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The Black Culture Thread |OT4| Learn to love the BBC


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
This is a story about myself at a time where I was at an extreme low point and how I learned to stop loving crazy women - thanks to two very special ladies.

Prelude. As many know, last year around January I had my shoulder, collarbone, and elbow realigned when I got hit by a truck and then tore my meniscus chasing the driver down where I then chocked the lady out with her seatbelt. This triggered a lot of things in me. I hate being hurt - and I was hurt bad with a long road of rehab ahead of me whether I decided to stay in the military or not. My girlfriend and I had just broken up - and at the time, I felt that she loved that I was strong over anything else. I flipped out so bad that I didn't remember anything after getting up and started to chase the vehicle - I know had anger issues in the past, seeing them come back like that was terrifying. I pretty much just got to Texas - No friends or anyone I could even really trust.

Needless to say, I was in a really bad spot. (Again, shoutouts to certain people on GAF who did more for me than they ever had to when I was at a lowpoint.)

Now... this story starts after I make a phone call to my ex-girlfriend at the time from the hospital. She hears from my doctor that I'm "all kinds of fucked up - jesus christ internal bleeding is a given you shitheads! get him to the ER" after I dropped my phone. So yeah. She had a moment. I needed a moment. Once I got out of the hospital, we were back to talking every day. Once I returned to work though... well, I didn't have a car so I obviously couldn't walk everywhere that I needed to be. A coworker, we'll call him Aaron, said he'd drive me to appointments. Awesome. His wife however would be start of all this.

1 - Aaron is a textbook shitbag. Shows up late, leaves early, can't be punished because he knows how to work the system better than all of his superiors combined. Dodged a deployment by claiming PTSD and back problems. He's a UAV operator. I knew he was a bad person when I first met him, but I was going to need friends for the next couple of months as my commanding officer was determined to label me as suicidal for 'jumping in front of a truck'. One day at work, his wife is doing the driving. "Don't worry dawg, doctor says I'm not allowed to drive either lol" and she drops us both off at the hospital. I went to start physical therapy. He went to pick up prescription drugs that he'd later sell to high school kids or something because he never actually needed any of it... I needed a ride - and according to my commander, I was why America lost 'nam. So he was my friend for that.

Now, I'm not a homewrecker. But his wife was gorgeous. And I'm not a homewrecker, because in the military, homewrecking gets you sent to jail. So I always kept it casual with her. Never said anything more than the usual polite stuff. This went on for a few months. In this time, I learn that he's a raging alcoholic and like to punch mallcops to feel big. I also find out that his wife is a stripper. They both liked me for whatever reason but... man, I don't know why. I think it'd really been years since either of them had to deal with any honesty. I was honest, and I had their backs whenever anything happened. They looked out for me when no one else would so, for that, I'm grateful to them. (Don't get it twisted though, this never went beyond a ride here and there - this is no story of them shooting with me in the gym).

Then one day, shit changed. Fast. Aaron and I went to lunch. It was usually just us, the hated assholes, this time there were two girls. Now, this is back when I was acting like a lil bitch. Tryna make it work. Let me love you #mario. So I'm not even in this action. Aaron, however, is all up on this other girl. Not my problem. Whatever. Disregarded - because even seeing that shit and saying anything would've made me an accomplice to his personal homewrecking, and I'd still get kicked out. So - nothing was seen at this time.

Next week though... he fucks up.

"Yo DY. I smashed ole girl."
"Didn't hear that bruh"
"loooool yeah you did - now you can't say shit. I ain't told noooooobody else man. You cool people though and I had to tell somebody. You don't know what its like to be married man."

So, just like that, I was partially fucked. Again, I'm not about to hop into this man's business when his wife is a stripper - they could be swingers for all I know. This could be his "allowance". Didn't know. Didn't care. Didn't affect me. Up to this point, I'd never been with his wife 1 on 1 for more than 5 minutes. She was cool people... but meh. Again, I was hung up on my ex still. Then shit changed... again.

