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The Black Culture Thread |OT4| Learn to love the BBC

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
At least Vita feels like the hardware belongs in the time period it as released in

Wii U looks like some Chinese knockoff of the iPad 2 but even the Chinese got quicker on the bubble than Nintendo.
And question for the fam......
Hotline Miami or Ducktales Remastered......?

Hotline. EASILY. Hotline's one of the best games made in the last few years. Addictive as hell.


Definitely disappointed that i bought Wii u at launch but Pikmin 3, Art Academy miiverse and wonderful 101 demi has kept my interest these past couple of days.

Give me Mario Kart and Donkey Kong and I'd be happy with the purchase

What do you guys think about the sexual partners thread. Not going to lie I think 30 partners by 24 is a bit much for me. I wouldn't necessarily look down upon it but more so question and this is regardless of gender. I'm a bit of a cautious person in general.

By the way there's this girl at my work who's been flirting with me for a while now but I'm 19 and she's like 22/23, halp I've got no game.


I guess it comes off as a surprise because I'm pretty childish and look like one, but I'll give it a try next time I see her.
By the way there's this girl at my work who's been flirting with me for a while now but I'm 19 and she's like 22/23, halp I've got no game.

You know I never understood this. If a lady is flirting with you stop for two seconds dont act like don juan and say the most logical thing possible. Speak and say whatsup. Feel her out. Hold a conversation and remember at the end of it all she is another human being. Treat her as such and watch the magic happen. In the back of your mind remember if she turns you down cool no big shrug it off and roll with it. But if she is flirting with you then my brother half the work is done.

Just speak and let the shit come natural. Dont play yourself up. Treat her like a human. Worst thing she can do or say is no. Have that in your head and you can approach any female. If you start treating her like some rare and special being that only comes when the stars align and the comets pass over head then you gonna fuck yourself out of a possible good thing.

Good luck to you.

EDIT: And when you read this look at my avatar. its giving you that look and telling you whats up.
real talk trixx listen to rio. I wish I could go back in time and slap my younger self on the back of the head for all the openings I missed. I was always the youngest person in every grade so these things flew past my head till later and I'd be like damn she was feelin me a month later


By the way there's this girl at my work who's been flirting with me for a while now but I'm 19 and she's like 22/23, halp I've got no game.
Just ask her out, brah. Don't be like me: miss out on chances like this and then kick yourself mentally for it later. I understand the hesitation - I have no game either lol - but seriously, just take a shot.


If there is one thing guaranteed to work, its thinking too hard.


"Naw, no way she likes me, she acts like that with everyone!!"

If you think long enough you'll talk yourself out of anything, go for it man, you have nothing to lose. I should know lol.

Wonder if the 3 in the front are still alive and getting down like this.


Moris you still in the market for a tablet? They just slashed the price for the Sero LT to 79 bucks and the Sero pro 129. Damn good tablets.


I wonder if Amazon is going to fire their contractors at the end of each game by sending them termination notices via Super Saver Shipping


I've been hearing about the ridiculous price on the Vita memory cards, but I never bothered to look it up. $80 for a 32gb memory card? LMAO. They expected people to pay that on top of the $250 price of entry? And for a platform with that software library?


I've been hearing about the ridiculous price on the Vita memory cards, but I never bothered to look it up. $80 for a 32gb memory card? LMAO. They expected people to pay that on top of the $250 price of entry? And for a platform with that software library?

I'm lucky I got my 16gb for free from the nice folks at VitaGaf.

...because ya, those prices are stupid.


I'm lucky I got my 16gb for free from the nice folks at VitaGaf.

...because ya, those prices are stupid.

I kind of want one just for the Indie games. I like Indie games, but I sort of feel that I'd enjoy them more as a pocket experience, rather than in a traditional console space. But there's no way in hell I'm paying $250, tax and a memory card for a Vita Lol.


I kind of want one just for the Indie games. I like Indie games, but I sort of feel that I'd enjoy them more as a pocket experience, rather than in a traditional console space. But there's no way in hell I'm paying $250, tax and a memory card for a Vita Lol.

That's the reason why I got one. Indies and old school titles that I just don't feel I would enjoy as much on the big screen than on a handheld where I can enjoy them in bite sized chunks.

Best thing to do is to wait till Black Friday or a sale comes up. Last years Black Friday sale on the vita on Amazon was a steal.


KONY aka King of the Leather Fitteds aka Papoose just responded to Kendrick.

