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The Black Culture Thread |OT3| Lighten Up

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I think you're both right. Some people don't take the advice in the threads very well, but then many of those giving it come across as arrogant dickheads.

They help some people - have helped me even - but I don't think the this forum will ever have the kind of environment to help a lot of the people on here. Too much clashing of personalities.

Oh certainly, some people just want to insult people and those threads are an easy target. I know some people legitimately are just asking for help, but some are really not well adjusted.


That, and then following it with "I don't understand how they're virgins in their 20s stuff."

That really should be ban worthy. All it does is shit up a thread and make people feel bad. I lost mine at 14, but I would never, ever, judge someone for not losing theirs or try and make them feel bad about it. If anything, I wish I would have waited a little longer.


So kevincow is claiming he is committing suicide right now in the virgin thread. Clear example why I stay away from those advice threads.

he's got faaaaaaaaaar bigger issues than dating if he's trying to kill himself...

shit i have dating problems, but it's really not that serious in the grand scheme.


Financial is usually the case for people giving up on life next is obviously depression. So it most likely or could be those

I seriously hope it's not because of dating. Agreeing with DK that my shit isn't exactly in order either but in overall, I can deal with it. Then again people deal with certain shit differently.


Dude needs to stay on the gaming side. I say that with care, because there are certain threads that really upset him. I don't think banning him from gaf would be the best course of action as he probably feels very close to it and its members and taking it away may not yield the desired effect unless he has professional help for sure.
Damn been gone a couple hours and you cats talking about suicide and shit. I was reading some of the post you cats were making and let's be real there is more to it then dating. Has to be. Some people cannot take stress and adversity well at all. Best thing I can think of is everything gets easier with time. Maybe this is this mans first taste of adversity and problems. If you had dealt with shit at an early age more than likely any other problems you come across as you mature you will handle a lot better than going for the suicide route. I know if I never had to deal with stepdads accident/mother diagnosed with clinical depression at age 9 I probably wouldn't have successfully made it through my stint in the army successfully. Or being jobless for 5 years. I probably would be staring down that barrel having a short conversation. But if its that first taste it will feel like its never gonna end and then you begin to weep. Then you cry until your eyes give out then you think about how easy it would be to end it. Then that little voice kicks in so faint telling you it will be okay. That you can do it. Then that song randomly comes on the radio and starts to soothe you. Then you wake up and its a new day. And the hurt still stings like a mother fucker. But every passing second it begins to dull. But the first time always hurts. Always..

And about the sex thing ive been sexually active since I was about 11. I've seen shit. And there are days I wish I could have made better decisions. But I don't regret anything. It made me who I am. It molded me into who I have become and it will carry me into the better man I will be. I'm not wearing my age like a badge upon which to brag but upon a step upon which I ascend to something better.

Hope that cat hears a kind word to assist him in rethinking a decision of finality to a problem temporary.


Damn been gone a couple hours and you cats talking about suicide and shit. I was reading some of the post you cats were making and let's be real there is more to it then dating. Has to be. Some people cannot take stress and adversity well at all. Best thing I can think of is everything gets easier with time. Maybe this is this mans first taste of adversity and problems. If you had dealt with shit at an early age more than likely any other problems you come across as you mature you will handle a lot better than going for the suicide route. I know if I never had to deal with stepdads accident/mother diagnosed with clinical depression at age 9 I probably wouldn't have successfully made it through my stint in the army successfully. Or being jobless for 5 years. I probably would be staring down that barrel having a short conversation. But if its that first taste it will feel like its never gonna end and then you begin to weep. Then you cry until your eyes give out then you think about how easy it would be to end it. Then that little voice kicks in so faint telling you it will be okay. That you can do it. Then that song randomly comes on the radio and starts to soothe you. Then you wake up and its a new day. And the hurt still stings like a mother fucker. But every passing second it begins to dull. But the first time always hurts. Always..

And about the sex thing ive been sexually active since I was about 11. I've seen shit. And there are days I wish I could have made better decisions. But I don't regret anything. It made me who I am. It molded me into who I have become and it will carry me into the better man I will be. I'm not wearing my age like a badge upon which to brag but upon a step upon which I ascend to something better.