Aaron is an alcoholic. I show up to work one day and everyone is laughing - turns out, dude punched out someone at one of his house parties then was caught doing 140 on the highway on his bike. So he wouldn't be driving anywhere at all without his wife doing it for him. That meant that now, she'd be running his errands for him doing his work hours - which are the exact opposite of her stripper hours. She was probably kinda pissed. One day, I'm out in the parking lot getting some fresh air and the car I leaned on just happened to be hers. We talked some. She did the damnable "Why are you cool with him?" and I dodged it like Neo. "Us shitbags gotta stick together. For all you know, I could be R. Kelly". Crisis averted.

I come back inside, dude wants to roll out to lunch again. Of course, to see the other girl. On the way there, Aaron jokingly tells me he's thinking about getting a divorce.

Five days later the story of how I regrew my balls starts.
Lol glad your ok

She looked good on xfactor. Lol

LOL that brought back memories. I did that while living on my own back in 2000...I had to stumble to the window blind as Helen Keller to get some relief.


It was worth it
BCT gonna need some audio books and a compilation at some point.

Nigga in Japan
Nigga in the Military

Esco needs to give us Nigga in Gaming Development.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Yo part-time what part of the game is this?
This is a story about myself at a time where I was at an extreme low point and how I learned to stop loving crazy women - thanks to two very special ladies.

Five days later the story of how I regrew my balls starts.
Keep sharing DY, good shit so far & interested in seeing what it builds up to be.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
This is a story about myself at a time where I was at an extreme low point and how I learned to stop loving crazy women - thanks to two very special ladies.

the moment i started reading this, T.R.O.Y came on my player.

ill be interested in hearing more
They take being faithful to your spouse serious. I was single most of the time I was in the military but during TDY's the married guys would be the ones doing the most. Most of single guys would try to avoid getting caught up with the married peoples business but it would get awkward when everyone, spouses included, would be hanging out at functions.


Listening to you guys I have lead a lowkey life. Even Onemic died in a curling accident. just after he broke the sport's color barrier.
BlackBanditSho, that Upstream Color chat got heated but it was exactly that way when I was talking to my friends who recommended it. I feel like there are merits to both sides of the debate about meaning/storytelling but I feel I still land on the side of the director lacking some direction and thus alienating me from the film in a lot of ways.

But yeah the podcast was awesome, you guys mesh pretty well in that you all bring a unique perspective and bring some funny stuff to different subjects. I did feel the cast dragged a little in the middle when you guys strayed off-topic for a while, but the stuff at the start felt fresh and on point and the guest spot was great. Would be awesome if ya'll got skullgirls in for a show.

Thanks for the feedback! Really working on the structure of the show. We've got some great episodes coming up in september about the animation industry. In the meantime, seriously considering how to tackle games. Stay tuned.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
I'm gonna try and bang this out faster than free mufasa's stuff. Didn't realize how much it was til I started typing though.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Shit kicks off around April. My commander decides to fuck me senseless by giving me 24 hour shifts once every other day for the next two months - while I'm hitting the roughest part of physical therapy. (I didn't know it, but the reason why she hated me was because my first day in the unit I said I wanted to see a doctor about my arm. I was still banged up from the Arizona wildfire situation. She assumed I was making up injuries to get out of deploying to Kuwait. Not a warzone. Not a combat area. Kuwait. Motherfucking Kuwait. But I got her back.) I'm fresh out of training and convinced that one day, people will stop trying to fuck me if I just keep putting my elbows on the table like they ask. Doesn't happen. At the same time, someone with a bird on their chest tells me that by not pressing charges, I'm showing something.... something I don't know. I was high as shit when he said it but it boiled down to me getting a compliment for the first time in 3 months. I was confused, and I was getting angry, and my only friend in the area was a guy that I would've beat the shit out of and sprinkled weed on if I was back in basic. Out here though? All I had. The only person who was even close to being in my corner was a girl who introduced me to female-on-male sexual harassment. It was rough still, I was going through more bullshit, but I was becoming more aware of it. Aaron however, was learning more and more ways to cheat VA and steal money from the government. Apparently erectile dysfunction is worth 10% disability - and military doctors can't disprove it. So bonus points for that asshat. People started to notice though. I was the unit shitbag - but no one knew why. Every time something came up, it was the guy with the useless arm and dilated eyes that helped fix it. No one would vouch for me, sure, but people were started to realize I was just 'that guy'. Commander fixed that up by telling me I was getting kicked out soon for malingering though. lolz

