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The Black Culture Thread |OT3| Lighten Up

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Just had a huge convo with my fundamentalist mother last saturday. She is totally okay with god telling joshua to kill innocent men women and children many times throughout scripture. And then she says college brainwashed me because i dont believe that to be right. She pretty much said god can do whatever he wants and we just gotta take it. Also believes katrina was a punishment. Thats funny cuz germany is one of the worlds most prosperous nations.


Yeah that GG announcement caught me totally off guard. Im damn excited. Im just hoping Potemkin is in the game. Gotta rep that Potemkin Buster.

EDIT: Finally updated that avatar feels better

man fuck that nigga Potemkin.

it's all about Testament da gawd.

and Jam and Ky to a lesser extent.


Just had a huge convo with my fundamentalist mother last saturday. She is totally okay with god telling joshua to kill innocent men women and children many times throughout scripture. And then she says college brainwashed me because i dont believe that to be right. She pretty much said god can do whatever he wants and we just gotta take it. Also believes katrina was a punishment. Thats funny cuz germany is one of the worlds most prosperous nations.

Jesus. a lot of Fundamentalist believe that without God, a person cannot be righteous. I totally disagree.


Good shit to arcsys, showing capcom that you can make a solid 2.5d fighter and not be as ugly as sf4.

Ky, and Ms rage all day.

honestly i never got the whole "SF4 is ugly" argument until now. now that i've seen an alternative, i COMPLETELY understand why folks were ripping the art direction of SF4 and SFxT.

that Tatsunoko game looked pretty slick, but i never got a chance to play it. i think that style could be really nice on a system w/ some more power behind it. i guess that's what MvC3 was supposed to be? but that style looks a little off to me. im not a fan. i never encourage biting, but i hope Capcom bites the hell out of the new Guilty Gear artstyle.


honestly i never got the whole "SF4 is ugly" argument until now. now that i've seen an alternative, i COMPLETELY understand why folks were ripping the art direction of SF4 and SFxT.

that Tatsunoko game looked pretty slick, but i never got a chance to play it. i think that style could be really nice on a system w/ some more power behind it. i guess that's what MvC3 was supposed to be? but that style looks a little off to me. im not a fan. i never encourage biting, but i hope Capcom bites the hell out of the new Guilty Gear artstyle.

I never really thought SF4 was that ugly. SFxTK, however, is hideous.

TvC > MvC3 mechanically, but I think they're about neck and neck aesthetically. The new GG looks nice. Shame I've never really been into the game.


My reaction to that GG thread title :O
unreal engine :(
dat clash/animation :D

when that camera spin hit, my jaw dropped.

[edit: i mean look at this shit!
it's beautiful! (;_;) ]

sn: marathonning Titan tonight to catch up. i don't think i'm prepared for how draining this might be. but i survived Casshern Sins...


The physical form of blasphemy
After seeing GG, fuck Capcom if we can't get a SF game with Third Strike art.

when that camera spin hit, my jaw dropped.

sn: marathonning Titan tonight to catch up. i don't think i'm prepared for how draining this might be. but i survived Casshern Sins...

Hella oppressive. lol


LOL you guys, future SF games are fucked. They'll all be lame rehashes of SFIV

it's like people asking for REmake 2. I just LOL.


LOL you guys, future SF games are fucked. They'll all be lame rehashes of SFIV

it's like people asking for REmake 2. I just LOL.

VS/Darkstalkers is the only hope. The world is finally ready for that shit. Dont let us down Capcom!

I would also accept another Alpha style game done in the new GG artstyle.
Thats my mom for ya. Everything good is Gods doing. You have no say. Youre pretty much a puppet.

I have family member like this as well. They start preaching the above to me when they realized I haven't gone to church since 18(27 now).

More times than not at work, religion comes up. Working in a very business work place I just say out respect I don't speak about that at work. When more pushing I guess comes around I just mention I'm spiritual(which I am).
I have family member like this as well. They start preaching the above to me when they realized I haven't gone to church since 18(27 now).

More times than not at work, religion comes up. Working in a very business work place I just say out respect I don't speak about that at work. When more pushing I guess comes around I just mention I'm spiritual(which I am).

I worked at a site where people got salty when I didn't bring my beliefs into play. I worked an area where I felt being professional meant separation of my beliefs from that of my duties. You know what I mean. Well one lady was disgusted when she was told not to wear an angel on her work uniform. She tried to get me to agree but I told her I totally understand where they were coming from. We were worked with CEOs and international workers from all over coming in for meetings. Its about being politically correct. Lets just say the rest of her circle weren't having that. Then I went to a site where it was overt. And it was smiled upon but not said directly. World of difference.

And the lady who raised me for a number of years I haven't spoken to because she doesn't approve of my relationship with my lady. "You living in sin cause you aint married yet." But quicker then shit when they needed my money that sin shit went right out the window.


Just saw the new Star Trek movie. And there were other black people in the theater. And they were talking. All through the damn movie! :( And they clapped and laughed at all the wrong parts of the film. This is why Netflix is winning.


You guys and your 2d fighters. Fighters are a young man's game. I don't know about frames and counterrs and shit. I just play them to see the crazy supermoves,
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