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The Black Culture Thread |OT4| Learn to love the BBC


As long as you don't get like the GAF Sexy stories thread, I think you'll be ok. (that shit was weird, btw.)

also it's not safe to be outside of the fallout shelter without a CBRN suit you guys...

vv:a couple chapters, in house, why not, eh? keep it BCT. post it online on one of those notepad sites, and give us a link. don't throw pearls before swine. unless you have so many pearls.
Okay. Im sitting here working. I started to put on some music to drown the quiet. Little known fact im a Beatles fan.

Listening to the Across the Universe soundtrack.....

Emotions and feelings come out. I start to write. I want to share. Worried about putting it down on GAF. but at the same time I am tempted to make my own thread. I have seriously been doing some contemplating. I am about to turn 33 in 14 days. Looking back at my life, somber reflection. Realized I need to capture my dreams and live life. I have always wanted to write. Always felt that the shit I have seen and lived through if put on paper would be amazing. Inspired by DY and his story. Im grasping at straws. I know once I put it down its there forever. The thing is everything I am writing minus names is 100% true good and bad.

I have asked this question to BCT twice already. And of course my post get overlooked. Looking for input.


Ubisoft Marketing
Okay. Im sitting here working. I started to put on some music to drown the quiet. Little known fact im a Beatles fan.

Listening to the Across the Universe soundtrack.....

Emotions and feelings come out. I start to write. I want to share. Worried about putting it down on GAF. but at the same time I am tempted to make my own thread. I have seriously been doing some contemplating. I am about to turn 33 in 14 days. Looking back at my life, somber reflection. Realized I need to capture my dreams and live life. I have always wanted to write. Always felt that the shit I have seen and lived through if put on paper would be amazing. Inspired by DY and his story. Im grasping at straws. I know once I put it down its there forever. The thing is everything I am writing minus names is 100% true good and bad.

I have asked this question to BCT twice already. And of course my post get overlooked. Looking for input.

Do it man. Otherwise you'll look back and think "What If"

Even if you post it somewhere else, link us. I for one, will read it.


Junior Member

Don't go on to ratchet mess.....
Do it man. Otherwise you'll look back and think "What If"

Even if you post it somewhere else, link us. I for one, will read it.

i wouldn't make a thread about it OT-side. folks will zero in on all the bad like that's what defines you.

vv:a couple chapters, in house, why not, eh? keep it BCT. post it online on one of those notepad sites, and give us a link. don't throw pearls before swine. unless you have so many pearls.

Preciate you.

Will do.
You ever heard that saying that when a door closes another door opens. I am gonna be real, I think its some bullshit. Personally I believe in knocking my own doors down making my own oppurtunities, creating my own way. When I was coming up I was always taught that you cant make a person do anything that they dont want to. Hell, coming up you see shit that you wouldnt believe, I mean mother fuckers were always thirsty and willing to go that extra mile for the goodies. So was I. I want to enlighten you to one of the worst mistakes of my life. I know its cliche that love makes you do crazy things, but hate makes you do worse. But if you read this far you know its not about my personal philosophy, its about what a man will do when faced with....

I remember when I saw her for the first time. It was one of those spots that people go to after a long day of work. You want to take a load off and just unwind. I was much younger then, I wouldnt say I was an adonis walking the earth but I was fairly easy on the eyes. I remember seeing her mocha skin contrasting with the blue in her jeans. She had a smile that would brighten a funeral and eyes that could pierce your soul. She caught me off guard and I remember fumbling trying to decide what to say next. She opened her mouth and uttered " Can I help you?" I looked her in the eyes and knew in my mind and my loins I would be fucking her before the weekend. So I said what any man would say "You already did". She paused and started to smile. "What do you mean". I was told to treat any conversation like a fight. I responded "Seeing that smile made my year." Some old simp shit I know but you can never stray from the classics. I started to place my order and paid for it. Of course knowing what I know in any fight you look for tells. The subtle movements. I didnt say anything else. Our eyes did the rest of the talking. And with a gesture she flipped over my reciept and wrote that number. Now mind you I was enamored by those eyes, thats what caught me. So I ate my meal. Got up. Walked to the counter and asked "What you doing tonight?" She said she had some plans but what was I doing in the afternoon tomorrow. I said "Whatever you want to" She looked at my uniform and said call me when you get off. I said cool and I walked off. Now lets be real for a second. She knew what I wanted and I knew what she wanted. But you never go in expecting the best. Always look for the worst. If it happens it happens.