So back to this douchebag, Aaron. He went from never complaining about his wife, to constantly griping about everything she did. We used to go out to eat and little mom&pop joints, but all of a sudden he didn't have the money to do any of that. One day, I'm lounging around outside when that same girl from lunch - the one that he told me he'd been sleeping with - comes up to me and offers me a cig. I know many won't believe it, but that was my first newport. All the joints and bongs and blacks and I'd never smoked a Newport til that day. Go figure. Apparently, I'd looked more depressed than Kobe after Mike Brown got hired and she felt the need to help a guy out. I'll call her Ellen. She was really cool people. I understood the attraction... I was still hung up on my ex, but being able to talk to someone who wasn't a waste of a uniform was a nice change. Turns out we met before. On my first day in the unit coming out of training - she was just getting back from Iraq. I was a shitbag for showing up hurt, she was a shitbag for...... something that doesn't get explained til later. I don't ask about what goes on with Ellen and Aaron because I don't want to know and she obliges by not telling me. Anyways, she heads off to do whatever she does and I go back to being public enemy #1. Aaron rolls up later to tell me that he lost his phone and that he needs to use mine to get in touch with his wife and get a ride home and stuff...

Awesome. Now his wife's number is in my phone. FML.

"Hey bruh, can you call up Ellen? Trying to get some of that good-good boy-eeeee"

Now both of these women have their numbers in my phone. At this moment, I looked between my legs and for the first time since I choked a bitch out for trying to get away with a hit&run, I noticed some masculinity... and my brain-lights flickered as well. I would save the numbers in my phone twice. Once as 555-555-5555 and again under different names 1-555-555-5555. If shit were to hit the fan, at least I'd have time to close my mouth ahead of time. If nothing else, when I sit down at the table with some cops I'd be able to snitch my ass off.

We go out after work. Me, Aaron, and Ellen, just because I have nothing else to do and I need to learn how to talk to people again. Being completely isolated fucks with you. Aaron... he fucks up. Bad. Its obvious to see that Ellen is all about some casual hangouts and maybe some sex here and there. This dude literally asks her what she'd do if he left his wife. She didn't know he was married. I'm sipping the fuck out of this sweet tea. Aaron says some "its fucking obvious! lol - how could you not know?" shit and he's right to an extent... but saying that put Ellen in a ridiculously fucked up position. Me as well. And she was the ride that day so we're all just fucked up. Ellen does the only thing she can do after 20 awkward minutes and says that "I'll never be reason you leave your wife" and drops us off.

God was with me that day. But it was only Tuesday. By Friday, he put me on ignore.

Aaron is an alcoholic. He enrolled himself in a class called Alcohol Substance and Abuse Prevention in order to keep his commander from ordering it - which would've fucked his career immediately and shit on his VA claims. On Fridayy night, he went to a mutual friend of ours' house and had couple's night of drinks with his wife and the couple there. Aaron got completely hammered - and for the first time, he allowed others to see how he treated his wife. I'm going to refer to her as Beth. Apparently, Aaron is a lightweight. After 3 beers, he began berating his wife and saying that she was the reason that he never enjoys life anymore. That she gets to go out and see other men while he has to wait on her to come home every night. That he has to work so hard to support her and how he she'd be dead without him. The other couple... they step up immediately after Beth breaks down and starts crying and call him on his bullshit.

1) Military pays for your spouse and then some - supporting her is bullshit.
2) Aaron, you spend your money on alcohol and cars you can't afford.
3) She gets disability as prior service AND she's a stripper in a military town. She supports YOU.
4) "You actin like a lil bitch right now"

6) You better get your shit together, she ain't left you yet - you need her, not the other way around. Who else is gonna put up with your bullshit?
7) You better calm the fuck down or we'll let your unit know that you're breaking your no-alcohol commitment.
8) She became a stripper AFTER you got married. So what the fuck are you even saying?

Aaron didn't like that. Instead of doing what any realistic drunk would've done, he left - and he walked to his cousin's house. 16 miles away.

