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The Black Culture Thread |OT3| Lighten Up

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And this is about to go on record: I didn't "abandon" blackgaf for popgaf. I hardly go to either of them. I've posted in this thread in the past few days more than I have in popgaf in weeks.

I associate with popgaf to the extent that I do because many of them have become good friends that I can speak with on just about anything. We talk together, listen to music together, watch movies and tv shows together, discuss food together, and play games together (Luigi's Mansion this weekend!). That's a ton more than what I can say for myself in this community, because the dynamic is so completely different that it alienates me. I chose not to attempt to change the culture here (because I'm just one person among many - I have my head screwed on straight so I know better than to expect people to cater to my individual whims) and decided to associate with the people I could relate to the best; the people that were able to love things along with me... as opposed to repeatedly taking posts out of threads in OT to bring back here to lament over.

That's really all there is to it.

I loved Bianca in Buffy.

Well then, if that's all there is to it it's not PopGAF's problem if you don't take us seriously, my response to you can be summed up as this:

#no one cares
I only engaged you because your posts on PopGAF had a higher salt content than the Dead Sea.

Salt denotes jealousy, and it's pretty clear from my post there nothing for me to be jealous of. And people who say they don't care but engage in conversation try too hard. Leave it to the internet to take a french commune and use it as slang because it has the same pronunciation as an English word THEN use a hastag when forum doesn't even support them. But yea congrats on perpetrating the exact thing I'm talking about, the "better than thou" attitude. Again it's that wall.

I love music discussion in OT because many people talk about music and chime in on experiences (great example is the JT 20/20 Exp thread) in that thread PopGAF aren't flooding it with GIFs and are overall having a great discussion. That's what I like, that thread would not go like that in PopGAF thread. If someone says they don't like an album on GAF I'm sure they're aware they'll get people who disagree with them, but I don't think many people like having a barrage of gifs of busted lookin people flippin their hair, laughing, shooing someone away as a response to their opinon THAT'S my issue. Compare popGAF with KpopGAF. You both discuss pop music, and you both love GIFs. However there is a ridiculous difference in approachability between the two, hell even Hip-HopGAF is more approachable than PopGAF. Also comparing PopGAF to the club mentality doesn't do you any favors either, the stereotypical club hopping socialite is basically the same stereotype as the NYC snobby mom, only difference is age and income (one has the money the other pretends).

I say I don't take you guys seriously and can't engage in conversation in your threads because how many of your fellow posters act, so you in turn act just like the very thing I'm talking about. Okay I guess. I'm done with it, I'll apologize for the brazen comparison with NYC snobby mothers going through a midlife crisis, but nothing else. And I won't speak on it anymore, I've done enough to halt potential Black-GAF discussion with my personal issues and experiences with another subforum.

It is what it is, at the end of the day express yourselves however you like. I'm only one person giving his opinion.
The introduction of Chicken and biscuits in asian communities is starting to show positive results #0perationCaliphate


Alright so this is silly but, there was recently a new pop-eyes chicken added near me in Pittsburgh and I have to admit, I'm really surprised at the amount of Asian people I see eating there and walking around with food from there. It's a diverse part of the city, so obviously you see all kinds of people in all kinds of places, but ancedotally, it seems like Asians like Popeyes above what would be the average for their population. I don't see them fucking with McDonalds or Pizza joints like that, and certainly not KFC.

Regarding gaf communities, I find movie-gaf to be insular and hard to get into.
Alright so this is silly but, there was recently a new pop-eyes chicken added near me in Pittsburgh and I have to admit, I'm really surprised at the amount of Asian people I see eating there and walking around with food from there. It's a diverse part of the city, so obviously you see all kinds of people in all kinds of places, but ancedotally, it seems like Asians like Popeyes above what would be the average for their population. I don't see them fucking with McDonalds or Pizza joints like that, and certainly not KFC.

Even THEY know.


asians love fried chicken. have you ever had asian fried chicken? it's dope.

sn: this thread has taken a turn for the weird lately lol.


I loved Bianca in Buffy.

