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NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant

Probably one of the best NBA gifs of all time

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sh2ZT1aPBoE 50 second mark lol


I could fill the thigh gaps of five dozen Miley Cyrus' with the knowledge you lack

Care to expand? There's a difference between covering your bases and insuring that indie games thrive on your platform, and catering too heavily on that front while lacking content on your platform outside of that hemisphere. What games do they have coming out this year that cannot be found on other platforms? Killzone Mercenary and Tearaway. That's basically it for 2013. Pretty much everything else can be found on Playstation 3 and especially PC. What's in place to convince consumers to drop $200 + the hidden cost of the memory card? Nothing, which is why the console's sales are beyond pitiful. Indie games should be a compliment to their platform, not the sole reason to purchase one, especially when the overwhelming majority of those games can be found elsewhere.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
That seems narrowminded as hell.

If the Vita becomes the indie platform of choice, they could change ....damn near everything. That's a pretty big deal.

Not like Killer Instinct's particle count, but like a legit big deal.
Care to expand? There's a difference between covering your bases and insuring that indie games thrive on your platform, and catering too heavily on that front while lacking content on your platform outside of that hemisphere. What games do they have coming out this year that cannot be found on other platforms? Killzone Mercenary and Tearaway. That's basically it for 2013. Pretty much everything else can be found on Playstation 3 and especially PC. What's in place to convince consumers to drop $200 + the hidden cost of the memory card? Nothing, which is why the console's sales are beyond pitiful. Indie games should be a compliment to their platform, not the sole reason to purchase one, especially when the overwhelming majority of those games can be found elsewhere.

translation: have you seen titanfall!?


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
I used to be a naysayer myself, but after checking out some indie stuff on Steam this past year... I'm too ready to see indie development blossom while in tight relations with a big name like Sony.
That seems narrowminded as hell.

If the Vita becomes the indie platform of choice, they could change ....damn near everything. That's a pretty big deal.

Not like Killer Instinct's particle count, but like a legit big deal.

Placing hope in the vita catching on.........I don't know, unless they start bundling it with the PS4. I don't think the market for a dedicated portable gameing device is that large. Haven't people in Japan the portable game Mecca started to shift towards smart phone gaming?


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Placing hope in the vita catching on.........I don't know, unless they start bundling it with the PS4. I don't think the market for a dedicated portable gaining device is athat large. Haven't people in Japan the portable game Mecca started to shift towards smart phone gaming?

I don't think its so much about the Vita as it is about a possible big leap in how things get done moving towards a future where development costs are going up, sales worry everyone, and hardware gets harder to push.


did someone sound the thigh gap signal

I used to be a naysayer myself, but after checking out some indie stuff on Steam this past year... I'm too ready to see indie development blossom while in tight relations with a big name like Sony.

PSN plus got me on the indie train. Slowly but surely.

The one game that looks the most interesting was transistor. The artstyle that was shown at the E3 trailer hooked me in from the start.


Banstick Emeritus
Care to expand?

"That's basically it for 2013" is the sort of narrow minded drivel I'd expect from Gaming Side, but not here. The same nonsense that stacks launch lineups against each other as the be-all end-all, like it makes a difference. I've been fortunate enough to be in the industry for every launch since PS One, and the Vita's struggles aren't going to be turned around in the space of a year. Time is required to improve relationships, negotiate contracts, develop games and change perceptions - something that Shahid and the Sony team have been pushing hard since February of this year.

You lay the groundwork now by bringing games - quality titles, mind - to the platform. Change the perception that Vita isn't a viable platform for good games. Then the next phase of games are staggered in for 2014 and 2015, ie. the exclusive titles you mentioned. You don't change direction in a freighter like a Miami Vice speedboat. This is the shit that Nintendo should be doing for WiiU and isn't - chasing shit down and doing whatever it takes to get content.

tl;dr - It's a marathon, not a sprint.
Shit Indie games have kept me going throughout this absolute drought of good "AAA" games to play. I'm not about that COD life, so I gives no fucks about that entire series.


That seems narrowminded as hell.

If the Vita becomes the indie platform of choice, they could change ....damn near everything. That's a pretty big deal.

Not like Killer Instinct's particle count, but like a legit big deal.

How is it narrow minded as hell? Platform exclusivity is sort of counter productive to the indie movement as a whole, which is why you see a lot of indie games releasing on a multitude of platforms. Consumers are obviously looking for justifications outside of Indie games considering the deplorable sales of the Vita, although it could be argued that the Vita and Indie games are somewhat incompatible, considering it's cost of entry.