Cornier like E-Y-E made me press rewind. 40 Cal needs to release a diss record. Show Tuflii might as well respond. Yung Nate need to put out something. Basically every artist from the last 8 years will respond and keep proving Kendrick right.
Nerds lead a hard life. The struggle is real.

KONY aka King of the Leather Fitteds aka Papoose just responded to Kendrick.

Cornier like E-Y-E made me press rewind. 40 Cal needs to release a diss record. Show Tuflii might as well respond. Yung Nate need to put out something. Basically every artist from the last 8 years will respond and keep proving Kendrick right.
Anyone that responds directly, especially over the same beat will take a L.


That's the reason why I got one. Indies and old school titles that I just don't feel I would enjoy as much on the big screen than on a handheld where I can enjoy them in bite sized chunks.

Best thing to do is to wait till Black Friday or a sale comes up. Last years Black Friday sale on the vita on Amazon was a steal.
People are saying a price cut is going to be announced at Gamescon


Figured I'd share this with black gaf:

“My plan wasn’t just to show it to executives, but to show it to the world so that the people could have a voice in this as well.” -Lena Waithe

I’m sure many of you have seen people talking about Lena Waithe recently and perhaps you’ve seen some of the other work she’s done (Dear White People). Maybe you haven’t - you should change that. I watched the four part pilot presentation and it wasn’t until the fourth part that I was completely sold. Now don’t confuse that statement, I really loved and laughed at the first three parts, but it’s (intentionally) in the fourth part where we see the heart of the show, the honesty, the realness.

Waithe wrote & created TWENTIES, a single camera comedy about three black women in their twenties, and shopped it around to networks.

A lot of networks read the script and loved it, but they either thought there wasn’t an audience for it or that it already existed. Of course I became extremely frustrated because I knew neither of those things were true. So I realized I had to show these network executives that TWENTIES was one of a kind and that there was nothing on TV like it. And I figured the best way to do that was to shoot a pilot presentation, which meant we would shoot a few pivotal scenes from the script, edit them together, and give people a sense of how the show would look and feel. Lucky for me, Justin Simien (writer/director DEAR WHITE PEOPLE) offered to direct it and Flavor Unit was willing to pay for it. Now I had the opportunity to show people what I was going for instead of trying to explain it to them. My plan wasn’t just to show it to executives, but to show it to the world so that the people could have a voice in this as well. And just so we’re clear: this is not a web series! I repeat this is not a web series. Not that there’s anything wrong with doing a web series. I’ve done one. My goal is to partner with a network that understands what I’m going for.

Spread the word about this show.

The good news is I don’t want your money. There’s no Kickstarter or IndieGoGo attached to this project. All we want you to do is commit to sharing TWENTIES with twenty of your friends. The more you spread the word the better chance we have of getting it on TV. We’ll keep pitching. You keep sharing. Let’s do this!

WATCH THIS. It’s hilarious and heartbreaking (and it features Sanditon’s very own Lenne Klingaman just in case you need extra enticing, which you don’t because you should watch this anyway because it’s awesome.)


welp were getting our own Grantland courtesy of Jason Whitlock. idk how I feel about this because he isn't a fraction of the writer Bill Simmons is. hope he's got a lot of good writer friends.


I use to laugh when people said console players con't keep up with PC players.

Until i played Battlefield 3 today.

These fools ain't know joke. I got like 3 kills and 10 suppression assists for firing blindly in one direction.


KONY aka King of the Leather Fitteds aka Papoose just responded to Kendrick.

Cornier like E-Y-E made me press rewind. 40 Cal needs to release a diss record. Show Tuflii might as well respond. Yung Nate need to put out something. Basically every artist from the last 8 years will respond and keep proving Kendrick right.
Called it.


I thought this was interesting...

The Politics of Being Friends w/ White People

My best friend at 9 was white -- but interracial friendships later became a struggle. Here's why everything changed

A recent Reuters/Ipsos poll, which found that 40 percent of white people and 25 percent of nonwhite people have no friends of the opposite race, caused me to reflect deeply on the friendship segregation that has characterized my own life.

These days most of my close friends are black. No. Let me be honest. All my close friends are black. One of my BFFs likes to joke that all of my white friends were grandfathered in before 1998, the year I graduated high school.

In third grade, during the Presidential election of 1988, my grandmother asked me whom I was voting for. To her utter dismay, I proudly announced “Bush!” unsuspectingly mimicking the overwhelming choice that my young classmates had made during the class “election.” She looked at me, shook her head forcefully and said, “Naw, Girl! Dukakis!” It would be many years before I understood that the difference in political orientations was just one of the many substantive differences between me and my classmates.

