That is too much work. I remember seeing on Dr.Phil this guy lied to his wife for three years abotu being in the army. Dude had fatigues and shit.What about?Had a couple of people who dropped out of college but kept lying about it. I remember somebody on GAF was talking about how their bro did this for years and even went as far as making up fake GPA reports and shit. Pathetic stuff.
Funny enough, it does involve college. Let's say there's College A and junior college B. He failed out of College A and had to go to junior college B. Now the only way for him to get back into College A was with 18 hours at B. Turns out he failed one of the classes and didn't tell nobody, so he only had 15 hours. Never showed his grades, so you should know something was up. Denied it up and down for months, said it was the school fault not accepting his credits. Waited until the very last day of registration, mom and dad wondering why he can't get back into college A despite doing everything right. FINALLY, this morning he go to their bedroom and tell the truth. Boy, my daddy was fuckin' pissed. He tore into that little nigga, ya'll. He took the keys to his truck, his 360, his computer, his cell phone, everything, lol. He sitting in his room thinking about his life right now. I aint got no symphony for that mothafucka, haha
Funny enough, it does involve college. Let's say there's College A and junior college B. He failed out of College A and had to go to junior college B. Now the only way for him to get back into College A was with 18 hours at B. Turns out he failed one of the classes and didn't tell nobody, so he only had 15 hours. Never showed his grades, so you should know something was up. Denied it up and down for months, said it was the school fault not accepting his credits. Waited until the very last day of registration, mom and dad wondering why he can't get back into college A despite doing everything right. FINALLY, this morning he go to their bedroom and tell the truth. Boy, my daddy was fuckin' pissed. He tore into that little nigga, ya'll. He took the keys to his truck, his 360, his computer, his cell phone, everything, lol. He sitting in his room thinking about his life right now. I aint got no symphony for that mothafucka, haha
that hurts. I was reading that hoping it was some woman describing the perfect man, only to find out its some thirsty ass..maaan. that shit...he's part of the problem and he needs to be put down for good.
I am rather confused, All I see is swift rejection. What problem are you referring too, was this guy a stalker, I may be messing some context. Is that message from something infamous from the web I missed
the problem...I don't even know where to start, and I'm not even sure I want to open that pandora's box this close.
the problem...I don't even know where to start, and I'm not even sure I want to open that pandora's box this close.
The problem is dude wrote a 3 page essay to his ex girl via text message at 12 in the morning...a girl who not only isn't interested but is talking to someone else. She replied with 4 letters to his epic poem. Based on his cornball phrases he probably does this type of thing all the time. This is textbook simp behavior.
Whenever you are ready then.
Man you know might be more bitter then Nintendo fans? PC gamers.
Man you know might be more bitter then Nintendo fans? PC gamers.
Why would PC gamers be bitter?
Funny enough, it does involve college. Let's say there's College A and junior college B. He failed out of College A and had to go to junior college B. Now the only way for him to get back into College A was with 18 hours at B. Turns out he failed one of the classes and didn't tell nobody, so he only had 15 hours. Never showed his grades, so you should know something was up. Denied it up and down for months, said it was the school fault not accepting his credits. Waited until the very last day of registration, mom and dad wondering why he can't get back into college A despite doing everything right. FINALLY, this morning he go to their bedroom and tell the truth. Boy, my daddy was fuckin' pissed. He tore into that little nigga, ya'll. He took the keys to his truck, his 360, his computer, his cell phone, everything, lol. He sitting in his room thinking about his life right now. I aint got no symphony for that mothafucka, haha
Checked weight this morning I'm between 186-190 pounds so 6-10 more pounds till asvab. Getting harSon thin.
Good shit man. What was your starting weight? And get on those weights soon! We're switching places! Well, I'm not really gaining weight, but I haven't been going to the gym much since my new job so my muscles are vanishing. I'm having my hours pushed forward an hour though, so I'm planning to rectify that starting this weekend.
It is like music hipsters. You are not an artist unless you are starving.Say what you want about PC gamers - Activision, Electronic Arts, Microsoft, even Rockstar got their start on PC games
Fuck, I'd be bitter too if I wasn't for the fact that I'm getting a PS4 :3
Say what you want about PC gamers - Activision, Electronic Arts, Microsoft, even Rockstar got their start on PC games
Fuck, I'd be bitter too if I wasn't for the fact that I'm getting a PS4 :3
Activision got its start on the Atari 2600 though.
OOOOH. That is uncomfortable. I hope someone can help him. By the way what is a simp?
It is like music hipsters. You are not an artist unless you are starving.
I've got my eye on you, Village.
What if it was Half-Life 3 tho
Say what you want about PC gamers - Activision, Electronic Arts, Microsoft, even Rockstar got their start on PC games
Thats fine I got my eye on everyone.
ah Yes that guy.Village, this guy is a what is known as a simp.
Village, this guy is a what is known as a simp.
Village, this guy is a what is known as a simp.
tell me how you feel about....Final Fantasy.
or angogynous enough
or light skinned enough in this case I am guiessing. Or she isn't annoying or emotionless enough .( Toriyama's Waifu's cannot have to many emotions or they would judgehim, and they must be pale, he hides his waifu's from the sunlight.)
He's not a simp, he already smashed. He might be another kind of lame, but I don't think this case qualifies as simpery.
Village, this guy is a what is known as a simp.
Village, this guy is a what is known as a simp.
You dont have to be a virgin to be a simp.
ah Yes that guy.
-sighs- well I hope he turns out ok. Cyclops was a simp I am guessing.
Wolverine on the other hand....