This is a story about myself at a time where I was at an extreme low point and how I learned to stop loving crazy women - thanks to two very special ladies.
Prelude. As many know, last year around January I had my shoulder, collarbone, and elbow realigned when I got hit by a truck and then tore my meniscus chasing the driver down where I then chocked the lady out with her seatbelt. This triggered a lot of things in me. I hate being hurt - and I was hurt bad with a long road of rehab ahead of me whether I decided to stay in the military or not. My girlfriend and I had just broken up - and at the time, I felt that she loved that I was strong over anything else. I flipped out so bad that I didn't remember anything after getting up and started to chase the vehicle - I know had anger issues in the past, seeing them come back like that was terrifying. I pretty much just got to Texas - No friends or anyone I could even really trust.
Needless to say, I was in a really bad spot. (Again, shoutouts to certain people on GAF who did more for me than they ever had to when I was at a lowpoint.)
Now... this story starts after I make a phone call to my ex-girlfriend at the time from the hospital. She hears from my doctor that I'm "all kinds of fucked up - jesus christ internal bleeding is a given you shitheads! get him to the ER" after I dropped my phone. So yeah. She had a moment. I needed a moment. Once I got out of the hospital, we were back to talking every day. Once I returned to work though... well, I didn't have a car so I obviously couldn't walk everywhere that I needed to be. A coworker, we'll call him Aaron, said he'd drive me to appointments. Awesome. His wife however would be start of all this.
1 - Aaron is a textbook shitbag. Shows up late, leaves early, can't be punished because he knows how to work the system better than all of his superiors combined. Dodged a deployment by claiming PTSD and back problems. He's a UAV operator. I knew he was a bad person when I first met him, but I was going to need friends for the next couple of months as my commanding officer was determined to label me as suicidal for 'jumping in front of a truck'. One day at work, his wife is doing the driving. "Don't worry dawg, doctor says I'm not allowed to drive either lol" and she drops us both off at the hospital. I went to start physical therapy. He went to pick up prescription drugs that he'd later sell to high school kids or something because he never actually needed any of it... I needed a ride - and according to my commander, I was why America lost 'nam. So he was my friend for that.
Now, I'm not a homewrecker. But his wife was gorgeous. And I'm not a homewrecker, because in the military, homewrecking gets you sent to jail. So I always kept it casual with her. Never said anything more than the usual polite stuff. This went on for a few months. In this time, I learn that he's a raging alcoholic and like to punch mallcops to feel big. I also find out that his wife is a stripper. They both liked me for whatever reason but... man, I don't know why. I think it'd really been years since either of them had to deal with any honesty. I was honest, and I had their backs whenever anything happened. They looked out for me when no one else would so, for that, I'm grateful to them. (Don't get it twisted though, this never went beyond a ride here and there - this is no story of them shooting with me in the gym).
Then one day, shit changed. Fast. Aaron and I went to lunch. It was usually just us, the hated assholes, this time there were two girls. Now, this is back when I was acting like a lil bitch. Tryna make it work. Let me love you #mario. So I'm not even in this action. Aaron, however, is all up on this other girl. Not my problem. Whatever. Disregarded - because even seeing that shit and saying anything would've made me an accomplice to his personal homewrecking, and I'd still get kicked out. So - nothing was seen at this time.
Next week though... he fucks up.
"Yo DY. I smashed ole girl."
"Didn't hear that bruh"
"loooool yeah you did - now you can't say shit. I ain't told noooooobody else man. You cool people though and I had to tell somebody. You don't know what its like to be married man."
So, just like that, I was partially fucked. Again, I'm not about to hop into this man's business when his wife is a stripper - they could be swingers for all I know. This could be his "allowance". Didn't know. Didn't care. Didn't affect me. Up to this point, I'd never been with his wife 1 on 1 for more than 5 minutes. She was cool people... but meh. Again, I was hung up on my ex still. Then shit changed... again.
Aaron is an alcoholic. I show up to work one day and everyone is laughing - turns out, dude punched out someone at one of his house parties then was caught doing 140 on the highway on his bike. So he wouldn't be driving anywhere at all without his wife doing it for him. That meant that now, she'd be running his errands for him doing his work hours - which are the exact opposite of her stripper hours. She was probably kinda pissed. One day, I'm out in the parking lot getting some fresh air and the car I leaned on just happened to be hers. We talked some. She did the damnable "Why are you cool with him?" and I dodged it like Neo. "Us shitbags gotta stick together. For all you know, I could be R. Kelly". Crisis averted.
I come back inside, dude wants to roll out to lunch again. Of course, to see the other girl. On the way there, Aaron jokingly tells me he's thinking about getting a divorce.