But there's two different debates brewing at the moment: A) Is catering to Indies at an unprecedented level good for Sony in the long run? and B) Is a platform where Indie games are the justification for purchase, and not necessarily 1st, 2nd and non-indie 3rd party development, a viable game plan for the success of the Vita? There are plenty of arguments to be made in favor of A, but that's not what I'm arguing. As of right now, a platform where Indie games are the main course, instead of a complimentary dish, is proving to be unsuccessful as far the fiscal health of the Vita is concerned. Is it good for Indies? Hell yes. Is it good for Sony's gaming division? Probably. Is it good for consumers? If Indie games are your thing then absolutely. Is it good for Vita? I'm not sure how you can say yes given the current climate.

Hell, I'm not even convinced of its effectiveness in spurring future growth within Sony as a whole. In order for it to be worthwhile to the extent they're catering towards it, I think the relationships between Sony and Indie games would have to evolve into 1st and 2nd party relationships at some point. But as of right now, the overwhelming majority of these games are eventually coming out to competing platforms, mainly the PC. As an Indie developer, it simply does not make sense to limit yourself to a single platform and forego the install bases found within non-Sony branded platforms, which is why the majority of them do not go in that direction. The closest Sony has come to forging these types of partnerships is with Housemarque and Tequila Works, and neither of those are really "Indie" developers in the same way as someone like Capybara Games or Devolver Digital. It's definitely worth a try though, and is low cost/low risk/potentially high reward type of situation, but as I said, that's not what I was arguing before hand.
I don't think its so much about the Vita as it is about a possible big leap in how things get done moving towards a future where development costs are going up, sales worry everyone, and hardware gets harder to push.

For Indy games on ps4/xbo I agree but I don't know if the vita will ever catch on the way they want it to. I think the vita is just a device that is a generation to late. I really think if was a combination phone/ gaming device with the form factor of the psp go it would've been much more successful.




"That's basically it for 2013" is the sort of narrow minded drivel I'd expect from Gaming Side, but not here. The same nonsense that stacks launch lineups against each other as the be-all end-all, like it makes a difference. I've been fortunate enough to be in the industry for every launch since PS One, and the Vita's struggles aren't going to be turned around in the space of a year. Time is required to improve relationships, negotiate contracts, develop games and change perceptions - something that Shahid and the Sony team have been pushing hard since February of this year.

You lay the groundwork now by bringing games - quality titles, mind - to the platform. Change the perception that Vita isn't a viable platform for good games. Then the next phase of games are staggered in for 2014 and 2015, ie. the exclusive titles you mentioned. You don't change direction in a freighter like a Miami Vice speedboat. This is the shit that Nintendo should be doing for WiiU and isn't - chasing shit down and doing whatever it takes to get content.

tl;dr - It's a marathon, not a sprint.

That's all fine and dandy except for the fact that there's a competing handheld that is for all intents and purposes, selling extremely well. What are we judging success on? Because if it's sales, how exactly is the game plan you layout effective? Why should 3rd party developers waste their time on a platform with dwarfed sales, when there's the 3DS across the aisle with an install base that's worth a shit? As Nintendo has shown with its consoles, 3rd party support is just a little important, and a platform's 3rd party basically runs in lock step with its sales. I've seen platforms rebound from mediocre sales. The Playstation 3, PSP and 3DS are indicative of such a turnaround. But the Vita's sales aren't mediocre. They're not even bad. Let's be real here, they're basically non-existent at this point.

But once again, what's considered a turnaround? I can see Gamecube like success, ie. mediocre to modest sales, and a platform primarily driven by Sony - as well as some niche titles, but that's about it and even that's a stretch IMO. A turnaround is definitely going to happen, but only because the current situation is so unbelievably dreadful that it's a tad bit difficult to go anywhere but up.


Banstick Emeritus
Harson, you continue to focus on 2013 as the Alpha and the Omega.

I'll stick with the big picture.

Frankly, the only thing you're bring to the table is that since Vita sales aren't good, they should...what? Shut it down? Not bring games to the table? Anyone can sit on the sidelines and nitpick, but what is your plan?


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
That's all fine and dandy except for the fact that there's a competing handheld that is for all intents and purposes, selling extremely well. What are we judging success on? Because if it's sales, how exactly is the game plan you layout effective? Why should 3rd party developers waste their time on a platform with dwarfed sales, when there's the 3DS across the aisle with an install base that's worth a shit? As Nintendo has shown with its consoles, 3rd party support is just a little important, and a platform's 3rd party basically runs in lock step with its sales. I've seen platforms rebound from mediocre sales. The Playstation 3, PSP and 3DS are indicative of such a turnaround. But the Vita's sales aren't mediocre. They're not even bad. Let's be real here, they're basically non-existent at this point.

