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The Black Culture Thread |OT3| Lighten Up

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What can I say, it's the holier than thou vibes they give off. The GIFs only excentuate it to me. Don't know who such and such artist is? Here comes a bunch of gifs they've used way too much to correct you. Don't like Y artist? Here comes tween lingo and acronyms that not even fucking tweens use anymore (pressed? Welcome to 2009). You're a bunch of mid aged women and men (mostly men) acting like 15 year old girls who just bought their first Nsync album. Like I'm just not down for the "You don't know your artists? you're not one of us boo boo" attitude the give off. It just rubs me the wrong way, and dear god when they thread invade it's like why? I don't even want to post in the thread no more.

I just can't. Classim on a forum is the most hilarious concept ever. Besides 2/3 of the artists they stan/stannette won't even be relevant in 3 years. Sad thing is there are alot of pop artists I'd lvoe to discuss but I don't even want to go in the thread. If I wanted to be humorously berated for not liking Christina Alguierra's hot asshole juice of an album Lotus, I'll post something negative on tumblr with hashtags #thisbitchblowsliterally.


What are you talking about.

The majority, if not all, of the PopGaf community doesn't take the diva behaviour seriously. We just like to throw mud at each other and drag faves for fun. Repeat this on a daily basis and post gifs: that's basically PopGaf. It's pretty harmless.

You sound intimidated. You shouldn't. We're nice*

*depends on your faves
They're not like that. You've created a perception of them to make yourself feel better about putting them down for absolutely no good reason.

I trust that when Royalan participates in the podcast that he will raise the subject and challenge the rest of you to think about your criticism regarding them and how you frame it; ie "god they're just like teen girls!!!" or "god theyre just like snobby rich women!!!" The words you chose speak volume about you - this is thinly veiled sexism, and how dare they demean themselves by behaving like girls when they're GROWN ASS MEN!!!!!!

The truth of it is that the stan culture itself is derived from the Ball, which is an arena that gay men, most of which are minorities (and I say this for you to come to terms with the fact that the lingo comes almost directly from ebonics, so congrats heterosexual masculine blacks, this is a part of you too!), dominate as a means of self expression and as an escape from oppressively applied patriarchal expectations and overtly masculine norms.

I have faith that Royalan will educate you on the matter in a way beyond my own knowledge because he's actually lived it, and he'll be able to correct any of the errors that I've made here.

Well I can't wait until I do get corrected. There are way too many of yall who take the "about that life" thing too far and it rubs people the wrong way. When that thread about the NYC uppity moms made and many people equated them to PopGAF that says alot about how many of them act and address non-PopGAF members. Nothing sexist about it, it is how you act, Tween males act completely different so I'm not going to equate them to you. Hip Hop-GAF (I post frequently) acts like tween males, but nowhere near the extend of PopGAF.

I've posted a few times over the year in PopGAF and that's how I've formed my view on you guys from my interactions with you those few times. I'm sorry I don't like some shitty artist's album, I'm sorry I'm not of your class, I'm sorry I think Y artist isn't as great as Z artist. PopGAF is the OT equivalent of Sony/MS console war-GAF. Just too crazy and too personal over something that...shouldn't be. If your more passionate members turned it down a notch I'm sure more people would love to join in discussion, but you guys create this wall that makes it incredibly hard for others without as much knowledge and love for artists to join in without feeling like a lesser and to me on a videogame forum that is the most hilarious yet tragic shit ever. Hell you'll meet less resistance with Brony-GAF than popGAF...that ain't right.

This is the vibe I get from PopGAF from my exposure and interactions, obviously others MMV, but I only call them like I see them and I got 20/20 vision.

Just sayin


And my bad to Black-GAF for completely derailing this topic worse Clive Owen (movie)


The funniest thing about POPGAF is that for some reason, no matter how many times it's explained, 99.9997% of the posts in the thread are placed with our tongues firmly planted in our cheeks. The fact that even after it's explained that it's all in good fun (for the most part, there are some posters who do take it seriously, #poorthem) people still take it seriously is what's truly hilarious. Seems some people can't allow themselves to just have a good laugh at some ridiculousness once in a while.