Five days later the story of how I regrew my balls starts.
Prelude. As many know, last year around January I had my shoulder, collarbone, and elbow realigned when I got hit by a truck and then tore my meniscus chasing the driver down where I then chocked the lady out with her seatbelt. This triggered a lot of things in me. I hate being hurt - and I was hurt bad with a long road of rehab ahead of me whether I decided to stay in the military or not. My girlfriend and I had just broken up - and at the time, I felt that she loved that I was strong over anything else. I flipped out so bad that I didn't remember anything after getting up and started to chase the vehicle - I know had anger issues in the past, seeing them come back like that was terrifying. I pretty much just got to Texas - No friends or anyone I could even really trust.
Needless to say, I was in a really bad spot. (Again, shoutouts to certain people on GAF who did more for me than they ever had to when I was at a lowpoint.)
Now... this story starts after I make a phone call to my ex-girlfriend at the time from the hospital. She hears from my doctor that I'm "all kinds of fucked up - jesus christ internal bleeding is a given you shitheads! get him to the ER" after I dropped my phone. So yeah. She had a moment. I needed a moment. Once I got out of the hospital, we were back to talking every day. Once I returned to work though... well, I didn't have a car so I obviously couldn't walk everywhere that I needed to be. A coworker, we'll call him Aaron, said he'd drive me to appointments. Awesome. His wife however would be start of all this.
1 - Aaron is a textbook shitbag. Shows up late, leaves early, can't be punished because he knows how to work the system better than all of his superiors combined. Dodged a deployment by claiming PTSD and back problems. He's a UAV operator. I knew he was a bad person when I first met him, but I was going to need friends for the next couple of months as my commanding officer was determined to label me as suicidal for 'jumping in front of a truck'. One day at work, his wife is doing the driving. "Don't worry dawg, doctor says I'm not allowed to drive either lol" and she drops us both off at the hospital. I went to start physical therapy. He went to pick up prescription drugs that he'd later sell to high school kids or something because he never actually needed any of it... I needed a ride - and according to my commander, I was why America lost 'nam. So he was my friend for that.
Now, I'm not a homewrecker. But his wife was gorgeous. And I'm not a homewrecker, because in the military, homewrecking gets you sent to jail. So I always kept it casual with her. Never said anything more than the usual polite stuff. This went on for a few months. In this time, I learn that he's a raging alcoholic and like to punch mallcops to feel big. I also find out that his wife is a stripper. They both liked me for whatever reason but... man, I don't know why. I think it'd really been years since either of them had to deal with any honesty. I was honest, and I had their backs whenever anything happened. They looked out for me when no one else would so, for that, I'm grateful to them. (Don't get it twisted though, this never went beyond a ride here and there - this is no story of them shooting with me in the gym).
Then one day, shit changed. Fast. Aaron and I went to lunch. It was usually just us, the hated assholes, this time there were two girls. Now, this is back when I was acting like a lil bitch. Tryna make it work. Let me love you #mario. So I'm not even in this action. Aaron, however, is all up on this other girl. Not my problem. Whatever. Disregarded - because even seeing that shit and saying anything would've made me an accomplice to his personal homewrecking, and I'd still get kicked out. So - nothing was seen at this time.
Next week though... he fucks up.
"Yo DY. I smashed ole girl."
"Didn't hear that bruh"
"loooool yeah you did - now you can't say shit. I ain't told noooooobody else man. You cool people though and I had to tell somebody. You don't know what its like to be married man."
So, just like that, I was partially fucked. Again, I'm not about to hop into this man's business when his wife is a stripper - they could be swingers for all I know. This could be his "allowance". Didn't know. Didn't care. Didn't affect me. Up to this point, I'd never been with his wife 1 on 1 for more than 5 minutes. She was cool people... but meh. Again, I was hung up on my ex still. Then shit changed... again.
Aaron is an alcoholic. I show up to work one day and everyone is laughing - turns out, dude punched out someone at one of his house parties then was caught doing 140 on the highway on his bike. So he wouldn't be driving anywhere at all without his wife doing it for him. That meant that now, she'd be running his errands for him doing his work hours - which are the exact opposite of her stripper hours. She was probably kinda pissed. One day, I'm out in the parking lot getting some fresh air and the car I leaned on just happened to be hers. We talked some. She did the damnable "Why are you cool with him?" and I dodged it like Neo. "Us shitbags gotta stick together. For all you know, I could be R. Kelly". Crisis averted.
I come back inside, dude wants to roll out to lunch again. Of course, to see the other girl. On the way there, Aaron jokingly tells me he's thinking about getting a divorce.
Five days later the story of how I regrew my balls starts.