and coming back to my own house, open the door as my female roommate is leaving and she gasps when she see's me push through the door. I swear this shit has ruined my dating chances because I can't even bother to approach white women anymore since I literally cannot trust them. I always feel as if their is some ulterior motive or that they're in it just for "the experience".

I don't know what I am. I was born and raised in this fucking country and yet I've never felt as if I truly belonged. Why do I have to be beyond great instead of just good to be treated the same? I seriously hate my life.

First off, fuck you for being 6'5.

Second, don't you live in Canada man? I'm pretty sure its all in your head and if anything most people are surprised when they see you because of your height and nothing more. I sometimes feel the same as well, but at the end of the day, what can you do except do you? Who cares what other people think, you have no control over their lives and they have no control over yours. Unless you let them.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
You got issues bigger than just "its my skin color that's causing this"

if you aren't comfortable in your own body - and that can mean all kinds of things - then you need to soul search, figure that shit out, get professional help, find friends that can help you work past it, etc

if you feel you are being used by people, then stop looking to them as if they're doing anything but that. its impossible for us, not being around you, to tell if you're just being socially paranoid or if there actually is a really fucked up climate in your area. If they're in it for "the experience" then treat them as such though - either fucked up fetish chasers or nothing more than hookups. you don't need to treat a person like that more than anything else

that's if you're not off the deepend and just acting out of confusion and distress though. either way, like i said before, its impossible for ppl on an internet forum to really tell in your case
First off, fuck you for being 6'5.

Second, don't you live in Canada man? I'm pretty sure its all in your head and if anything most people are surprised when they see you because of your height and nothing more. I sometimes feel the same as well, but at the end of the day, what can you do except do you? Who cares what other people think, you have no control over their lives and they have no control over yours. Unless you let them.

Please don't get me started on the Canada thing in this thread. It isn't as sweet as it's made to be. And the reason I care so much what other people think, is because what they think affects how they react to me. I'm always doing my damnedest to make myself appear smaller and "Stay out of the way" because I have only ever had 1 positive experience regarding my size.

You got issues bigger than just "its my skin color that's causing this"

if you aren't comfortable in your own body - and that can mean all kinds of things - then you need to soul search, figure that shit out, get professional help, find friends that can help you work past it, etc

if you feel you are being used by people, then stop looking to them as if they're doing anything but that. its impossible for us, not being around you, to tell if you're just being socially paranoid or if there actually is a really fucked up climate in your area. If they're in it for "the experience" then treat them as such though - either fucked up fetish chasers or nothing more than hookups. you don't need to treat a person like that more than anything else

that's if you're not off the deepend and just acting out of confusion and distress though. either way, like i said before, its impossible for ppl on an internet forum to really tell in your case
I'm not comfortable in my body because I feel as if I'm wrong for being what I am. It doesn't help that people are always treating me with apprehension and fear because of it. yet there are many* white guys my size or bigger and they never get any shit for it. The amount of times I'm referenced to as "The big black guy over there" is uncountable. It's as if that's all I am.

That's why I'm trying to figure out how you other black people have melded into society and "relaxed" for lack of a better term.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
The reason why you keep getting hit with "its Canada" is because you're generally exposed to it in much more bluntforce type levels in America and when blacks in Canada get hit with racism, the jolt is more shocking because its not as frequent.

Fuck the Gentle Giant stuff too. You're a big dude. If those people can't deal with it, its their problem. Not yours. Why should you apologize, make excuses, rationalize their bullshit, and scuttle to the side for being who you are?

There is no secret to how other blacks have "relaxed" or anything like that. Its a self-esteem, pride, and confidence thing - you need to be able to comfortable in your own body no matter what you are


it doesn't matter, the feelings you have about not fitting in are common insecurities revolving around all sorts of shit. its not just a black thing. don't treat it as such.
The reason why you keep getting hit with "its Canada" is because you're generally exposed to it in much more bluntforce type levels in America and when blacks in Canada get hit with racism, the jolt is more shocking because its not as frequent.

Fuck the Gentle Giant stuff too. You're a big dude. If those people can't deal with it, its their problem. Not yours. Why should you apologize, make excuses, rationalize their bullshit, and scuttle to the side for being who you are?

