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The Black Culture Thread |OT4| Learn to love the BBC


I had to go to bed. I GOT KIDS, YO

Anyways, when you say stuff like this

then we really have come full circle, because you don't know who is being approached in the so-called AAA space to bring exclusive new content to Vita, you don't know how long those negotiations take, and you don't know when they'll be released. Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it's not happening behind the scenes.
Yea we can play armchair analysts all we want but we dont know shit about whats happenimg in the background, but thinking that there hasnt been an olive branch extended is naive. I dont see how anyone can spin indies as a negative.


I had to go to bed. I GOT KIDS, YO

Anyways, when you say stuff like this

then we really have come full circle, because you don't know who is being approached in the so-called AAA space to bring exclusive new content to Vita, you don't know how long those negotiations take, and you don't know when they'll be released. Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it's not happening behind the scenes.

How does that make sense? With that logic, basically everything in existence cannot be criticized due to the possibility of there being something in the pipeline to rectify the issue. I can only go off of what Sony has shown. I'm no mind reader. The platform has been out for a year and a half now, and that's enough of a time frame on which to point out faults. This whole thing can be summed up by comparing Sony's efforts with the Playstation 4, and Sony's efforts with the Vita. With the Playstation 4, Sony is pushing Indie games hard, but they've also announced that they have 30 Sony published/developed games in the pipeline for the platform's launch year. They've gone ahead and told us that all Sony owned studios are working on Playstation 4 games. They've told us that they'll have 33 games released to the platform by years end. They told us that the system will have 30 Sony published/developed games to its name by the end of its first launch year. Despite the fact that the Playstation 4's lineup is currently somewhat lacking, in conjunction with Sony's recent history in the gaming industry, this transparency in foresight by Sony in regards to the Playstation 4 eases consumer's concerns about the current situation. The console's not even out yet and they're doing this. As I said, regardless of the situation now, it shows consumers and third party developers that they give a shit in the long run. In comparison, consumers are basically operating on faith for the future of the Vita as a platform.

Also, I'm not a fan of the Vita as a primarily Indie driven platform - from a purely fiscal standpoint - due to the fact that it's at odds with the identity of the Vita. The Vita was built to be a high spec'd platform relative to its field. It's a luxury item and its entry price is indicative of such an identity. I just don't see consumers dropping $200 plus the ridiculous cost of a proprietary memory card to play Indie games that can be found on other platforms. At least not a meaningful amount. Not many are going to drop $400 for a Playstation 4 to primarily play Indie games. Nobody is going to drop a large sum of cash to build a high end computer to primarily play Indie games. In these cases, people are making these purchases to play higher end games, and a great library of Indie games is a complimentary court/cherry on top. And that's my issue at the moment. They're trying to sell what should be a complimentary dish as a main dish, and at a premium price none the less. If the Vita were priced lower, then I'd have no issue with the gameplan, but as I said, with the current picture, the vision is at odds with the intended identity of the platform.


It's a good time to be an indie.

Except for on Microsoft platforms.

Up until recently, definitely. But that's likely to change given the new direction Microsoft is moving regarding its policies towards Indies.

The more viable platforms that sprout for Indies, the better off they'll ultimately be. As I said, it doesn't make sense for most Indies to restrict themselves to specific platforms and miss out on potential sales, which is why the long term proposition of an Indie focused gameplan is questionable to me.


Up until recently, definitely. But that's likely to change given the new direction Microsoft is moving regarding its policies towards Indies.

The more viable platforms that sprout for Indies, the better off they'll ultimately be. As I said, it doesn't make sense for most Indies to restrict themselves to specific platforms and miss out on potential sales, which is why the long term proposition of an Indie focused gameplan is questionable to me.

Oh yeah, if i could, every game would run on everything that could execute code.

If someone wants to lock anything I make as an exclusive, they've got to pay handsomely, or I have to have an ulterior motive to making a game exclusive on that platform.

This is why Unity is exploding right now. The vast majority of indies are not going to be exploiting the limits of your hardware just due to a lack of raw manpower and the inability to hire hundreds of contractors and fire them at the end of the game's development. Unity advertises itself as the engine that's not going to set a cost expectation from your customers. It's capable, but not omgwtfgigafloops levels of technical execution. It also runs on damn near everything. Nintendo will give it to you for free and Sony will subsidize it a bit. MS currently does nothing about it. Hell, the reason I mentioned I'm releasing a game on Ouya earlier is because the engine that game was made on is running on damn near everything now, and the programmers of it are continually porting it to more platforms. Even if the Linux version sold 3 copies, that's still 3 more copies sold.

Epic has tried to recapture some of that lost base with giving out the UDK, but Unreal 4 licensees are still going to stagnate because Epic's advertising over the years makes people think Unreal Engine Game = The Latest Whizbang. They don't have a Renderware exodus to benefit from this time at the AAA level, and no indie in their right mind is going to agree to their licensing terms.
Nobody told them they had to hamfist console experiences onto handhelds, and that's another problem I have with them. There's a reason Tearaway looks like one of the freshest games to grace the platform, and that's because it's not a straight to DVD version of a console game from Sony's B-Squad.
Mario kart and Mario land are console experiences that people convinced themselves aren't because Nintendo does it.


Mario kart and Mario land are console experiences that people convinced themselves aren't because Nintendo does it.

Those games are also pick up and play in nature, and lend themselves well to bite sized gaming durations. There are certainly games to make your point with though, Zelda for example.
Most games on psp/vita that ppl complained about had shorter and tighter missions also. Levels were generally smaller, also. I don't see any praises thrown towards Sly Cooper for its pick up and go gameplay.


Those games are also pick up and play in nature, and lend themselves well to bite sized gaming durations. There are certainly games to make your point with though, Zelda for example.

Vita has its good share of those games as well. LBP, Wipeout, dragons crown, etc.

Both handhelds are actually quite equal in that category.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Are kids still checking for pokemon? I don't know any kid that plays that stuff.



Are kids still checking for pokemon? I don't know any kid that plays that stuff.

My nephew plays it, but then again, I bought him the Black/White era Pokemon a few years ago for his birthday... so I probably spurred the habit. I haven't played a Pokemon since Red/Blue Lol. Not sure why.


Junior Member
Shit Indie games have kept me going throughout this absolute drought of good "AAA" games to play. I'm not about that COD life, so I gives no fucks about that entire series.

Seriously. My summer has been Gunpoint, Rogue Legacy, FTL, The Swapper, and Gone Home. Actually I'm just playing those because I got bored of how similar AAA games have gotten. Honestly, it's probably gonna be like that for the whole year too. I'm waiting to buy shit like Wasteland Kings and Spelunky over BF4 and Creed. Waiting on a PC version for GTA V.

A sea of not-children.



Yep...Pokemon World Championships here in Vancouver a few weeks ago had the older "kid" demographic locked up tight. Pretty cool, actually.
Now I am imagining a big black dude showing and wining just by dehumanizing the competition.

That should be a Pokemon move anyway.
Is SRIV that good? I have an unopened copy, but other games have been keeping me busy.
It's a game that knows it's a game and is incredibly fun. I'm tired of the heavy-handed AAA experience, so SR4 was a nice surprise. It's not without flaws, but it's still fun as fuck.
Now I am imagining a big black dude showing and wining just by dehumanizing the competition.

That should be a Pokemon move anyway.

It's called Glare. Mean Look also applies, kinda.
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