Now, let me backtrack... The commander that wanted me to really hang myself was leaving on Thursday. My getthefuckoutofmyarmyformakingupinjuries packet got thrown out the window on Wednesday. The real unit was getting back from Kuwait any day now. According to the interim command - somehow - I looked good. Most of the people around when I showed up either were getting out soon, actively dodging deployment, insane, or just showing up. If you just showed up, you're supposed to deploy - if you don't, you're scum of the Earth. No questions. I was gradually getting back to good terms. People knew me. I was one of the good ones.

That's why on Monday, I was chosen to be the one who would escort Beth to the hospital after her attempted suicide on Saturday morning. Aaron did not go home. Until Sunday. He saw his wife on the couch, drooling and unresponsive, and decided to call a vet even though he has free healthcare. He showed up to work on Monday, late, and used his wife as an excuse to get out of work. Smelling bullshit and fearing liability, interim command sent me - someone they trusted yet did not value to handle the situation. Not a single fuck was given by Aaron as we drove to his house. He joked the whole way there while listening to T-Pain.

I get a phone call as we're driving down the highway. Sure enough, its Ellen. Thank god I decided to save her name as Kevin for all incoming calls...


bitch I'm taking calls.
You're spoiling us Dy. Now I gotta f5 the thread seeing if part 3 will drop tonight. Aaron sounds like super scum.


We go out after work. Me, Aaron, and Ellen, just because I have nothing else to do and I need to learn how to talk to people again. Being completely isolated fucks with you. Aaron... he fucks up. Bad. Its obvious to see that Ellen is all about some casual hangouts and maybe some sex here and there. This dude literally asks her what she'd do if he left his wife. She didn't know he was married. I'm sipping the fuck out of this sweet tea.



NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Ellen calls. "Hey what's up! :D"
"Was Aaron with you at all this weekend?"
"Ummm... no? How about a 'hey'?"

We pull into his apartment complex and to my surprise, I'm the only one there. No MPs, no other people in uniform, no fucks given in this situation - just me. So, while I'm thinking on the weight of my possible actions, dude hops out, cheery and shit, and opens the door.... we go in and sure enough she's there... looking like a zombie with a hangover. Beth literally cannot speak or walk. She needed a doctor days ago and there isn't a single care on Aaron's face while he packs her shit. I'm just looking at her on the couch and wondering how bad it is and if she needs an ambulance called when he comes and picks her up and puts her in the passenger side of the car. It was surreal watching all of this. I've always prided myself on being an action-first kind of guy but here everything just seemed so outlandish and ridiculous that I couldn't even move. I'm sure he was talking while we were in the house but I don't recall anything other than her mouth moving and nothing coming out but spittle and jibberish.

I snapped back to my senses once we got in the car though. I hopped in the backseat and let him drive to the hospital. First thing I did was text the fat sack of shit that sent me to deal with this that I'd left, after that, I mapped the directions and put them against the route we were taking, next I set my phone to record. Droid or die. Then I took whatever shitty medical training I'd absorbed from Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman and started to get the best understanding of Beth that I could. It was clear that she'd been out cold for a while... bruised from a fall, eyes were still dilated, skin was clammy. But I couldn't focus.

This dude was talking to shit to wife the whole fucking time. "Babe... this is your fault. You know you have problems. This is why we're getting a divorce."

Are you serious, motherfucker? She can't even point both eyes in the same direction and you're trying to win right now?

"You always do stuff like this to stress me out. I go to work every day and bust my ass and I come home to stuff like this... You know I love you, but this is too much for any man"

Does this dude not know that I know about that whole situation with him at the party? He's really trying to put on this act just for me? This dude is fucking lost. He wants me to put my name to paper for him... ho-lee shit

"Now when you get to the doctor, be sure to tell him about all the issues you have. I can say it, but it'd sound better if it came from you. You know you have problems babe - You need to be in a place where they can take care of you."

YO REALLY? He's trying to label her as crazy to get out of his marriage and keep everything this dude is fuckless.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you. I love you, baby, I just can't keep doing this. DY is a good guy - he doesn't need to be here. He's coming here out of the goodness of his own heart to support me and you. He's been in my shoes before - DY's ex back in college committed suicide. He knows all about this sort of thing."