Hope that cat hears a kind word to assist him in rethinking a decision of finality to a problem temporary.

Honestly, after reading what he said after all that shit went down, he needs to get banned. If only to make him seek other people to interact with. He has problems, but gaf isnt helping him.


Yeah KevinCow has a lot of issues, this is the second or third time he's had a breakdown and started talking about suicide. I remember he's said instead of getting actual help he's gotten thrown into mental asylums several times. I can't imagine how that must feel. :/

Using GAF or not using GAF is irrelevant in his case. He needs lots and lots of professional help that he isn't getting. If that never happens, I'm afraid this shit will just repeat itself until he actually ends up dead.

Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
Ahh thats is horrible to hear. Hopefully he get's help. Mental issues are a disease that is often overlooked until tragedy happens unfortunately and posting that he was going to do that is a likely a cry for help....


Damn, I saw the 'burn bridges' part of the cycle happen too.. when people try to do that to me, I just ignore it as I know they're just trying to push me away and keep talkin' to them.

Social stuff can be hard to deal with though. I have diagnosed agoraphobia and it's really hard to explain to people. I have to talk with people on the internet for a while before I'm okay with meeting them, because it doesn't matter if you're a 4 foot tall girl or a 7 foot tall dude, I'm afraid of you unless I feel you're less of a stranger. And it's this general fear that's hard to explain to people. It's not like I think you're going to stab me or rob me or anything.. I'm just afraid of you. At restaurants I try to sit at the seat that has it's back against the wall and can see everyone else. I have to inform people that I MUST have the option to leave whatever they want to take me to at any time. Sit down restaurants are the worst for this because my anxiety will build but I can't step outside because I don't want to look like I'm dine and dashing. PAX meetups are a sort of personal hell that I think I probably do a good job of hiding. Etc.

While I was in Vancouver I had an invite to go to the Canadian Videogame Awards and I had to skip it because my anxiety was in overdrive just thinking of all those people there. Missed out on being able to meet David Hayter and both the Shepard voice actors and shit over that. It sucks. So I try to understand when other people have social difficulties, even when they're the not the same exact anxiety.


Back when I was younger, we had a guy we made amateur games with on the internet. He befriended a lot of people, but years into it he started a cycle of threatening suicide and writing megaposts going on about how he was persecuted and such, coming back, threatening it again, etc. We'd try to help, but each time the cycle started again he'd burn bridges with one forum and then go to another. And each time he pushed away only the people that got the closest to him, claiming they were 'spies' from the previous forum. He accused me of having a network of spies that kept tabs on him, and accused his ex gf of the same, because he wanted to be in control of all aspects of her life. He sent rage letters to studios that localized any anime he liked that would now be 'consumerist' instead of underground and Japan-only. And then one day he left a serious suicide note / death threat to Funimation as the MOTD of his newest forums he ran and we hit every email we knew of. Someone finally got in touch with his mom and she intervened, and he was hospitalized. We didn't hear much about him since then, all I know is he's still alive via someone who didn't get deleted off his friends list on one of the IM networks. I'm glad to know he's okay, even though he'll never talk to me again.

It's practically a script when you look at it happening elsewhere. Not the exact same events, but the cycle of befriending -> bridge burning -> collect new friends -> bridge burn. And it always hurts because you want to try to help them, but helping them would mean they need to start acknowledging the reality they should belong to and not the one they want to keep going.
I'm happy he's ok and everything but shocked people are blaming me and devo for it. Especially with it involving kev cow.

No one on the forum is responsible for it, that's just a bunch of nonsense.
Unless you've actually been egging him on, or called him a worthless waste of time, I highly doubt anything you or Devolution could have said that might have significantly contributed to it.

His problems have a clear real life root, and the internet as a whole probably have a marginal effect (if any) on him. That goes both ways, when it comes to helping him and hurting him. Like others have said, he just really need proper help outside of the internet - but when you get locked up in mental asylums like zon mentioned, I imagine it's hard to get the help you need.


I'm happy he's ok and everything but shocked people are blaming me and devo for it. Especially with it involving kev cow.

Most everyone tries to be real with each other here on GAF, you can't tell when you're going to step on a landmine that a poster left for you to step on.