Salt denotes jealousy, and it's pretty clear from my post there nothing for me to be jealous of. And people who say they don't care but engage in conversation try too hard. Leave it to the internet to take a french commune and use it as slang because it has the same pronunciation as an English word THEN use a hastag when forum doesn't even support them. But yea congrats on perpetrating the exact thing I'm talking about, the "better than thou" attitude. Again that wall.

I love music discussion in OT because many people talk about music and chime in on experiences (great example is the JT 20/20 Exp thread) in that thread PopGAF aren't flooding it with GIFs and are overall having a great discussion. That's what I like, that thread would not go like that in PopGAF thread. If someone says they don't like an album on GAF I'm sure they're aware they'll get people who disagree with them, but I don't think many people like having a barrage of gifs of busted lookin people flippin their hair, laughing, shooing someone away as a response to their. And comparing PopGAF to the club mentality doesn't do you any favors either, the stereotypical club hopping socialite is basically the same stereotype as the NYC snobby mom, only difference is age and income (one has the money the other pretends).

I say I don't take you guys seriously and can't engage in conversation in your threads because how many of your fellow posters act, so you in turn act just like the very thing I'm talking about. Okay I guess. I'm done with it, I'll apologize for the brazen comparison with NYC snobby mothers going through a midlife crisis, but nothing else.

I'm sorry, but I'm perpetrating that "better than thou" attitude because it's the most fitting for this particular discussion. When I pop in on the BCT only to see multiple posts comparing all of PopGAF to BOTH 12-year-old girls using outdated "tween slang" AND snobby rich NYC housewives, at what level am I supposed to approach the discourse? I dunno, you tell me.

And I've already touched on how incredibly ironic it is that you've continuously mislabeled PopGAF and pop culture in the Black Culture Thread of all places - considering how much of how we PopGAFers interact with each other is derived directly from black culture. I could write an essay on the significance of black culture infiltrating and inspiring modern-day popular culture and how it has become an even more dominant force than ever before. Unfortunately, attitudes like yours do nothing but prove to me that such a thing would be completely lost on this thread.

Just tell the truth: you went on a smack tirade about PopGAF in this thread because you thought it was a safe space and got addressed. Don't try to backpeddle now about the quality of the discussion. You clearly didn't think about that when you thought you had a point to make.

By the way, I think it's completely comical that you mention that Justin Timberlake thread, because when I check out that thread I see many of the same behaviors PopGAF gets derided for coming from people who are usually doing the deriding. At the end of the day, that's my biggest issue with a lot of the hate PopGAF gets: there are copious examples of other communities (and posters not affiliated with any particular community) engaging in the exact same behaviors. It becomes so clear that the hate stems from the fact that we're a community that appreciates that silly thing called Pop music. You know, with all those artists that won't be around in another 4 years, as you so eloquently put it.


not licensed in your state
I don't think anything's wrong with an 'airing of grievances'

better than letting it stew inside of ya
Yes, he's in a choir.
Oh. I'm not to surproised, he seems to know his shit when it comes to the technical side of singing. Royalan, you got anything showing off your vocals that you wouldn't mind sharing with us? I'm sure most of us would love to hear it.

Some people really think it's cool for 12 yr old boys to get molested.
I don't wanna derail any conversation going on in here,but the stuff that was posted in that thread was really insensitive and hypocritical at the least, which makes me feel even worse for the kid because attitudes like that make it harder to come forward with this type of stuff. Also the posters who called the kid a "bitch" or "gay" for feeling violated are terrible people, that shit wasn't cool.

Too bad the thread was locked, looked like that .Gqueb or whatever guy was starting to expose himself.
The introduction of Chicken and biscuits in asian communities is starting to show positive results #0perationCaliphate


After an extensive 5 minute search for a possible non photoshopped version of this, I think I can conclude that this image might be real O_O

I can now enjoy this pic, oh lawd good gawd almighty.
A racist joke can still have an element of humor to it by being surprising, clever, play on some truths, Etc.I can be funny in spite of the racism; doesn't make it okay, but it can still technically be funny.

That pic is just a reference to a racist caricature of black folk. There's nothing else to it.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Bike 8 miles today. Ruined it all by going to Fuddruckers and eating a pound of meat.
And this is about to go on record: I didn't "abandon" blackgaf for popgaf. I hardly go to either of them. I've posted in this thread in the past few days more than I have in popgaf in weeks.