I swear on whatever is left in me, I will take everything from you and everyone like you as long as I live. I will get out of bed every day to fuck you. Fuck this uniform, you die hungry.

And I learned how to be truly patient and really contain my anger that day. I threw on my happy face, my nothingiswrong face, my allyourjokesarefunnyandigotyourback face and rode it out. I've never wanted to crush someone so much in my life. I looked in that front, passenger seat and I saw my sister, my mother, my ex... dude was going to get it. But asswhoopings just don't suffice. I was going to be the best friend he ever had and I was going to destroy him. Completely. So I chimed right back in.

"Yeah, Beth. It was rough for me. But now I just do what I can to make sure that no one else has to see that road. If I can help you guys, I will. I just want to know you're taken care of."
"See! DY cares. We're both just trying to get you help."
"Yo, Aaron, lets stop and get something drink. I'm sure she's dehydrated"
"Yeah good thinking man!"

Dude takes the first exit ramp he sees, and he heads inside to get some drink I told him to look for that I know for a fact that they don't sell in gas stations (Izze, its good shit btw). And while he's in there I'm doing every hand signal, incantation, and jutsu in the book to get her attention. Fortunately, she's responsive - but can't talk. I couldn't help but lay the basics of what I intended to do, which was protect her from this piece of shit. But I couldn't put myself fully out there because I didn't know her THAT well and I didn't know exactly how fucked up she still was.

"Look, I'm on no one's side here. I see something really fucked up though. Never in my life have I seen someone use me like this and I grew sick and tired of seeing people run through the bullshit like you when I was 10. I'm going to make sure this works out for you - but whatever you do, do not read from the script that Aaron just laid out. You tell the doctors exactly what is going on with you when you can and not sooner and I'll handle the rest."

She nodded. I felt like a boss. Then she started crying. JESUS FUCK NO. And right when dude came out of the gas station too. Dude looks in the car, sees her, then hops in

"Hey what's wrong babe?"
And I commit. "I kinda got to talking about the situation with my ex back in college and how its been fucking me up with my last gf. I mean... you've heard it before, its some heavy shit... maybe I could've waited bro"
"Naw man, you're good - Beth needs to hear stuff like that. That way she knows what she's doing to me and this marriage."
She nods and wipes those tears and grit my teeth and we continue on to the hospital.

So. We finally get there. Yes, after 50+ hours of her being with nothing other than a dog whisperer, she's in the ER waiting room. Gradually, she's starting to talk again. Aaron is too happy to tell anyone who will listen his tragic story of trying to make it work with a suicidal stripper who is just taxing him day in and day out. I'm smiling and nodding like a motherfucker while looking for anyone that could actually help stop what was really going on. Aaron steps out to smoke and I go to work with Beth. First thing I asked was what all she remembered aaaaaaand yeah - she OD'd on whatever prescription drugs she had. She was still really out of it and pressing her on it wasn't gonna help much so I decided to just find ways to get her to laugh and get away from the screenplay this guy had cooked up. So I finally get a smile out of her when this huge Samoan dude walks up to us in the waiting room.

"Yo Beth - you okay?"
"Hey hun.... I've been better"
"I was worried about you... didn't see you Saturday"

And I was in shock. I'm not this lucky. One of the security personnel in the hospital waiting room was one of her biggest tippers from the strip club. He was exactly what I needed.

I propped her up against the wall, told a nurse to watch her, and I pulled him to the side right after she pulled on his heartstrings enough. Gave him a bit of the situation, the basic herhusbandisadickandi'mherebecausei'mallyouget, and had him and two other nurses meet me outside when Aaron got back. My plan was to start laying the groundwork for fucking Aaron up. Instead, I got one socially handicapped security guard and a nurse that had no fucks to give. The other nurse was helpful though. I explained, clearly, to her that the circumstances of Beth's arrival were likely different than the ones that she checked in with. She wouldn't confirm of course, but she did say that it was very unlikely that his Beth OD'd within the last 4 hours. Duh. And that the doctor and a social worker would speak with me at some point before leaving.

That didn't sound right. But this is Texas. I'd take it.