I had only begun to have white friends the year prior when I found myself newly “tracked” into the higher-achieving second grade class based on superior reading ability. Scattered into a predominantly white classroom among only a handful of black students left me desperately wanting to culturally fit in and sound like my peers, especially since the vast majority of black children I knew stayed concentrated in the “B” and “C” tracks. My awkward attempts to fit in resulted in me being teased mercilessly by my black peers, who from then on through the better part of high school both accused and found me guilty of “talking too proper,” “acting white” and, perhaps most egregious of all, “thinking I was white.”

I was grateful for the friendship of a white girl in my class, Amanda. I’m not sure why we were drawn to each other, but more and more, we became each other’s primary playmates during recess. By fourth grade, Amanda and I were joined at the hip, so much so that our teacher, a Black lady named Mrs. Gaulden, still my all-time favorite teacher, called us Ebony and Ivory after the famous song. Amanda directed the classroom production of “Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott,” starring yours truly as Rosa Parks.

It was Amanda with whom I had my first deep philosophical conversations. In fifth grade, I asked her what she thought about interracial marriage, probably after meeting a kid who had both black and white parents. She told me, “My daddy says people should marry their own kind.” Having never heard it put quite that way before, I simply nodded my head. It sort of made sense. Even I knew that my friendship with Amanda was an anomaly.

Still, it was Amanda with whom I shared most early adolescent memories. I called her when I got my period. It is she who saved me from being mercilessly teased by letting me know that even though all of us had read Judy Blume’s “Deenie,” we should never say the word “masturbation” out loud. Gross! It is she who put up with my obsession with the “Baby Sitters Club” series even though if I remember correctly she preferred “Sweet Valley Twins.” And there is a picture somewhere of Amanda and me dancing to Sir Mix-a-Lot’s “Baby Got Back” at our first junior high dance.

By the end of junior high school, as adolescent friendships go, Amanda and I had drifted apart, but in an amicable sort of way. We couldn’t giggle about the same kinds of boys since our tastes fell along racial lines, couldn’t trade makeup or hair products, or move through each other’s social circles with ease any longer, because increasingly these things were defined by race. So I decided that I needed black girls for friends, girls who liked the boys I liked, who went to churches sort of like mine, where we didn’t have “youth group” but youth either joined the choir or the usher board, girls whose cultural experiences were and would be closer to my own.

Maintaining integrated friendships past a certain age is more struggle than triumph.

My peer groups in high school did remain mostly white, but with increasing difficulty. I found myself ostracized on the one hand by black classmates who still thought I wanted to be white, and increasingly the target of disdain from my white counterparts, who liked me all right – mostly because as more than one told me, “you aren’t like other black people” — as long as I did not outperform them academically.

My stint on a multiracial, close-knit debate team offered some reprieve, and is the source of my most enduring friendships with white people. But I think now about what it meant that the policy positions I advocated for in debate rounds, often in tandem with my mostly white and Asian teammates, were antithetical to a progressive race politics. For instance, my Taiwanese debate partner and I won our first debate state championship in 1995, advocating for the passage of Proposition 187 in California, a proposal that would have barred undocumented immigrants from receiving education and emergency medical care. My teammates also had a love affair with Ayn Rand’s objectivism. Had I been more cognizant and more confident, I would’ve thought about what it meant for people of color to win rounds advocating for those kinds of positions. What I took to be merely an academic exercise at the time came to be a kind of deep political and ideological training for many of my white counterparts.

I increasingly cultivated a certain degree of resolve to deal with classmates whose racial views evolved to reflect those of their parents with a disturbing degree of similarity. I remained friends (some to this day) with classmates who asked to touch my hair and then remarked with shock and surprise that it was “soft and didn’t feel like a brillo pad”; classmates who inquired about whether black people could see better in the dark, and even one who told me that “black people do drive down our property values,” when they move into the neighborhood.

Back then, folks who made these asinine remarks got a withering side eye from me, but their casual, everyday racism was not a deal-breaker for our friendships.

When I went off to college (a historically black institution), this changed. I made my first close black friendships. Those four years at Howard are actually the outlier in an educational background populated by predominantly white learning institutions. And yet, since leaving high school, I have not had many nor actively sought opportunities to make friends with white people.

When you are 9, or 12, or 17, it is easy to overlook racist comments. That your friends’ dad does not like black people has little to do with what your friend thinks, right? When you cannot yet vote, the fact that your friends’ parents are Republicans means little. With age, these things start to matter. At 25 or 32, it is harder to overlook the inevitable racially ignorant comment that will come, especially when you have had access to friendships where this is never an issue. At 30 or 35, the fact that your white friends now vote Republican alongside their parents strikes you as a choice that detrimentally impacts your material existence.

