the only memorial badguys are from the first one. But that doesn't hold the game back.
The missions were boring as hell (especially compared to GTA:SA). Keep in mind I did not purchase any DLC.
Lame as it sounds, I'm kind of glad. Otherwise I would have been up worrying if I should get in on the MP while it's hot even though I always play SP first
Parallax did you read that millar interview talking about his use of rape?
oh my god
Man I'm thinking about that military route too.
So Black gaf im like 50/50 going back to school and picking up another BS Degree.
What should I look into? Computer Sciences/Nursing/business
Film/TV ain't paying the bills atm. And I would like to have a check every 2 weeks. Military still in Play but knee needs to be looked at before I cant finish getting into Shape.
Any advice ?
3.9% unemployment in nursing to 8.7% in CS hmmm
Been talking to my boy that is a nurse said "I love then money, Dislike the Job, Way to stressful" I think him seeing ppl die has be what made him second guessCS or Nursing
Never to old to better yourself or to try new things my mom taught me that. @ 25 im thinking about going back to school.yo i'm not about this manual labour life at all. it's good money and the kids who do move forward with it and make a career out of it here make good money. 6 figure salaries are practically guaranteed after a few years though the hours are long and the work is cyclical.
but's killing me.
i'm thinking of going back to school for computer science as well. is that still a good major for the job market? i've been dabbling in some beginner programming at home and i don't mind math.
i'll be 24 before i can get started in a program though. too old for this?
Due to certain things that happen I switch from CS to CIS. Once they told me I had to take chemistry I kind of freaked out.
CIS - Computer Information Systems
Follows a slightly divergent track than traditional Computer Science. More focused on software and programming rather than discrete & higher end computational mathematics.
Been talking to my boy that is a nurse said "I love then money, Dislike the Job, Way to stressful" I think him seeing ppl die has be what made him second guess
Never to old to better yourself or to try new things my mom taught me that. @ 25 im thinking about going back to school.
CIS ? and yea i heard chem is a pain in the ass. My study habits were ASS in HS but after College they were so much better.
Edit : Why the FUCK didnt i call my friend when i fucked up my knee he could have given me an outline of what i could have done to it.
CIS - Computer Information Systems
Follows a slightly divergent track than traditional Computer Science. More focused on software and programming rather than discrete & higher end computational mathematics.
its like the sonic cycle. except white people arent really clamoring for white tyler perry
Been talking to my boy that is a nurse said "I love then money, Dislike the Job, Way to stressful" I think him seeing ppl die has be what made him second guess
Never to old to better yourself or to try new things my mom taught me that. @ 25 im thinking about going back to school.
CIS ? and yea i heard chem is a pain in the ass. My study habits were ASS in HS but after College they were so much better.
Edit : Why the FUCK didnt i call my friend when i fucked up my knee he could have given me an outline of what i could have done to it.
Mine too. I had well below a 2.0 and had exactly enough credits to graduate, and that's only because one of my teachers Senior year basically gifted me a jump from a D to a C. My study habits definitely got better in college in the sense that I actually started to give a shit about things farther than a day or two out, but they were still shit. If college had all of the bullshit daily HW/busy work committments that High School did, then there's no way in hell I would have graduated. College is infinitely more procrastinating/lazy friendly than HS IMO.
My first semester at college. ..dude....biggest wake up call I ever had in school. GPA tanked faster then Sonys stock.
Got better but only at the point where I barely try to pass now.
Are Max Payne 3's mechanics good? Since that's basically what GTAV is using. GTA's biggest flaw to me was always shitty shooting mechanics. GTA4 even fucked up driving mechanics.
oh my god
I had a .38 GPA after my first semester in college. Back in high school, I had a 4.2
I thought I was fucking invincible. High school and college (first semester) were two completely different experiences for me. After I got my ish together, studied, attended office hours, etc, I did a lot better.
I have a meeting tomorrow morning to explain the backlog of work. 6 months prior to me getting this job, it was vacant. Meaning for 6 months this job was not done. I got here was instructed to catch up while keeping up to date. This all while covering multiple other desks and being assigned projects outside of the department. The nature of bank mergers and buyouts is nasty. The bank being bought cuts staff to save cash and appear to have lower costs than they actually do and so people in positions like mine get fucked.
Might have to take an L instead of risking sounding like I'm making excuses.
Sheeeeit. What major? I had a 3.78, but that was with a Film Production/Studies major and a minor in education. I partied like a motherfucker too. I didn't go into a 4-year college as a Freshman though, so that dorm like def might have slayed me.