But once again, what's considered a turnaround? I can see Gamecube like success, ie. mediocre to modest sales, and a platform primarily driven by Sony - as well as some niche titles, but that's about it and even that's a stretch IMO. A turnaround is definitely going to happen, but only because the current situation is so unbelievably dreadful that it's a tad bit difficult to go anywhere but up.
If Nintendo stays the course it does on its handheld market, which is basically just the conventional/traditional answer at this point, then that allows Sony to take all the new ground it wants at the pace it wants - because there aren't going to be any major new platforms coming out anytime soon as well as cultivating their perfect environment for it.

I still have trouble wrapping my head around an organized, supported, and encouraged indie community. For the past few years, small developers have been cut off at the knees or pushed aside despite their successes. Lately, just being allowed to operate on a semi-trusted level, that sector has boomed. This is a huge, low-risk investment for Sony at this point and with Nintendo being dumb and MS too busy cleaning itself off, they'll have the advantage of running with this for some time.


When did I say that they should shut it down? I'm saying that the prospects of the platform are dire, not that they should give up. As for what they should do - oh I don't know - maybe A) Internally Develop for the platform in a big way B) Forge 2nd party relationships for exclusive content for the platform C) Instead of merely opening its platform to Indie developers, and paving the way for ports, maybe finance a few teams to create larger budgeted exclusive content for its platform. D) Go out and court 3rd party developers.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
When did I say that they should shut it down? I'm saying that the prospects of the platform are dire, not that they should give up. As for what they should do - oh I don't know - maybe A) Internally Develop for the platform B) Forge 2nd party relationships for exclusive content for the platform C) Instead of merely opening its platform to Indie developers, and paving the way for ports, maybe finance a few teams to create larger budgeted exclusive content for its platform. D) Go out and court 3rd party developers.

That's a lot of throwing big money into short-term solutions and hoping for good things to fall from the sky...

I really think you've just missed out on what all indie brings to the table


Banstick Emeritus
A) Internally Develop for the platform in a big way B) Forge 2nd party relationships for exclusive content for the platform C) Instead of merely opening its platform to Indie developers, and paving the way for ports, maybe finance a few teams to create larger budgeted exclusive content for its platform. D) Go out and court 3rd party developers.
I could fill the thigh gaps of five dozen Miley Cyrus' with the knowledge you lack
And now we have come full circle. G'night!


That's a lot of throwing big money into short-term solutions and hoping for good things to fall from the sky...

I really think you've just missed out on what all indie brings to the table

I swear people aren't reading my posts.

I'm not faulting Sony for courting Indie developers. I'm not even faulting them for attempting to make Indies an important aspect of their platform. I'm faulting them for not doing the things I described on top of fostering Indie support. As you agreed with, fostering Indie support is low cost, low risk and potentially high reward. Between this and the price cut, from a spectators standpoint, it seems like they're doing the bare minimum to support their platform. First Party support, Second Party Support, Sony funded 3rd Party relationships, etc. are key indicators of the platform holder giving a shit about their product. And I'm just not seeing that from Sony. Compare Nintendo's support of the 3DS, and Sony's support of the Vita, and it's night and day.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
You don't just make a system seller like that anymore

That's what people are reading and rolling their eyes at

A whole new gaming library that basically makes it own shit though? Now that's something to pay attention to.


And now we have come full circle. G'night!

Come on man, you can at least engage my points.

You don't just make a system seller like that anymore.

That's what people are reading and rolling their eyes at

A whole new gaming library that basically makes it own shit though? Now that's something to pay attention to.

You can't be serious. I agree with the fact that industries change, and Indie games are a force to reckoned with, which is a phenomenon that's only going to grow. But to suggest that the guidelines I laid out are not ladened with potential within the current gaming climate is ludicrous. That's how Sony recently turned around the Playstation 3. That's how Nintendo recently turned around the 3DS' slow start, and why the platform is as successful as it is today. There's no reason they can't incorporate both of our visions.
How many big 1st or 2nd party games does a Sony console typically get in a year? I'm not sure vita is too far off, they're getting two major 1st party efforts just like the PS4 this fall. They announced a new platformer/adventure game for next year just a few weeks ago. I think this is just the new "PS3 has no games." 3rd parties are clearly not putting in effort, but Sony can only focus what it can change, and PS4s can drive vita sales, not the other way around. So why force your developers to focus on the vita in a likely to fail effort to drive up sales with lesser versions of console games?


I will agree with harSon on one thing: Sony treats Vita like a second-class citizen as far as first party support goes. When there's an Uncharted game on a Sony portable, Naughty Dog isn't making it. When it's God of War, it isn't Santa Monica. They farm that stuff out, get somebody second-tier to do it on the cheap, and then the quality isn't up to series standard.

