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The Black Culture Thread |OT4| Learn to love the BBC


TLoU ain't gonna get hit that hard because it found a way to balance gameplay and narrative way better then uncharted did.

Bioshock ain't a surprise. I had to force myself to finish it because the gameplay after awhile got boring and repeative as fuck. Especially when dealing with a certain enemy 3 times in a row.

GTA 5 will get some hate especially since reviewers jizzed and overhyped the last one. As long as it ain't ass like 4 was I'm cool.
Yea agreed. Its a perfext example of a marriage of gameplay of narrative, there isnt a dissonance . im getting gta day one as I know what to expect but I still laugh at the gta4 review and especially"Oscar worthy story".


Nintendo has too many Ls, annoucing a price cut almost 2 months out, W101 bombing like Coldplay in Compton, and this hideous thing.


For the record though, don't think this is Nintendo retreating from 3D. I'm pretty sure the 3DS always having the 3D be software-controllable was so if they wanted to have 3DS games on future handhelds or consoles, they could still be rendered properly (unlike the Virtual Boy)

I mean I know what they're going for with this

but it's seriously so out of left field we're not even playing baseball anymore

it literally is the samoflam of game consoles


Seriously thought that shit was an april fools joke.

Nintendo have lost their fucking minds. :\

I wanna play GTA5 so bad, but I kinda wanna wait and get it on PS4. What to do... :\


People spoiler tagging their own speculations about something that hasn't happened yet is annoying as fuck. Like somebody's gonna be pissed that you guessed something right a year from now.
The cycle is funny as hell. Loved, hated then loved.

And when GTA5, Bioshock 4 And MGS5 release you'll see those same kids saying they love GTA4, Infinite, MGS4

i can't wait for some motherfucker to talk about how GTA4's driving was better, how it had weight and a sense of meaning and gave them insight on the inner workings of the universe.


Yea agreed. Its a perfext example of a marriage of gameplay of narrative, there isnt a dissonance . im getting gta day one as I know what to expect but I still laugh at the gta4 review and especially"Oscar worthy story".

Nah. Way too much "Citizen Cane of gaming" and people bringing up TLoU in threads it's barely tangentially related for it to escape the cycle unscathed. It'll be in the crosshairs come Nov.

Nintendo DSlite
Nintendo DSi
Nintendo DSiXL
Nintendo 3DS
Nintendo 3DSXL
Nintendo 2DS

so much DS on the market

Oct 12

"What's the cheapest system that plays the new Pokemon?"


"Okay, I'll get that."

what in the actual fuck



I uh...hmm...

Nintendo about to get DAT POKEMONEY one way or another

So hinges are expensive?

yeah, it's a bunch of additional cost, work and testing. plus this is NINTENDO we're talkng about, they swapped MP3 playback in the Wii for AAC to save 49 cents a unit.
The hinges are the first thing to break when you give the DS to kids. I think this whole thing is marketed towards them, the audience thats growing up on handheld games being angry birds and $0.99 games. Give them a similar tablet device, drop the price, release it the same day as Pokemon...

I see where they're going for, but goddamn it's ugly


I don't understand why Nintendo would make that.

Also, packing in a Zelda remake isn't gonna get me to buy a Wii U. I'm gonna need a new Zelda game at least.

Nintendo pls


I think this whole thing is marketed towards them, the audience thats growing up on handheld games being angry birds and $0.99 games.

free/$0.99 to play Pokemon. You get to choose a starter and are given five Pokeballs in the beginning. Trainers still give out money and you can sell items to the Poke Mart but the compensations is dramatically reduced in order to promote buying Pokedollars with real world money. Poke Center now is no longer a free service. The game is functionally a no items/nuzlocke run if you choose to not pay a dime.

The horrible future.

BHZ Mayor

free/$0.99 to play Pokemon. You get to choose a starter and are given five Pokeballs in the beginning. Trainers still give out money and you can sell items to the Poke Mart but the compensations is dramatically reduced in order to promote buying Pokedollars with real world money. Poke Center now is no longer a free service. The game is functionally a no items/nuzlocke run if you choose to not pay a dime.

The horrible future.

I just threw up in my mouth a bit.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Functionally impossible for Poke Centers to cost $$$ given the PP system.

Even if you are stingy as hell and keep pokemon around just for their status remedy skills and healing, your pokemon are going to run out of PP at some point.


free/$0.99 to play Pokemon. You get to choose a starter and are given five Pokeballs in the beginning. Trainers still give out money and you can sell items to the Poke Mart but the compensations is dramatically reduced in order to promote buying Pokedollars with real world money. Poke Center now is no longer a free service. The game is functionally a no items/nuzlocke run if you choose to not pay a dime.

The horrible future.

No no no no no.


Woke up and only saw this page. I thought yall were joking about Nintendo being ridiculous w/ that 2DS shit. What in the world Nintendo?
I don't think TLOU will get hit like GTA4 or BioShock Infinite. GTA4's story was bleh and the city was kind of charmless. BI mechanics were awful since day one. It's easy to nitpick at both of those. But TLOU has solid gameplay and a story that is a tier above most games.

And I never wavered on MGS4, despite its flaws it's still one of my favorites of this generation.


Junior Member
TLOU is a perfectly solid game. A great game even, but even when I played it I didn't think it was game of the generation. Actually in my mind Uncharted 2 is still in the running for that.
I will never understand the love for Sleeping Dogs. Outside the combat system(which is good for a sandbox game that's not Arkham City), it's just a completely run-of-the-mill post-GTA sandbox game. A decent, competent, 7/10 game, and not much more than that

That and Binary Domain, did not see why those got put on a pedestal as some hidden gems of last year.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I never understood the love for Arkham City's combat. It's far less complex than Sleeping Dogs or Bully/The Warriors of which Sleeping Dogs was built off of. People complain about Dragon Age's 'push a button to awesome', but that's all Batman is.
I will never understand the love for Sleeping Dogs. Outside the combat system(which is good for a sandbox game that's not Arkham City), it's just a completely run-of-the-mill post-GTA sandbox game. A decent, competent, 7/10 game, and not much more than that

That and Binary Domain, did not see why those got put on a pedestal as some hidden gems of last year.

I'm currently playing through SD now. Only SR3 really stands out as a better open world game to me.
I will never understand the love for Sleeping Dogs. Outside the combat system(which is good for a sandbox game that's not Arkham City), it's just a completely run-of-the-mill post-GTA sandbox game. A decent, competent, 7/10 game, and not much more than that

That and Binary Domain, did not see why those got put on a pedestal as some hidden gems of last year.

The soundtrack is on point. Just riding around with that one J. Dilla song when it's raining is pretty relaxing.


bitch I'm taking calls.
"Get mad if you want, call me in to question if you like - no skin off my nose. my job is safe and your tender tearbucklets make flowers grow"
TLoU was good. The only backlash will be from haters who hated on the game. They'll just be louder. B:I combat is what killed it. That and in retrospect it was just run of the mill. If it would have kept that original BioShock combat though.....

To be honest everything gets over hyped lately. Its to the point that if you like games you are gonna get hit in the face with some bullshit a lot more than it used to be. You can now downright lie about something and its okay it can be overlooked. I'm to the point where I say fuck reviews, fuck the bitching just fuck it. If I'm gonna spend my hard earned loot on something I'm gonna watch how the game plays(ala let's plays) and ask personal friends and BCT. So far the only folks in this industry who haven't steered me astray.
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