Okay. So fuck my weekend. Not going to lie... when I got those phone calls, I was ready for my shit to get fucked up. I was thinking that I had a really good chance to take a bullet. People get shot over dumb shit all the time - I was into this way deeper than anyone with sense would be. All I had to do was never pick up the phone. Claim to be drunk. It all would've gone away. But... fuck it, it was a rare chance to choose how I'd die.
Gotta put the gameface back on. Hang up on first lieutenant "do my job for me, DY" and call Aaron up. Dude doesn't sound necessarily panicked or anything at all. In fact, he sounds like he's joking. When he's talking about his wife, all I see is the ohyou.jpg face as if he expected it and was already ready to laugh on it. I'm not feeling like digging into anything over the phone since I needed to get to the hospital, so I just rolled with it. He picked me up in the parking lot. Dude was waiting for me. Go figure.
So we're riding up there and he's giving me the speech about how much of a great friend I've been to him and his wife and its too easy to see that he's now at the point where he talks to hear himself rather than communicate. Aaron believes his own bullshit now. He was never a good liar, but now he's the only person who takes that shit to heart. Its about 10 minutes to this hospital (its on-post, a different hospital - he wouldn't dare take to her to military hospital if he could help it) so I figure I may as well get his story now so that I can sort out this shit as fast as possible.
According to Aaron... Aaron told Beth that he was ready to get a divorce. Aaron began to pack his things and get ready to go to his cousin's house to stay when she went into a violent tirade and tried to hit him with a lamp. Aaron, because he's a trained killing machine and definitely not a UAV operator, grabs her wrist, twirls her around and pins her against the wall - where he then tells her that he loves her so much that he has to let her go. Beth, being the crazy bitch that she is, runs to the medicine cabinet and threatens to down everything she can get her hands on. Fortunately, Aaron threw her to floor in the kitchen then poured all of the pills down the drain while calling the police to diffuse the situation. The police came, she was cray, they cuffed her then threw her in the car as she beat against the window. They took her to the hospital because of the suicide threat. Word.
Uh huh.
So we pull up to the hospital that I know inside and out due to being king of rehab. Walk into the emergency room and sure enough, Beth's name is on the list. Aaron is still a dumbass. And he looked like he might've been drunk too... So as we walk in, I give every police officer and nurse the look. The "I'm here as the guy my unit sent but I don't really fuck with this dude - get ready to be on call" look. After about 5 minutes of waiting around to be seen, we're called up. At first, I'm not allowed in - but Aaron... Aaron comes through for me. He vouches for me - and explicitly gives me permission to see his wife in his stead whenever I need to as he'll be in and out and that she probably doesn't want to see him any time soon. He then went on to tell anyone who'd listen about how hard it was for him as a husband. Fortunately for me, these people were all in the waiting area and happened to be old ladies.
First thing I do when I turn the corner is catch up with one the cops who had brought her in to get the story from their side. On behalf of my unit and.... stuff. lol but he bit
According to the cops... We showed up at the residence so fast because we got two calls. First one was a hang up, the second was Aaron.
In this call, Aaron said that Beth was belligerent and a suicide threat. That she attacked him with a knife and had taken at least 5 percs before he could flush the rest of the pills in the toilet. When they arrived however something entirely different was going on. Aaron was the one yelling and there had be no signs of any kind of physical altercation. Beth answered the door, and she
volunteered to be taken away to end the entire situation. She got in the car, didn't say a word, then cried the whole way to the hospital. Word.
Now, that was something I planned to work with and this cop was way friendlier than he should've been with me. Figured I was living on borrowed time anyways so I decided to push my luck... He was posted right outside of Beth's room, so I told him to kick the bottom of the door when Aaron was getting ready to come in. He nodded.
I walk-in to see a nurse on the way out and Beth looking surprisingly awake and calm. "Sup, stranger?"
Yeah... I'm not Superman. I used up a lot of energy trying to stay focused on justice when I was in a room with her alone last week. I wasn't trying to do this while looking her in the eye the whole time. Yes, part of it was because this is a gorgeous woman. Most of it, however, was because she was going to have to consider a divorce and leaving the (douchebag) that she undoubtedly loved and we both knew that I was given the honor of being the unlucky bastard to walk the line.
"You don't look like you tried to kill yourself today, Beth."
"You do."
My chest, ugh. I gotta pace myself with this eye contact shit. Never more than 3 seconds... That's all I can handle...
"Shit is crazy right now and you know where I stand. What happened today?"
"Well, before I called the cops, I called you."
According to Beth... #whynot call that bitch? Beth did what anyone would do and went straight to the heart of the matter - Ellen. I mean, Aaron did make it easy by having the number in the phone. Along with a shitload of texts. Beth trusted Aaron completely, but after being verbally beaten over the head as the cause of their failing marriage, trust falters. One too smiley faces, Beth had seen enough. Aaron walked in on her right as she got to 'the good parts' and for once Aaron was right about something. He'd been caught. He then starts shouting, a lot. That's when she called me, and then the cops (both without him knowing) - And that's when Aaron changes his approach. He decides to act like they were just close friends.
Don't ever take that road with a stripper. They know attraction and smiley faces better than anyone. Back to the wall and his grounds for a solid divorce based on Beth's insanity crumbling, he decided to commit to shitbaggery. He tells Beth, that if she calls Ellen, he's going to call the cops.
Like a boss, she calls Ellen and donates all of her fucks to charity. She says one thing "Stay out of my marriage" and hangs up after Ellen goes on to say that Aaron is the one that was trying to push things even after she stopped answering his calls. Aaron calls the cops and says that his wife is cray and saying she'll kill herself. Tired and wanting to be away from Aaron, she gladly complies with the cops and hops in. Word.
Now that things were clear, it was time to reserve a burial plot for Aaron. I still wasn't going to commit to being a homewrecker. I wasn't going to lead that shit off no matter what - but I had to do something here. Especially when she came at me with
"DY, how long has he been cheating on me? You know Ellen too, don't you?"
I could've said a lot of things. Being in the military, my options became more limited though. Say too much and I fuck myself. Say too little and I do this person no favors and they're likely to be run through the mill. So for the first time in a while, I was honest with her.
"You know I can't say that I absolutely know he's cheating on you. I can say that you know him better than I do. And you know that right now, more than anything, you need to protect yourself. Aaron is trying to make you look like the crazy person right now. There isn't anything you can do about Ellen today. So what I'm going to do is get you talking with a social worker. Its important that you don't just sit here and take this. You have to know what's going down by now"
And then tears. FML. She knew I was right but who really wants to say their marriage is over like that? And with the worst timing since Lil Mama, I hear someone kick the door.