Junior Member
No one on the forum is responsible for it, that's just a bunch of nonsense.
Unless you've actually been egging him on, or called him a worthless waste of time, I highly doubt anything you or Devolution could have said that might have significantly contributed to it.

His problems have a clear real life root, and the internet as a whole probably have a marginal effect (if any) on him. That goes both ways, when it comes to helping him and hurting him. Like others have said, he just really need proper help outside of the internet - but when you get locked up in mental asylums like zon mentioned, I imagine it's hard to get the help you need.

Most everyone tries to be real with each other here on GAF, you can't tell when you're going to step on a landmine that a poster left for you to step on.

Yeah. And I've noticed it's always on specific topics. You never see that level of empathy in regards to race here. I saw a few people in that thread saying understand/don't judge who take a certain stance in AA and race threads.


I noticed that too. Advice threads for things like cooking or fitness or what have you tend to go smooth. Something about dating age turns people into assholes, though. lol

Most of the dating advice threads I've read have been a waste of time reading because the people seeking advice either not listening or lashing out at the people giving advice until ONE poster says the words they wanted to hear. Like 99% of the thread will tell the advice seeker to do X thing to fix his or her relationship problem. But then one or two posters will comes in and tells him/her to do the opposite of what everyone else is saying to do (which just makes the problem worse) and that's the advice the advice seeker takes and runs with. Why bother making the thread if you aren't going to listen to the majority of the advice being given?

Glad to see that guy didn't kill himself and was banned, cause dude needs a break from online/needs some sunshine.

I'm happy he's ok and everything but shocked people are blaming me and devo for it. Especially with it involving kev cow.

Don't think too hard about it, it's a bunch of posters showing up in the thread making quick comments without knowing much about the situation. Anyone talking about killing themselves on a messageboard has problems, that's the reality.
am I the only one who prefers a higher tip for delivery drivers over waiters/servers?

I mean, dude is bringing Pizza straight to my door. I get maybe one or two refills at best and an initial serving of my plate from a waiter/server and thats the end of it.


not licensed in your state
So a black guy gives his local papa johns delivery guy a 21% tip, and the driver accidentally calls his house back and leaves this charming message.


So WTF, we over tip and they still got shit to say?


Also this was in Sanford Florida AKA Zimmerman country, SMH.

Some days you just can't win.

Although, the judge at the Zimmerman trial just threw out all that bs 'evidence' the defense tried to cook up, so maybe the universe balances itself sometimes


Yeah. And I've noticed it's always on specific topics. You never see that level of empathy in regards to race here. I saw a few people in that thread saying understand/don't judge who take a certain stance in AA and race threads.

I've stepped on landmines a couple of times. Usually happens when someone wants attention and you don't play along with the attention train.

It usually turns into a driveby feeding frenzy and even though it sucks, it's sometimes easier to just lay low and ignore any responses from people looking for bites on their fishing line and wait for the next shiny thing and they'll forget about it.

Most of the dating advice threads I've read have been a waste of time reading because the people seeking advice either not listening or lashing out at the people giving advice until ONE poster says the words they wanted to hear. Like 99% of the thread will tell the advice seeker to do X thing to fix his or her relationship problem. But then one or two posters will comes in and tells him/her to do the opposite of what everyone else is saying to do (which just makes the problem worse) and that's the advice the advice seeker takes and runs with. Why bother making the thread if you aren't going to listen to the majority of the advice being given?

See, that's the thing. The people that do that shit, and push away legitimate people looking for help, seem to latch onto the people that show up to be friends of opportunity. Guy I mentioned above did the same thing of ignoring the mass advice and took the opposite advice of one or two friends of opportunity. They ignore the help and seemingly go along with people that will make their situation worse, often because that person is telling them what they'd like to believe than what the actual reality is. They eventually burn so many bridges, the only people they have left are people that are legitimately abusive to them, because they now have someone they can easily manipulate.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Some days you just can't win.

Although, the judge at the Zimmerman trial just threw out all that bs 'evidence' the defense tried to cook up, so maybe the universe balances itself sometimes
Is there a new thread for this on GAF? The old one got closed.
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