In my mind start it out with a flashback of cap going to check on something in wakanda during WWII (leading to the cap vs BP fight) and then boom go to the present right into klaw storyline but have him supported by an an army of mercenaries. Then to really up the danger have the transformation turn law into some sort if hybrid radioactive man/vibranium creature. Then BP beats claw, wakanda beats mercenaries.... Cap comes to see what are the explosions are' he comes across the battlefield see's BP is there and says hey I remember you ... You could help save the world with your skills .... Join the avemgers
Like the Idea. I was thinking of the WWII Flash back would happen some time in winter soldier. I have a feeling WS is the gate way to BP.
@slay Im not sure if alone Man-Ape works he needs a klaw or some other stronger villain pulling the strings.