Not even a single pity beautiful...
Rei pls
Rei pls
Such a thing would have to be a crazy leap/mutation in evolution. I mean think about how long bending was around in the world before Earth Benders learned they could also bend Metal? It could happen but I don't think it's odd that it hasn't yet. There's still more Korra to be made so who knows if it will show up at some point.
honestly it never crossed my mind that there would benders doing more than one element. i feel like that goes against the point of the show.
besides firebenders have lightning. waterbenders have bloodbending. earthbenders have metal now.
does airbending have a secondary ability?
The whole point of the show is that there is one "Avatar" who has the capability to learn how to master all four elements. It wouldn't make sense to have the average joe capable of using more than one element.
That's not really what we're saying. Bloodlines = power in that universe and Toph/Aang blood is the equivalent of nuclear power
Is Blurred Lines kind of a simp thug song?
"He can't choke you out like I do."
Welcome and strong username. I was 24 my last year of school. Felt old as hell.Hey everyone,
Finally back on campus where the only place that I'm 23, but feel like an old man.
I haven't felt as old this time around compared to last year when I thought dubstep was a type of dance and thought ratchet was referring to Ratchet for Ratchet & Clank.
Is Blurred Lines kind of a simp thug song?
"He can't choke you out like I do."
I don't think the ability for someone to bend more than one basic element is an evolution thing as much as it is a genetic possibility that has yet to be explored in the universe and this is still with the understanding that the Avatar needs to be the focal point of doing more than one at a time.
We know Toph figured it out but who knows if others did before her and just didn't drop the knowledge on it.
And as of now Airbending doesn't have an enhanced ability. I have the feeling we'll be seeing it in Book 2 though.
Son of a bitch. Lol
There were beautiful votes at first. The tidal wave of uglies drowned them out and got me outta there. hahaNot even a single pity beautiful...
Rei pls
This might sound weird but those kind of shoes the models were wearing turn me on like no other.You know what? I didn't know there was an uncut music video to this song.
If you read the lyrics carefully it's more gross than that.
This might sound weird but those kind of shoes the models were wearing turn me on like no other.
Yeah i was jsut glossing over it. I got too problems with Robin Thicke. First I always get him confused with Alan Thicke. 2, he sounds like bootleg Prince.
But he is funny as hell on Hollywood Husbands.
If you read the lyrics carefully it's more gross than that.
Yeah i was jsut glossing over it. I got too problems with Robin Thicke. First I always get him confused with Alan Thicke. 2, he sounds like bootleg Prince.
But he is funny as hell on Hollywood Husbands.
But seeing as how the Avatar is the only one within that universe capable of bending more than one element and that they ability for them to do so isn't genetic but through a spiritual reincarnation (only ever one Avatar at a time) it would stand to reason that whatever the genetic reason for bending being passed down, it's genetically impossible for anyone to bend more than one element without evolution/mutation. To bring up Eye Color again, being born with a different color in each eye would be a genetic mutation.
Of course, being a story, it could always be introduced in other ways (like an individual somehow finding a way to spiritually unlock untapped potential in another element that lies dormant within their gene pool) but until such a story is shown.. the laws within the universe say that it hasn't ever happened before and thusly isn't possible.
And I would think that if there were any before Toph that discovered the ability to bend Metal.. it would be incredibly hard to practice without being discovered. Bending is a big deal in the world, so it's not likely someone was living in even a secluded village around others using their metal bending and never having the story spread.
I think it should be a sound type of power. Lightening really should've been Air's enhanced ability imo but whatever.
It's practically a PUA lecture in anthem format.
We need a black gaf Fantasy Football League
Damn, today was a reminder that next gen is fast approaching. And so is videogame awards season.
Exactly. Becoming the Avatar is a right place, right time thing. You have the order in which the cycle runs and the RNG on who's it going to be.
Genetics have nothing to do with becoming the Avatar which is why I made the point to start with. Because the whole Avatar process is beyond anything genetic is that the possibilities for someone to have the affinity for more than one element without the process is possible.
The show has yet to explain how bending works at that type of level and until we get one everything is all speculation.
So whether it happens to be my genetics theory or yours about breaking down that wall spritually it all falls into the same category of What If? until otherwise proven something,
That universe is crazy like that. Amon is a huge example of this. They thought that the Reverse Megaman Jutsu was an Avatar exclusive thing until we learned otherwise. Those possibilities are endless.