It is hard to stomach.

Several years ago, I had the opportunity to attend the wedding reception of two of my old debate teammates, who were getting married. I went with another teammate, also black. When we arrived, we were shocked to discover that among a gathering of probably 75 people, we were the couple’s only black friends. And it had been years since we had spoken to them.

This is why the Reuters poll is unsurprising. I have always been skeptical of white people who claim that “one of my best friends is black.” Internally my response has always been, “They may be your friend, but are you their friend?”

I believe deeply in the power of friendship to make us better human beings. But interracial friendships, especially in adulthood, require a level of risk and vulnerability that many of us would rather simply not deal with. And that is perhaps one of racism’s biggest casualties: Beyond the level of systemic havoc that racism wreaks on the material lives of people of color, in a million and one ways every day, it reduces the opportunity of all people to be more human.


Ugh, why do people downvote black movies on IMDB? The Butler currently has a 72% Fresh Rating on Rotten Tomatoes, and roughly a 7/10 average, but on IMDB it's currently at 5.5 out of 10 and was 4.4 on Wednesday despite the movie not coming out until today. It's pretty clear that it's intentional, considering that most "black" movies are flooded with 1 votes.

I've been to plenty of theatrical showings of Black films, and I live in a predominently white area, and I can probably count the number of white people I've seen watching these types of films over the last 5 years on 1 hand. And if you try and call people out on their downvoting bullshit, they'll insist that they've seen the films that they're hating on. It's funny that people can't seem to identify with minority characters in games and movies, and refuse to play/watch them when that situation arises, but want us to believe that they're watching Tyler Perry and Lee Daniel films on the regular.


Ubisoft Marketing
Love how gaming side tear into the one journo who was actually a fierce critic of the company he eventually ended up working for/ with.


Ubisoft Marketing
Wizard magazine has more press cred then the entire video game journalist cabal.

Be that as it may, Rich George was the one person who called Nintendo out on their BS regularly. He's now working with their partner in comms and peeps think its some grand conspiracy. Whatevs. I know the guy, he's pretty sound.

I see his move as a good thing for them, at a time when they need a clearer message. Maybe he's whip their Wii U department into shape.

Edit: he's one of the few people i could stand at IGN. The rest were....well....yeah.


Be that as it may, Rich George was the one person who called Nintendo out on their BS regularly. He's now working with their partner in comms and peeps think its some grand conspiracy. Whatevs. I know the guy, he's pretty sound.

I see his move as a good thing for them, at a time when they need a clearer message. Maybe he's whip their Wii U department into shape.

I am not hating on teh dude, I always believe you got to do you. But it will interesting to see how much leeway they give them. I hope the first thing he says on his new job "Directs are not enough, but some ad time."


Someone said it best that people who are journalist at IGN and the likes is only playing the role until one of the big 3 hires them.

I mean it happened to the Nintendo Top Reviewer at IGN. She gave literally nothing but praise and high as hell scores for everything they did. Where is she now? Working for the Big N.

All gaming journalism is at this point, is just people waiting to get hired by a pub or a console maker.


Someone said it best that people who are journalist at IGN and the likes is only playing the role until one of the big 3 hires them.

I mean it happened to the Nintendo Top Reviewer at IGN. She gave literally nothing but praise and high as hell scores for everything they did. Where is she now? Working for the Big N.

All gaming journalism is at this point, is just people waiting to get hired by a pub or a console maker.

that's the hustle. i cant hate on it.
Ugh, why do people downvote black movies on IMDB? The Butler currently has a 72% Fresh Rating on Rotten Tomatoes, and roughly a 7/10 average, but on IMDB it's currently at 5.5 out of 10 and was 4.4 on Wednesday despite the movie not coming out until today. It's pretty clear that it's intentional, considering that most "black" movies are flooded with 1 votes.

to be fair regarding this particular movie everybody here was shitting on it on the regular (including myself)


Someone said it best that people who are journalist at IGN and the likes is only playing the role until one of the big 3 hires them.

I mean it happened to the Nintendo Top Reviewer at IGN. She gave literally nothing but praise and high as hell scores for everything they did. Where is she now? Working for the Big N.

All gaming journalism is at this point, is just people waiting to get hired by a pub or a console maker.

And that is why I don't understand why some folks live and die by review scores.
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