I associate with popgaf to the extent that I do because many of them have become good friends that I can speak with on just about anything. We talk together, listen to music together, watch movies and tv shows together, discuss food together, and play games together (Luigi's Mansion this weekend!). That's a ton more than what I can say for myself in this community, because the dynamic is so completely different that it alienates me. I chose not to attempt to change the culture here (because I'm just one person among many - I have my head screwed on straight so I know better than to expect people to cater to my individual whims) and decided to associate with the people I could relate to the best; the people that were able to love things along with me... as opposed to repeatedly taking posts out of threads in OT to bring back here to lament over.

That's really all there is to it.

I tried, Satch lol. Still, you're "one of the good ones" so even if I can't get you on the podcast I'd like you stick around because I'm just one person too. (And Dreams-Visions, if you're reading then this applies to you as well).

I've repeatedly said that this thread isn't meant to be a hiding place or cubbyhole for people to bitch about other things in, but I ain't a mod. I also said its not a boys club, where its 24/7 #fatbootyhoes. Go out and argue your own stances instead of waiting for others to give out a reason to say "WHAT HE SAID!". Etc. But - I'm just one person. And I ain't a mod.

BlackGAF definitely isn't what it used to be... I think its better, not quite what I wanted it to be, but its better. But I also think a big part of it not being that way is because a lot of the good old heads aren't around as much as before (Himuro, Dreams-Visions, Spin, Blackace, Lebron, Crazydogg plenty more that I can't remember off the head).


Bike 8 miles today. Ruined it all by going to Fuddruckers and eating a pound of meat.

I tried, Satch lol. Still, you're "one of the good ones" so even if I can't get you on the podcast I'd like you stick around because I'm just one person too. (And Dreams-Visions, if you're reading then this applies to you as well).

I've repeatedly said that this thread isn't meant to be a hiding place or cubbyhole for people to bitch about other things in, but I ain't a mod. I also said its not a boys club, where its 24/7 #fatbootyhoes. Go out and argue your own stances instead of waiting for others to give out a reason to say "WHAT HE SAID!". Etc. But - I'm just one person. And I ain't a mod.

BlackGAF definitely isn't what it used to be... I think its better, not quite what I wanted it to be, but its better. But I also think a big part of it not being that way is because a lot of the good old heads aren't around as much as before (Himuro, Dreams-Visions, Spin, Blackace, Lebron, Crazydogg plenty more that I can't remember off the head).

Lol, dude hates my guts.

"Harson is a college student. Black males don't attend college, and black people at large certainly don't attend art schools. Black people don't "get" art, it is all about lawyers and doctor type jobs."

"harson is your stereotypical black male who blames all of black people's ills on racism and follows the Al Sharpton Guide To Racism to a tee."

"Harson makes Uncle Ruckus from the Boondocks look like Malcolm X. Tell him I said that."


Bike 8 miles today. Ruined it all by going to Fuddruckers and eating a pound of meat.

I tried, Satch lol. Still, you're "one of the good ones" so even if I can't get you on the podcast I'd like you stick around because I'm just one person too. (And Dreams-Visions, if you're reading then this applies to you as well).

I've repeatedly said that this thread isn't meant to be a hiding place or cubbyhole for people to bitch about other things in, but I ain't a mod. I also said its not a boys club, where its 24/7 #fatbootyhoes. Go out and argue your own stances instead of waiting for others to give out a reason to say "WHAT HE SAID!". Etc. But - I'm just one person. And I ain't a mod.

BlackGAF definitely isn't what it used to be... I think its better, not quite what I wanted it to be, but its better. But I also think a big part of it not being that way is because a lot of the good old heads aren't around as much as before (Himuro, Dreams-Visions, Spin, Blackace, Lebron, Crazydogg plenty more that I can't remember off the head).

Your welcome.
I haven't followed College Ball in years but I'm glad to see my Bruins made the tourney. Even if they will get upset in the first round. That shit is like the UCLA curse. Doesn't even matter how good a roster we have on paper, we always play at the level of our Comp. Beat a top 10 team one weak and lose to West Northern North Dakota State the next.
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