That's just a one thing. She's in San Diego right now visiting her friends. Will be here until late Sept.
I'll be in San Diego in about a week >=)
Kaep Im sry.
Morris seek her out
That's just a one thing. She's in San Diego right now visiting her friends. Will be here until late Sept.
I'll be in San Diego in about a week >=)
Real talk, anyone in this thread have a problem with the use of the word "nigga" around other black folks?
Real talk, anyone in this thread have a problem with the use of the word "nigga" around other black folks?
I rarely use it, and if I do, it's jokingly or quoting someone.
Which makes it weird when there are threads about white people not being able to use the word. It's like they base their image of black people entirely on The Boondocks and rap music.
It's anecdotal but most people I've met were similar in their usage of the word to you. Of course I've met guys who say it more than 'the' but in my experience that's on the extreme end.
Now that I think about it I would put money on actual usage has decreased since the 90s.
Really? I've felt like I've heard it more since then. And at younger ages too. High school's still a fond memory with the word being thrown around all the time.
Real talk, anyone in this thread have a problem with the use of the word "nigga" around other black folks?
Real talk, anyone in this thread have a problem with the use of the word "nigga" around other black folks?
Not really. I personally have been trying to lower my own usage of the term, but I recognize everyone's relationship to the word is different.
Real talk, anyone in this thread have a problem with the use of the word "nigga" around other black folks?
You reminded me, I was listening to a podcast last night and it ahd some dudes from Baltimore on there. They were talking about free wifi at places, and the B-more dudes say they don't take their laptops nowhere cause there was a good chance they would not come home with them.
When it comes to the use of pejoratives if you really had pals of that minority you could say those words because they know you're not a prick. So when someone comes out and is all "why can't I say ____" I always wonder.
Real talk, anyone in this thread have a problem with the use of the word "nigga" around other black folks?
I'm close enough to only one guy (he'd go on news broadcasts with me as my black friend if I ever get caught up in a race incident) where I feel comfortable saying it in front of and it wouldn't be weird cause we sling that type of dirt at each other. Even then it's like talking about someone's mom, if it's funny and isn't malicious it'll most likely slide but incorrect wording, context or tone might end badly. And that's most definitely a one on one thing, it looks too disrespectful to an unaware third party.
When we worked together and a customer called and he needed something he could say "Hey Jose (not my name), go get X for me and try not to take a nap on the way" He'd get a be-careful-stare and he'd wear a shit eating grin. But if the customer was physically there in that same situation and heard the exchange, that'd be different.
I think that the give and take of slurs amongst people may be another reason some white people never get 'permission' from their friends. If you go that route of dogging on eachother then what does the non-white friend get from their white friend? Gonna say you can't dance or say you sunburn easy? For lack of better wording, the trade is lopsided
Real talk, anyone in this thread have a problem with the use of the word "nigga" around other black folks?
the word has been a part of my everyday conversation. I use it around white and black people interchangeably. Just yesterday in class, mothafucka walked in wearing his pajamas at 1:15 in the afternoon,"This nigga..."
the word has been a part of my everyday conversation. I use it around white and black people interchangeably. Just yesterday in class, mothafucka walked in wearing his pajamas at 1:15 in the afternoon, "This nigga..."
Time for that drowning out effect.
Also, the genuine responses i got to this gave me a good chuckle today.
The white person has to be even more close with an individual, and both have to have a good sense of humor. That's at least my experience. Also people who grow up in certain regions just get that comradery without trying that hard. Some language is just more intuitive to certain groups. At my school for instance people of just about every race were using "nigga" and no one cared.
Real talk, anyone in this thread have a problem with the use of the word "nigga" around other black folks?
I just feel like most gamers and devs don't have the tools talk about this stuff in a sane way.
Polygon always make me feel hipster.
still need 80 dollars for ps4 #struggleisreal
still need 80 dollars for ps4 #struggleisreal
I almost feel like we need an Anita Sarkeesian type figure to see the issue get any headway.
the word has been a part of my everyday conversation. I use it around white and black people interchangeably. Just yesterday in class, mothafucka walked in wearing his pajamas at 1:15 in the afternoon, "This nigga..."