Nintendo doesn't care whether the game is on handheld or console, because they need both to sell equally. The same Mario Kart team does the series on 3DS and WiiU. Mario 3D Land was made by the Galaxy 2 team. The Zelda team does both the handheld and console versions.


How many big 1st or 2nd party games does a Sony console typically get in a year? I'm not sure vita is too far off, they're getting two major 1st party efforts just like the PS4 this fall. They announced a new platformer/adventure game for next year just a few weeks ago. I think this is just the new "PS3 has no games." 3rd parties are clearly not putting in effort, but Sony can only focus what it can change, and PS4s can drive vita sales, not the other way around. So why force your developers to focus on the vita in a likely to fail effort to drive up sales with lesser versions of console games?

Nobody told them they had to hamfist console experiences onto handhelds, and that's another problem I have with them. There's a reason Tearaway looks like one of the freshest games to grace the platform, and that's because it's not a straight to DVD version of a console game from Sony's B-Squad.


What are 2nd party games? Exclusives that are made by developers not owned by the company that the game is exclusive to?
What are 2nd party games? Exclusives that are made by developers not owned by the company that the game is exclusive to?

Think Insomniac Games, who up until recently made games exclusively for Sony, despite not being owned by them. Or Game Freak, who pretty much handle the entire Pokemon handheld franchise since '98, but are a privately owned company.


Gamefreak I think is the last true 2nd party dev out there I think. I think Sucker Punch was finally bought by Sony after Infamous 2....?

edit; Also with the indie thing, It didn't hit me at first what Sony was doing but they are basically trying to find and build there next Naughty Dog. ND started out with just a few dudes 20 years ago and look where they are now. It's more of a talent pool search then anything.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Come on man, you can at least engage my points.

You can't be serious. I agree with the fact that industries change, and Indie games are a force to reckoned with, which is a phenomenon that's only going to grow. But to suggest that the guidelines I laid out are not ladened with potential within the current gaming climate is ludicrous. That's how Sony recently turned around the Playstation 3. That's how Nintendo recently turned around the 3DS' slow start, and why the platform is as successful as it is today. There's no reason they can't incorporate both of our visions.

I think you're overestimating your own point. Sony's PS3 'turnaround' was not just because of some good games. They overhauled a lot from their UI to services offered. Day 1 Digital, PS+, their entertainment offers and flexibility have made huge changes. The 3DS was always going to have games coming to it and I couldn't help but laugh when people said it was in trouble when it debuted. Their opening day lineup was nothing to laugh at but the 3DS always had games in the pipe. You really can't compare the two OR compare either to the Vita's issues.

The thing about the Vita is that you can't possibly expect people to just throw their money down for one single game anymore. It doesn't happen. Even a couple of big AAA games on the Vita simply don't make sense because that small angle isn't going to directly compete with the 3DS. That race is not going to be won. Plus big game investments like that don't pay off that well even in the best case scenarios.
Gamefreak I think is the last true 2nd party dev out there I think. I think Sucker Punch was finally bought by Sony after Infamous 2....?

edit; Also with the indie thing, It didn't hit me at first what Sony was doing but they are basically trying to find and build there next Naughty Dog. ND started out with just a few dudes 20 years ago and look where they are now. It's more of a talent pool search then anything.

They're not trying to find just one, they're trying to make it so that all small developers love them and no one else.
Honestly, I kinda have GTAV on the backburner now. Not just a bunch of other games I wanna play like Rayman Legends and W101, and not just because the school semester is gon be pretty serious this year and can't afford losing any more lost time, but the fact that it's gonna be on PC 6-9 months from now, with better framerate/higher native res/mods/all that jazz. It's very easy for me to wait for.

now watch me pick it up day one anyway


Banstick Emeritus
Come on man, you can at least engage my points.
I had to go to bed. I GOT KIDS, YO

Anyways, when you say stuff like this
I'm faulting them for not doing the things I described on top of fostering Indie support.
then we really have come full circle, because you don't know who is being approached in the so-called AAA space to bring exclusive new content to Vita, you don't know how long those negotiations take, and you don't know when they'll be released. Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it's not happening behind the scenes.
I'm watching this interview of Anderson Silva on Sway in the morning.

He sounds and looks like the nicest guy ever, like the type of guy to keep the door open for you when you're a good 30 steps away.


Ubisoft Marketing
I'm watching this interview of Anderson Silva on Sway in the morning.

He sounds and looks like the nicest guy ever, like the type of guy to keep the door open for you when you're a good 30 steps away.

And then....spider kick to the sternum.

Jokes aside, a friend of mine met him a while back and said pretty much the same thing.
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