The only elitists are those who believe that a poster (or posters) can ruin a thread by there mere presence. i.e.: the Justin Timberlake thread where POPGAFers were giving their honest opinion on the album and being dismissed because of where they post. They didn't post .gifs or anything, just their opinions. Those people are the elitists, not POPGAF.


oh, sorry for the continued deraiL


My only problem with Popgaf is trying to browse the thread on anything but a cray computer will cause the device to explode.
The funniest thing about POPGAF is that for some reason, no matter how many times it's explained, 99.9997% of the posts in the thread are placed with our tongues firmly planted in our cheeks. The fact that even after it's explained that it's all in good fun (for the most part, there are some posters who do take it seriously, #poorthem) people still take it seriously is what's truly hilarious. Seems some people can't allow themselves to just have a good laugh at some ridiculousness once in a while.

The only elitists are those who believe that a poster (or posters) can ruin a thread by there mere presence. i.e.: the Justin Timberlake thread where POPGAFers were giving their honest opinion on the album and being dismissed because of where they post. They didn't post .gifs or anything, just their opinions. Those people are the elitists, not POPGAF.


oh, sorry for the continued deraiL
You have to admit that you have quite a few regs who bring that catty posting style over to completely unrelated subjects with no context. That hurts the community's image.


I like the diva personality of popgaf. It has more character than most gaf communities. I will throw shade at Inferior music taste though.
Some people really think it's cool for 12 yr old boys to get molested.

Some of the stuff some people say on GAF in regards to kids just makes me want to throw bricks. Like that Loli thread we had...I just can't. That thread was just...ugh.

stealth edit: Is this the asian girls = 12 year old boys angle and/or creepygaf?

My only problem with Popgaf is trying to browse the thread on anything but a cray computer will cause the device to explode.

Google said they're looking into it...believe.

Some people were horny 12 year old boys once.



Well I can't wait until I do get corrected. There are way too many of yall who take the "about that life" thing too far and it rubs people the wrong way. When that thread about the NYC uppity moms made and many people equated them to PopGAF that says alot about how many of them act and address non-PopGAF members. Nothing sexist about it, it is how you act, Tween males act completely different so I'm not going to equate them to you. Hip Hop-GAF (I post frequently) acts like tween males, but nowhere near the extend of PopGAF.

I've posted a few times over the year in PopGAF and that's how I've formed my view on you guys from my interactions with you those few times. I'm sorry I don't like some shitty artist's album, I'm sorry I'm not of your class, I'm sorry I think Y artist isn't as great as Z artist. PopGAF is the OT equivalent of Sony/MS console war-GAF. Just too crazy and too personal over something that...shouldn't be. If your more passionate members turned it down a notch I'm sure more people would love to join in discussion, but you guys create this wall that makes it incredibly hard for others without as much knowledge and love for artists to join in without feeling like a lesser and to me on a videogame forum that is the most hilarious yet tragic shit ever. Hell you'll meet less resistance with Brony-GAF than popGAF...that ain't right.

This is the vibe I get from PopGAF from my exposure and interactions, obviously others MMV, but I only call them like I see them and I got 20/20 vision.

Just sayin


And my bad to Black-GAF for completely derailing this topic worse Clive Owen (movie)

You take us waayyy too seriously.

I'm not going to sit here and completely trivialize PopGAF like some do. Truth is music and Pop culture gets discussed in the thread fairly often - way more than people who claim to read the thread ever seem to want to admit. It's not ALL shade-throwing. That being said though, there IS a ton of shade-throwing, but it's just the fabric of our community. Hardly any of it is serious.

I think the biggest misconception about PopGAF and how we behave in the thread is that we somehow invented all of this. The truth is that the stan language, the heavy gif usage, the "reading" of your "lesser faves" for absolute "filth" existed well before there was ever a PopGAF. Read the comments section and forums of a lot of Pop music/Pop culture websites and you'll see a lot of "PopGAF behavior." It's a part of the culture, and sure there might be a bit of a learning curve, but I don't think anybody would want it any other way.

I don't think anyone in PopGAF has been openly hostile to non-regular posters. We welcome EVERYONE (well, unless they step too far out of [l i n e], and then a thorough reading is in order).

You have to admit that you have quite a few regs who bring that catty posting style over to completely unrelated subjects with no context. That hurts the community's image.

PopGAF isn't the only community guilty of this. Do you know how many threads I've deleted before posting because I knew they would just turn into sexy pic threads?
You take us waayyy too seriously.

I'm not going to sit here and completely trivialize PopGAF like some do. Truth is music and Pop culture gets discussed in the thread fairly often - way more than people who claim to read the thread ever seem to want to admit. It's not ALL shade-throwing. That being said though, there IS a ton of shade-throwing, but it's just the fabric of our community. Hardly any of it is serious.

