Professor Beef
Fire starters are crap except for charilizard.
SR4 only sore spot is the hacking minigame, but bioshock had that shit to.
Framerate gets pretty bad sometimes, sadly.
Fire starters are crap except for charilizard.
SR4 only sore spot is the hacking minigame, but bioshock had that shit to.
Blastoise is always god tier in my heart
Blastoise was in every Pokemon team i ever set up back in the day. Ice Beam all day son!
I always picked fire for my first run through. The grass starters were wack to me.
Fire starters are crap except for charilizard.
So James Spader is Ultron.
Marvel is really good at casting, but this seems kinda quirky. I've imagined voices like Tony Todd, Frank Welker, Willem Defoe. But maybe those would be too obvious. I like Spader a lot though and I'm now more excited to see what kinda dialogue he'll have with that voice.
As an aside, I hope GotG really pops off so we can maybe get an Annihilation Conquest adaptation and they have an excuse to use Ultron more than once.
Also the Intimidate ability.
lmao at the port begging in the Soul Calibur 2 thread.
Blastoise was in every Pokemon team i ever set up back in the day. Ice Beam all day son!
Blastoise, Dragonite, Zapdos, Alakazam, Snorlax and Charizard.
Come at me bros.
Fire starters are crap except for charilizard.
Blastoise, Dragonite, Zapdos, Alakazam, Snorlax and Charizard.
Come at me bros.
Damn, other than Blastoise I can't even remember my Blue team. Blastoise put in that work.
Those 2 were my thunder and lightning back in the day. Took a shit on dudes with them 2 aloneBlastoise, Dragonite, Zapdos, Alakazam, Snorlax and Charizard.
Come at me bros.
Those 2 were my thunder and lightning back in the day. Took a shit on dudes with them 2 alone
So James Spader is Ultron.
Blastoise, Dragonite, Zapdos, Alakazam, Snorlax and Charizard.
Come at me bros.
except for fucking alakazam, my original squad could handle em.
blastoise, magmar, vileplume, electabuzz, fearow, gengar.
I rocked this shit so hard.
Misty's song about wanting Ash's dick was fyre.
So James Spader is Ultron.
You seen those fools lately? They are scarey competent, Ash is now the one catching Ls.
now? hes been manufacturing Ls since butterfree
He did beat Gary, though. Those episodes were damn good.Ash catches L's every season since he never wins a league tourney. They playing this dude, let him get to the semi finals every single time just to lose before finals. He only wins small shit. I think that along with the fact it's like 99 percent filler made me stop watching the show as a kid.
Ash stacks L's so high even Nas has to admire them.
I remember everyone in school having them hacked Mews, but I was the only one who put 2 and 2 together and gave mine Softboiled. All of a sudden *I* was the cheater. :lol
He did beat Gary, though. Those episodes were damn good.
Ash catches L's every season since he never wins a league tourney. They playing this dude, let him get to the semi finals every single time just to lose before finals. He only wins small shit. I think that along with the fact it's like 99 percent filler made me stop watching the show as a kid.
Ash stacks L's so high even Nas has to admire them.
what kills me, is they give him room for Ws. his fucking krabby that he didnt use once coasted through the first round of the first tournament his muk hekped the second. then he fights ash 2.0 and gets owned because charizard told him in so many words to fuck off. its like he cant help but do dumb shit
Seriously. My summer has been Gunpoint, Rogue Legacy, FTL, The Swapper, and Gone Home. Actually I'm just playing those because I got bored of how similar AAA games have gotten. Honestly, it's probably gonna be like that for the whole year too. I'm waiting to buy shit like Wasteland Kings and Spelunky over BF4 and Creed. Waiting on a PC version for GTA V.
Hey, no Pokemon ever called me nigger-unlike in CoD
By the way
FFXIV, when you can actually connect, is an outstanding game
Getting tired of any statement I make on race immediately being challenged on "but why isn't it that way when blacks do it?"
Also the Intimidate ability.
Ash is forever young too. Dude might even be getting younger. What is this.
lol I had this shit back in the day (early 2000's) the song never made since to me cause nothing ever happened in the show between those two.I rocked this shit so hard.
Misty's song about wanting Ash's dick was fyre.