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Does it carry over to ps4 doe? Been eyeing the game for awhile

Here's what Im doing. As long as you have an Square Enix acct. It goes over. You can play on ps3 and PC. As long as you log into your account. So there's that. You should be able to log into the ps4 as long as you maintain your square enix acct. I plan on eventually buying a rig that can run some shit so I'm gonna do both. Also its cross platform. I went to my boys crib and he was on his pc playing while his brother was in the room playing it on his ps3. So yeah good shit.

I'm currently downloading an update so will see.


Wiping my install clean and diving back into Skyrim...already put 378 hours into and I haven't played since February. Gabe save my soul.

Got 786 hours logged on DotA2 but that's peanuts compared to the guys that have been playing this whole time, took a long time off for WoW.
So these hoes are just gonna twerk to stay in shape now



R. Kellys rundown former mansion


Would almost feel bad..................but I remember he fucked a 14 year old then pissed on her so thems the breaks.

If she ain't wanna get peed on she shudda just moved out da way.

( also was that like consensual or rape, I do not remember that case to well. I know its statutory rape because he is a creepy old dude, but the other horrific kind Because I was lie a child when all this stuff was happening)


I know the honeymoons been over, but i think the amount of people who dislike bioshock infinite outnumber those who like it by 8:1. The game was always overrated as hell.


bitch I'm taking calls.
It's Bioshock, it was destined to be overrated. These are the types of games I always wait to play because the consensus opinion always does a 180 from 6 months to a year out. Then again the consents on GAF about games is not to generally be trusted. The best thing you can use it for is a litmus test abot whether you should demo or not.
After the next big OMG GOTY 10/10 AAA game comes out, the last one always gets that pipe. Especially if it ends up winning GotY(MGS4 seems to be hated on this website, but it won GAF's GOTY 2008...twice). Be prepared for a lot of niggas to start going in about how the story wasn't THAT great, or the puzzles are shitty or the melee isn't like, really deep and doesn't have the complexity of Deus Ex, and it's just another cinematic action game with QTEs and long cutscenes ruining video games and blah blah blah bullshit

Whatever. I still think B:I was a damn good game, TLOU was even better, and I'm still looking forward to W101 and GTAV. Yay video games.


Junior Member
The cycle is funny as hell. Loved, hated then loved.

And when GTA5, Bioshock 4 And MGS5 release you'll see those same kids saying they love GTA4, Infinite, MGS4


I really doubt the last of us will get hit hard at all. Had I bought Bioshock I'd have buyers remorse like a motherfucker. With tlou I havent felt so compelled to immediately replay a single player game in a LONG time. The mp is great too

Also its a shame to see platinum waste resources on the wii u. Good that Nintendo is footing the bill though. I wo der why they didnt reup with rare back then. I can see the management right after ms bought em up.

"I've made a huge mistake"/Gob


I really doubt the last of us will get hit hard at all. Had I bought Bioshock I'd have buyers remorse like a motherfucker. I havent felt so compelled to immediately replay a single player game in a LONG time. The mp is great too

Yup, I never had it even though I bought it, but that's because I already knew what I was getting myself into. There's no way a Bioshock game will compel you to do a second playthrough, they're meant to be those games you play once for the story and you never touch again in your life. That's part of the reason why I thought the game was great but not GOTY 10/10 material everyone on gaf and review sites were claiming when it hit.

You can always sorta tell which games will be the ones gaf ends up hating due to an overhyped release. Everyone buys in at first and slowly the rose tinted glasses begin to come off. Infinite was this years Diablo 3, although not as bad.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Haha, MGS4 GOTY.

Nanomachines, yo.

MGs gamers got what we deserved. It was shit because it lived up to the overhyped fan fiction trash that we (not us personally but as a naive collective) wanted it to be.

BHZ Mayor

After the next big OMG GOTY 10/10 AAA game comes out, the last one always gets that pipe. Especially if it ends up winning GotY(MGS4 seems to be hated on this website, but it won GAF's GOTY 2008...twice). Be prepared for a lot of niggas to start going in about how the story wasn't THAT great, or the puzzles are shitty or the melee isn't like, really deep and doesn't have the complexity of Deus Ex, and it's just another cinematic action game with QTEs and long cutscenes ruining video games and blah blah blah bullshit

Whatever. I still think B:I was a damn good game, TLOU was even better, and I'm still looking forward to W101 and GTAV. Yay video games.

Sounds like the reverse of the Zelda Cycle.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Are you fucking kidding me? I was almost interested if only because of the schaudenfraude of Nintendo backpeddling and never personally giving a shit about 3D.

Then I saw it.

Dumb thing looks like a fat calculator. And no dual sticks STILL? Reggie be triflin'. On some fucking Leap pad shit.


TLoU ain't gonna get hit that hard because it found a way to balance gameplay and narrative way better then uncharted did.

Bioshock ain't a surprise. I had to force myself to finish it because the gameplay after awhile got boring and repeative as fuck. Especially when dealing with a certain enemy 3 times in a row.

GTA 5 will get some hate especially since reviewers jizzed and overhyped the last one. As long as it ain't ass like 4 was I'm cool.
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