So I go back inside just to see her carted to a room. Aaron, being the dumbass that he is, happily invites me too. By this time, Beth is close to normal if not sluggish so Aaron isn't quite as active when it comes to trying to program her to say what he wants. Instead, he's talking to the doctor and over her at every opportunity. It gets so apparent, that the doctor suggests that they both go and speak outside the room - leaving me in their with his now coherent wife. We spoke and came to a really solid understanding. She knew that I didn't need to be there but she was happy that I was and that I was going to try and help but my main goal was to shred Aaron. And she didn't stop me. She was just sad. After all that, she was thinking about her marriage. We talked. Summary > It became clear to me fast that she'd been verbally abused and had some deep, deep self-esteem issues and that she had no friends. Okay. Sob story coming - I feel you girl, but I'm trying to get bodies right now. I can be your friend and no more. Protect yourself. I'm gonna make this dude wish he was in Guanta

"I think he's cheating on me... But I just don't know. You're with him a lot? Is he?"


"I mean... I'm sorry. Even if he was, you couldn't really say anything ha. I know how it is. Its just things haven't been the same for the past few months. I mean, you're cool. But some people... like, he brought this one girl to the house and she just didn't act right, ya know? She just sat in the corner all scared and 'off'. I mean, what do you think?"


This motherfucker brought Ellen to his house? Your wife is a stripper dude! Of course she's gonna be there during the day what in the fuck bruh? DAMNIT. I'm in deep as fuck right now. Can't breathe. Might die.

"DY.... You're really nice you know. I don't know why I never run into guys like you until my life is a mess and my makeup is running :)"


Now... while this is going on, she explains that all of this was stoked by when Aaron lost his phone. Apparently, this idiot wasn't just without his phone - he decided to use her phone too. And yes, this idiot was actually texting Ellen from his wife's phone. It was nothing discreet, but you know how it is... women know when you send or receive too many smiley faces. While she's showing me this, I told her to put my number in her phone, to save it is as 'Julia', and to call me should anything arise in the future.

And Aaron returns. Thankfully, he heard none of that shit. HOWEVER, he snaps me back to reality by saying some completely off the wall shit in front of the doctor and the nurse that I was speaking to outside.

"Wow, you two were in here for a while lol. You and DY got cool as shit? You ever think about marrying him? HA. HA."

And just like that, anger was rekindled and my bestfriend face came back.

"You wish bruh! That's all you!"

Once the paperwork was cleared, we all left. My day with them started at 830AM and ended at 10PM. I was tired as shit - and this motherfucker got another day off to 'deal with family issues'. I found that my phone corrupted the recording, but nothing could be done about it. Went outside my room and smoked a couple to get my mind ready for the bullshit. The people who sent me were overjoyed that I didn't give them anything immediately paperwork worthy and were happy that I remained as trustworthy and expendable as ever. Rest of the week was quiet. Of course, it'd wait til after the work week and fuck me on the weekend.
I'm not sure if it'd be cool for me to make fun of the situation....shit is crazy.....if only someone here could say if it were ok or not.....someone with a personal connection to the story who could say it's not the time or if it was fine for me to joke about it...


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
I'm not sure if it'd be cool for me to make fun of the situation....shit is crazy.....if only someone here could say if it were ok or not.....someone with a personal connection to the story who could say it's not the time or if it was fine for me to joke about it...

Dude, if I didn't have a sense of humor, I'd be dead.
Director's Cut ending to DY's story:

Open to a shot peering into an open window, curtains covering and uncovering the interior, there is no audio, just a woman head in hands sitting in a chair while a man paces angrily back and forth. Curtains occasionally obscuring the view.

Cut to interior. Pacing man stares with disdain at his wedding band, zoom out to reveal a positive pregnancy test in one of his hands and a letter from his doctor in his other, a check up on his recovery from his vasectomy long since completed. He fights tears. To no avail.

Fade to black.

Slowly, light illuminates the scene. A different woman filling out paperwork for her maternity leave. Personal annual income: $20,000.00. Total household Income:$20,000. Dependents: 1.

