Angelus Errare
If you haven't seen Black Lagoon at least once, you're missing out on some good shit.
It has giant robots, yeah, but its not about giant robots.
Gundam anything basically turns the gundams into deities. You can have Geass without mechs. You can't have eva without mechs.
It goes a bit beyond stereotypes, and feeds into scientific racism. Mexicans are genetically predisposed to having a longer reach? Blacks dominate boxing because they are genetically predisposed to being athletic and have good rhythm since brith? Bryan Hawk?
It's still one of the best animes out there, but let's be real here, it's got some ignorant qualities to it.
ive said this before, and ill say it again, you can subsitute anything other than mechs in the uc series, and it would still be compelling. cars, tanks, types of armaments, etc. dont care about eva because fuck it.
you should check out eyeshield 21, black muscles is real
you should check out eyeshield 21, black muscles is real
It goes a bit beyond stereotypes, and feeds into scientific racism. Mexicans are genetically predisposed to having a longer reach? Blacks dominate boxing because they are genetically predisposed to being athletic and have good rhythm since brith? Bryan Hawk?
It's still one of the best animes out there, but let's be real here, it's got some ignorant qualities to it.
Eyeshield 21 cracked me up when they played the American team. Those twitch muscles!
People hype up AoT too much. It's really melodramatic. But I have this problem with many an anime.
So is AoT basically Breaking Bad in Anime form?
I'm in if the show is that good/addictive
Its excessively melodramatic.
And unlike typical protagonists, this guy has legit PTSD. Hell, everyone has PTSD. Dudes get ate. I'd probably headbutt my only friend too if the Taliban were suddenly 40ft tall and eating people out of Chinooks.
Its excessively melodramatic.
And unlike typical protagonists, this guy has legit PTSD. Hell, everyone has PTSD. Dudes get ate. I'd probably headbutt my only friend too if the Taliban were suddenly 40ft tall and eating people out of Chinooks.
Without skin on top of it. Its pretty crazy, but not pants shittingly awesome like some claim. Although I will say its more deserving of praise than SAO
yall going hard over anime
SAO goes from being a little above average with outstanding potential to be great to crashing harder than Eddie Griffin's career.
I'm not going hard over anything. I just grew up on late 80s/early 90s anime that knew how to set a mood.
SAO goes from being a little above average with outstanding potential to be great to crashing harder than Eminem's career.
SAO goes from being a little above average with outstanding potential to be great to crashing harder than Eddie Griffin's career.
I take dubs and subs on a case-by-case basis though. Plenty of anime have solid dubs. Also for some shows it technically makes slightly more sense for the setting for the characters to be speaking English and not Japanese (like Black Lagoon, FullMetal, and possibly AoT).
See I cant help but to think "get on with it" at moments like that. It kills the momentum to me to linger on those moments.
SAO goes from being a little above average with outstanding potential to be great to crashing harder than Eddie Griffin's career.
Potential to be great as in finishing what .hack started. It could've got there. Maybe.I've only been watching on Toonami. When does that happen?
I've only been watching on Toonami. When does that happen?
Did they ever actually show up, or were they the cowards I expect them to be?
the first episode was kinda hot. after that...
How old is she? I only heard old black people say that.So I'm at work in the office. I wasn't paying attention to my co-workers conversation. I then push back from my PC to take a breather and talk.
Preface: Everyone in the aisle/row is black.
A girl whom I have to be careful of talking with (very touchy/short fuse/ gets offended by everything) alot was express her feelings about health care & doctors. She then stunned us all when she said : "I wouldn't want my doctor to be black. Yes she was being serious."
I'm like what? I think to myself. We all then look at her thinking we heard wrong
"I mean yeah but if he's from the islands(Caribbean) then I think that's ok because he's not a yank (yankee)"
Friend: So you mean you'd have issue with a Black American doctor being your primary health care person.
Her: Yeah
Friend: Despite the fact he spent years in school & is damn good?
Her: Yeah
I 'm no one to have discussions with people with short fuses like her in question. So I then said in front of everyone, "yeah I'm speechless & I'll be going back to work"
The look on everyone else's faces were WTF? It was so damn awkward in the row at the time.
Bits of info: She's Haitian & born here in Miami like myself if that makes any difference.
I just wanted to share this WTF moment
Cleaning up my PC. What's the consensus on which anti-virus/PC protection to go with?
How old is she? I only heard old black people say that.
Anime is slowly coming back bros. although DY will be sad when Dandy dudes in space are the norm. No more school girls with Guitars for him anymore.
Been using Avast + SuperAntiSpyware for 5 years, and not had a single virus or malware infection.
Cleaning up my PC. What's the consensus on which anti-virus/PC protection to go with?
Super antimalware and microsoft sercuity been good to me. Stop going to sketchy porn sites.
There is a dude that has been through 10 360s. I sad goddamn, I would leave it alone after the second one.