Fire's the perfect fit. Think about Lighting being the extension of the light that Fire can produce but in a concentrated form.
Bloodbending is an example of an enhanced control of water inside of another human.
Toph explained how Metalbending worked by saying that metal is just reforged Earth in a different state.
Air is just going to breakdown into some form of DBZ type flight or moving at very high speeds or the like.
Book 2 needs to deliver. I really want it to.
Hope you're not talking about that awful Spike VGAs
Hope you're not talking about that awful Spike VGAs
but..going to/watching VGA's you get classy moments like theseI'm going to the Machinima IGAs. But the VGAs is big on the industry calendar, like it or not. Might also be at that one.
but..going to/watching VGA's you get classy moments like these
Let's do it.We need a black gaf Fantasy Football League
Mudbutt is a killer.Goddamn Dulcolax.........
Jesus its killing my stomach.
Oh yeah and I watched the VMA performances and to be honest it made me wanna listen to that cat Bruno Mars. Everyone else was eh.
I'm going to be honest with yall. I saw that thread about 25 black people getting kicked out and I thought, "no party of 25 sits around for two hours and not become annoying as shit."
Am I becoming RipClaweJR?
Plastic Surgeon Builds his Perfect Wife
you gotta be a little mental to be down for all of this. they're perfect for each other. it's cold how the daughter is the smartest one.
Plastic Surgeon Builds his Perfect Wife
you gotta be a little mental to be down for all of this. they're perfect for each other. it's cold how the daughter is the smartest one.
but..going to/watching VGA's you get classy moments like these
loli always feel a bit embarrassed for all parties involved in the VGAs. is it as lame in person as it looks on TV?
This idea crossed my mind but they've explained that Avatar isn't just a designation for the one person who has the ability. They have shared memories and connect to each other on a metaphysical/spiritual level. And seeing as how the Avatar has been the only person in the Universes existence that can bend more than one element, having mixtures of elements doesn't seem to work. It's not as if Aang and Katara are the first mixed Element couple. People freely travel between kingdoms.
My memory is hazy on this but aren't the techniques different? The Avatar can remove chi while Amon simply blocks it through some extension of his blood bending?
Fire isn't light though. It's combustion. Lightening is roughly created through wind moving water in the air creating a friction that causes the lightening. Bloodbending and Metal bending make sense in a similar fashion. I think Lightening was chosen for fire simply because of it's destructive and unpredictable nature. It fit the story quite well but it just bothers me because the connection doesn't fit well enough for my tastes.
But yeah, looking forward to Book 2. Not long now.
Who says Black People can't swim. Wakandian soldiers invading Atlantis.
That is some badass stuff.
Also screw namor, just need to throw that out there.
Bomani Jones cookin on the VMAs. (gets going about 9 mins in)
- the tribute to brooklyn
- Pat Boone vs Elvis (apparently Elvis gets a bad rap. i'm not up on that enough to know.)
- hitting on how Brits appropriate black culture vs American whites
- talking about how twerking is "new"
- the absence/lack of blackness from an award show dripping with black culture. (once they get enough white rappers hot at one time then we're out of there as far as mainstream goes. i've always felt like that.)
we obsolete brehs.
Isn't it funny that the greatest most powerful rapper of all a skinny white kid from Detroit!
- Danii , New York, 27/8/2013 14:36
I am a 54 year old woman and I must admit rappers are not my cup of tea and I don't suppose that surprises a lot of people my age. However, Eminem is the only rapper that I have actually bought his music, I really think the guy is great. For me he's just as good as a poet. I bought his album Recovery which I really thought was great and I must admit I will certainly look into this new album and probably buy it. That's if it's as good as recovery. He is way better that the rest of them put together. The rest of them just make a whole lot of noise and swear and shout but his songs actually tell stories. Carry on the good work Marshall.
- Elizabeth, Paris, 27/8/2013 15:30
If the internet is so up in arms over Blurred Lines, I'd hate to see what it would be like if Keith Sweat - Make You Sweat (you say no, I say yes) dropped today. He would've gotten that U.O.E.N.O. treatment.
Which even badass is that Namor and BP are having a drink chillin and BP just drops "Too bad about your people"
Namor drops his cup and goes"What did you do?!?!?!?!?"
Who says Black People can't swim. Wakandian soldiers invading Atlantis.
Yo what issue is this , i gotta see this,.