And the sad part is, the only reason Anita managed to get the issue any headway was because of the sheer amount of backlash and vitriol she faced after announcing her kickstarter. Had people managed to actually restrain themselves and not blow the story up, she would have made her videos, her normal audience would have watched them, and outside of a few articles on the series no one would be talking about it.
I'd love to see a video game equivalent to Milestone Comics come along, but I don't know if the game industry has its own version of McDuffie et. al. to make that happen.
amazon was going to sell my pspgo on there but i have 2 very fine scratches that are so light you cant see them but the will only give me 16 dollars with them scratches.Where did you pre-order?
I've read that article actually. I shared it on my fb and only response I got was the insistence that black kids didn't need more video games cause half of them can barely read.* lolYou reminded me of this article actually.
A friend of mine wanted to do an opinion piece on black pros in the industry. When she tried to make a list of names, she struggled. I helped her add a few names, but it didn't come to much either. Told her that should be the main point of her piece.
Kaep Im sry.
Morris seek her out
Which sucks, because I think it's sad that game writers feel themselves incapable of writing minority characters without immediately falling back on lazy stereotypes. What's even more sad is the idea that minorities in games have to be justified through some kind of story reason while straight white dudes can be anything and everything without little need for any kind of explanation.
For a lot of writers, this is their greatest fear. And their greatest failing at the same time. I was really happy when one of our writers for AC4 took time to do a lot more research than reading a book, especially for the black pirate that will appear in game.
I'll teach her
Just curious. I think it's hard for people to wrap their minds around the fact that they are two different words with two different meanings/
I'll teach her
Then I think some go out of their way to be assholes. In a world where they have cyborgs nobody should be shucking and jiving..
She doesn't like Mexican dudes so he is SOL.
EDIT: harSon, question about Elysium. Is it has heavy on the Marxism? I said this in another thread but the trailers look like some took a Intro to Karl Marx class and never bothered to attend the past the second week.
Now that's just ignorance and I never say it. There's a particular reason why you don't hear people who've fought the through the Civil Rights movement use it. I hate it myself, but I didn't come here for that.
For some reason I still can't make a thread on these forums so I'll ask here. I know white nerds are a bit better with this, but can anyone recommend me a laptop for school usage? I want one with Windows 7, not 8. Thinking about buying a refurbished off of amazon, but not sure if those are reliable or not.
Ima be real and upfront. I live by a strange philosophy. I believe in paying it forward. For example when I order food in a restaurant or deal with anyone in a customer service capacity, I greet and I ask hows your day going. And *surprise* I mean it. I believe that by doing that giving them that break from the rudeness and the bullshit from all the other folks they deal with on a daily, I tell them thank you and I preciate it. You would be surprised at how attitudes and just atmosphere change by just starting off like that. I do it with everyone and shit is solid. I fucking hate negativity and I do my best to approach anything with kindness. Even dealing with knuckleheads, fucksticks, and assholes I still keep that approach. When I was coming up I saw a lot of hustlers come at somebody correct you get that respect. You come at somebody sideways you get your shit split. Thats just gospel.
Now that's just ignorance and I never say it. There's a particular reason why you don't hear people who've fought the through the Civil Rights movement use it. I hate it myself, but I didn't come here for that.
For some reason I still can't make a thread on these forums so I'll ask here. I know white nerds are a bit better with this, but can anyone recommend me a laptop for school usage? I want one with Windows 7, not 8. Thinking about buying a refurbished off of amazon, but not sure if those are reliable or not.
I mean....yeah. lol Unless you're in one of the nicer parts of town, like the area where my college was, it's best you not be seen with anything too nice.
There are a lot of nice areas and places in Baltimore, but if you're not careful, you can take that one wrong turn at Albuquerque and end up in Mad Max. My own neighborhood is an example; the five-ten mile radius is around my place is great. My friends are amazed at how clean and safe it looks. But five-ten minute drive will land you right back in the hood proper. lol
I think the old saying "people what what they know" is true especially in gaming. A lot of devs are just not good writers and seem to have limited experience with minorities.