-Cut to DY lounging on a hotel bed, somewhere unknown. Outside the window is a pristine beach-

Dy wheels a vibrating suitcase into the bathroom. Puts the bathtub stopper in the tub and turns on the facet. DY takes a long relieved inhale, exhales. DY then takes a drag off his Newport, his favorite all time cigarette, and looks down at the vibrating suitcase.

-Cut back to woman filling for maternity leave. Camera focused solely on her hand as she writes. Her hand begins to shake, tears hit the paperwork and soft sobbing is heard off camera. She continues filling the paperwork. Partner's Name: N/A. Dependent's name: John "DY" Junior.

This song fades in

-Cut back to DY's hotel. He places the suitcase on the ledge of the tub and begins unzipping it as the water continues to fill the tub. The suitcase now unzipped, filled to the gills with burner cell phones all lit up and vibrating. Displays of all the phones read different female names. One phone in the middle reads 'Kevin'. DY stares extra hard at this particular phone. He soon snaps out of it, and looks away.

Cut to beneath the tub water, but upside down, phones begin to fall into the water in slow motion like angels ascending into heaven. Phone displaying 'Sara' passes by. Lisa. Maria. Becky. Jessica......Kevin.

Fade to crimson red then black.

A young woman with her whole life ahead ahead of her and all of the potential in the world walks into a dive bar that appears to be in a foreign Spanish speaking country. She sits next to a slumped over man, head on the bar, hand on his drink.

She begins to speak spanish, subs translate at the bottom of the screen. "Hola, I haven't seen you here before. On vacation?" She gets no reponse. "Oh, the quiet type.I can respect that." Still unresponsive, long awkward silence is eventually ended by "Kevin, my name is Kevin." DY raises his head from the bar and aims a devilish grin at the woman.

Fade to black, forever.


Director's Cut ending to DY's story:

Open to a shot peering into an open window, curtains covering and uncovering the interior, there is no audio, just a woman head in hands sitting in a chair while a man paces angrily back and forth. Curtains occasionally obscuring the view.

Cut to interior. Pacing man stares with disdain at his wedding band, zoom out to reveal a positive pregnancy test in one of his hands and a letter from his doctor in his other, a check up on his recovery from his vasectomy long since completed. He fights tears. To no avail.

Fade to black.

Slowly, light illuminates the scene. A different woman filling out paperwork for her maternity leave. Personal annual income: $20,000.00. Total household Income:$20,000. Dependents: 1.

-Cut to DY lounging on a hotel bed, somewhere unknown. Outside the window is a pristine beach-

Dy wheels a vibrating suitcase into the bathroom. Puts the bathtub stopper in the tub and turns on the facet. DY takes a long relieved inhale, exhales. DY then takes a drag off his Newport, his favorite all time cigarette, and looks down at the vibrating suitcase.

-Cut back to woman filling for maternity leave. Camera focused solely on her hand as she writes. Her hand begins to shake, tears hit the paperwork and soft sobbing is heard off camera. She continues filling the paperwork. Partner's Name: N/A. Dependent's name: John "DY" Junior.

This song fades in

-Cut back to DY's hotel. He places the suitcase on the ledge of the tub and begins unzipping it as the water continues to fill the tub. The suitcase now unzipped, filled to the gills with burner cell phones all lit up and vibrating. Displays of all the phones read different female names. One phone in the middle reads 'Kevin'. DY stares extra hard at this particular phone. He soon snaps out of it, and looks away.

Cut to beneath the tub water, but upside down, phones begin to fall into the water in slow motion like angels ascending into heaven. Phone displaying 'Sara' passes by. Lisa. Maria. Becky. Jessica......Kevin.

Fade to crimson red then black.

A young woman with her whole life ahead ahead of her and all of the potential in the world walks into a dive bar that appears to be in a foreign Spanish speaking country. She sits next to a slumped over man, head on the bar, hand on his drink.

She begins to speak spanish, subs translate at the bottom of the screen. "Hola, I haven't seen you here before. On vacation?" She gets no reponse. "Oh, the quiet type.I can respect that." Still unresponsive, long awkward silence is eventually ended by "Kevin, my name is Kevin." DY raises his head from the bar and aims a devilish grin at the woman.

Fade to black, forever.
Starring Joseph Levett Gordon.
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