There is no secret to how other blacks have "relaxed" or anything like that. Its a self-esteem, pride, and confidence thing - you need to be able to comfortable in your own body no matter what you are


it doesn't matter, the feelings you have about not fitting in are common insecurities revolving around all sorts of shit. its not just a black thing. don't treat it as such.

I understand what you're saying. But how does one reconcile that notion with reality? I bailed off of the internet once and tried to take real life as it is. But living in ignorance of what people actually think and do isn't any better. I can't just pretend my way to feeling "equal". You're right that everyone has things that they feel insecure about. But when it's your whole person that is under attack constantly and ridiculed. It's hard not to internalize that.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
I understand what you're saying. But how does one reconcile that notion with reality? I bailed off of the internet once and tried to take real life as it is. But living in ignorance of what people actually think and do isn't any better. I can't just pretend my way to feeling "equal". You're right that everyone has things that they feel insecure about. But when it's your whole person that is under attack constantly and ridiculed. It's hard not to internalize that.

I am no therapist. Far from it - I know that my attitude towards things rarely translates into results for others.

I will say that you need to identify the issue. Exactly what the issue is. All I can say is you're never going to "pretend" this kind of thing away. You can't pretend to love who you are.
I am no therapist. Far from it - I know that my attitude towards things rarely translates into results for others.

I will say that you need to identify the issue. Exactly what the issue is. All I can say is you're never going to "pretend" this kind of thing away. You can't pretend to love who you are.

I just don't know what to do any-more. I talked to a therapist and she eventually reffered me to someone else. He never returned my calls...I feel trapped in my own body and it fucking sucks. bah, whatever; sorry for the derail. Forget it.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Its not a derail. Its an issue - but address the shit. You want answers, get them from somewhere. I'm sorry my answer isn't the best, I honestly am - but I know what kind of advice that I can and can't give and what will and won't help you for over an internet forum. You need to get yourself a real answer for an issue that goes farther beyond simply being black. I can only offer you my little bit of help for the little bit of information you can realistically provide.

Speak on it more. I'm just one guy, but I'm positive others can offer you some other kinds of help if you provide more insight. Its also a unwelcoming hour for most people on GAF as well.


I just don't know what to do any-more. I talked to a therapist and she eventually reffered me to someone else. He never returned my calls...I feel trapped in my own body and it fucking sucks. bah, whatever; sorry for the derail. Forget it.

Stop caring how strangers view you, I grew up in a predominately white town but in a neighborhood that was 95% black. I'm Cuban/Black and light skinned growing up people didn't know what I was and were always questioning me and my sister. They would see me with my father and ask who he was since he's much darker even though I look like a lighter version of him. I wasn't really accepted by any group for a while, even though my grandparents were in the NAACP and culturally I was more in line with black culture. My Spanish was terrible and I don't look Mexican which was the other small group, so I stopped caring what people thought of me very early on, especially when people tried to tell me what I was or wasn't.

You just gotta flip the switch, I've had people clutch their purse at the sight of me, it made me mad at first but then I'd just laugh and KIM.

Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
I just don't know what to do any-more. I talked to a therapist and she eventually reffered me to someone else. He never returned my calls...I feel trapped in my own body and it fucking sucks. bah, whatever; sorry for the derail. Forget it.

I know this might be wrong to say cause its a bit drastic

but have you tried moving somewhere else. I hated the small town I went to undergrad in for a lot of the reasons you listed. As soon as I moved back to a brooklyn I realized I couldn't deal with living in a small town. And hey it might not even be small towns in general and just the one your in.

You would he surprised how much a persons identity can be anchored by their environment.


I just don't know what to do any-more. I talked to a therapist and she eventually reffered me to someone else. He never returned my calls...I feel trapped in my own body and it fucking sucks. bah, whatever; sorry for the derail. Forget it.

Find some things you like about yourself and start there. It's something to work with at least. I mean, you can at least appreciate yourself for your unique qualities, and if you do, others will too.

And yeah, Canadians are weird with the whole racial dynamic. As with everything else Canadian, it's just like America, but different. I mean, they still had their 'white only' sections of public places too, around the same time things were going down in the USA. They just quietly moved it all into the attic when the time came.

The only difference I've found is that Canadians I know seem to feel like they're far removed from the racial stuff. They aren't from the US so they don't have the same history, so they don't have to worry about it. (Except they probably should...they are by no means immune.)
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