I think the biggest misconception about PopGAF and how we behave in the thread is that we somehow invented all of this. The truth is that the stan language, the heavy gif usage, the "reading" of your "lesser faves" for absolute "filth" existed well before there was ever a PopGAF. Read the comments section and forums of a lot of Pop music/Pop culture websites and you'll see a lot of "PopGAF behavior." It's a part of the culture, and sure there might be a bit of a learning curve, but I don't think anybody would want it any other way.

I don't think anyone in PopGAF has been openly hostile to non-regular posters. We welcome EVERYONE (well, unless they step too far out of [l i n e], and then a thorough reading is in order).

PopGAF isn't the only community guilty of this. Do you know how many threads I've deleted before posting because I knew they would just turn into sexy pic threads?

No that's the problem, I don't take you guys seriously. Which is why I don't post there anymore when I want to discuss music. And I've never claimed you guys don't discuss music so drop the insinuate please, it does neither of us any good in a conversation. And you guys "shade throw" all the time, like you revel in that. Don't get me wrong it's cool and all and I laugh sometimes but some of your more passionate members tend to forget that not every member on GAF knows what you people are about so when you start that gif parade on some random person in OT you just come off as divas/divos. Which again is why many people made that comparison with the NYC moms and that whole NOCD mess. Most of you are level headed, but you got quite a few members who are very passionate about their Christina/Gaga/Beyonce/Britney who take the "about dat life" thing to the next level. Just like console warriors in the gaming-gaf, the rational level headed people who like to discuss are drowned out by the sea of crazies. (Which is why I don't even bother with them half the time either). But I'm sure individually they're much more calm and collect than they are when they're around those of like mind.

Calling it like I see it, my last words on the entire thing. I have no issues with individuals of pop-gaf, the collective entity is what rubs me the wrong way.

Oh yea creepy-gaf...because of them the FBI monitors GAF much more than they should. Between that thread and the loli thread, there are several GAF members I wouldn't trust to watch my niece for 1 seconds, matter of fact don't even touch her or look at her.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Cease fire, yo. Infighting and stereotyping bring us all down. It's just forums. Different threads bring different flavors. We all have our shit no reason we can't get along. I know most don't take it serious but just sayin.


bitch I'm taking calls.
He brings it on himself but Slay's southern drawl is the second best thing in the podcast after dy's endless stories.


No that's the problem, I don't take you guys seriously. Which is why I don't post there anymore when I want to discuss music.

Well then, if that's all there is to it it's not PopGAF's problem if you don't take us seriously, my response to you can be summed up as this:


I only engaged you because your posts on PopGAF had a higher salt content than the Dead Sea.


My only problem with Pop GAF is that they make every other thread they touch annoying as fuck.

I can't speak to the actual Pop GAF thread because I don't go in there.


PG fucks with niggas, which is more than I can say for a certain someone duckin the bct podcast.


Am I doing it right

And this is about to go on record: I didn't "abandon" blackgaf for popgaf. I hardly go to either of them. I've posted in this thread in the past few days more than I have in popgaf in weeks.

I associate with popgaf to the extent that I do because many of them have become good friends that I can speak with on just about anything. We talk together, listen to music together, watch movies and tv shows together, discuss food together, and play games together (Luigi's Mansion this weekend!). That's a ton more than what I can say for myself in this community, because the dynamic is so completely different that it alienates me. I chose not to attempt to change the culture here (because I'm just one person among many - I have my head screwed on straight so I know better than to expect people to cater to my individual whims) and decided to associate with the people I could relate to the best; the people that were able to love things along with me... as opposed to repeatedly taking posts out of threads in OT to bring back here to lament over.

That's really all there is to it.


And this is about to go on record: I didn't "abandon" blackgaf for popgaf. I hardly go to either of them. I've posted in this thread in the past few days more than I have in popgaf in weeks.

I associate with popgaf to the extent that I do because many of them have become good friends that I can speak with on just about anything. We talk together, listen to music together, watch movies and tv shows together, discuss food together, and play games together (Luigi's Mansion this weekend!). That's a ton more than what I can say for myself in this community, because the dynamic is so completely different that it alienates me. I chose not to attempt to change the culture here (because I'm just one person among many - I have my head screwed on straight so I know better than to expect people to cater to my individual whims) and decided to associate with the people I could relate to the best; the people that were able to love things along with me... as opposed to repeatedly taking posts out of threads in OT to bring back here to lament over.

That's really all there is to it.

I was just teasin' guh
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