The next day went by like a whirlwind. PT was light because a battalion run was coming up. My vehicle was on point and my squad leader was the type of cat that liked to sneak out of work whenever he could. So about lunch time, word got down that there wasnt going to be formation. No need for everyone to hang in the motorpool doing nothing wasting time. So ever so slowly cats started trickling out of the motorpool, knowing that it was basically a half day. Myself I had a thirst that needed to be quenched. I picked up my phone as I was walking out of the gates and dialed the area code. On the third ring she picked up. I said "I hope its not a bad time" She said no. "So what you want to do" She said she wanted to see me. "Fine" I said lets make it happen. Now anyone in the military knows that during buisness hours if you stayed in the barracks you couldnt have guest. But knowing what I know that couldnt stop my thirsty behavior. I knew if I took her down the back hallway I could walk her to my room without hesitation. No body was watching the desk there and no one would be looking. I looked at my watch. 1315. She said she would be there in 15 minutes. In my mind I concocted this elaborate plan to get her in with no worries. I sat outside in the sun waiting in the parking lot to flag her down. 1324. This bronze colored SUV rolls up and I had an inkling I knew who it was. So like any brother from the south I flagged her down. She parked and I went from thirsty to hungry.

Knee high leather boots, beige colored long skirt with a long slit. Sleeveless sweater that showed off a fit chocalate toned stomach with diamond stud in the navel. Hair was slicked back in a pony tail cascading off the back of her head. Every gesture and movement was lyrical. In my mind every step she took was its own beat that became evermore primal and deafening with each step forward. As she came closer the wind caught her perfume bewitching me. This woman was a damn sensation to all my senses. We made small talk and I asked her to come on in. I opened my door and we sat down on the couch. She told me about herself and her family. She told me how much she loved the piano. I told her about my love for music. It got quiet a moment. It was one of the silences that you can fuck up by speaking, only action would suffice. I remember that first kiss, unrefined and animalistic. Lustful dirty and passionate. I was beginning to satiate my appetite. She started to bite my ear. And I started to respond by kissing her neck. In between breaths she started whimper ever so slightly. She asked me to take off her top. Whilst I was following orders she began to stand. I watched as her top fell to the floor, her dark and perky breast exposed to the cascading sunlight the lit the dim room. There in front of me she stood with nothing but those leather boots and black laced thong that seem to fade into her form. Her silhouette was art made flesh. It was as if the Lord Almighty had molded the contures of her supple form. Basking for only a moment lost in my lustful thoughts of conquest, we made eye contact. Her eyes longing for my touch and for that moment we conducted our symphony. Our bodies were our instruments and with a slow pace we began. We were creating our aria with crescendos and decrescendos. Accarezzevole allegro. Never once did our eyes part. Beads of sweat formed across my brow. Her esscence flowed between her breast and fell upon my chest. The salty sweet taste of her nubian skin quenched my passion. I heard my name fall from her lips. And in that moment I felt her sweet release flow over my body. It was as if time stood still and we were the only ones in that moment. Everything continued to move but were frozen in that moment at the height of true bliss. Our ecstacy knew no bounds. I felt her flow all over me sticky and sweet. The wave flowed into us. I knew it was time for my answer. Sound and feeling and everything became one. Our passions touched and my release was incoming. I was in a clouded maze of pleasure and pain. This was a drug. I was in its thrall. Everything blurred. I had her in my embrace. She and I were cresting the summit.
Thats when I heard the door open.

*Fade to intermission*


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
I'm good for Monday's podcast.

And I'll finish this shit up before Sunday.

Fuck this up and I'll leave yal behind like dreams-visions.


Why you ninjas didnt tell me this is what elle varner looks like


I've only heard her on the radio never bothered to check for a video

There is a gif of her at last year's BET Awards. That's when she reached "damn" status for me. Always thought she was cute since I saw a YouTube video of her singing on some radio show.


halo/kojima thread make my head hurt.

If I was a game Dev I would refuse to read shit on the internet. It's have to be heart breaking.

That said

Godhand sucked ass.


halo/kojima thread make my head hurt.

If I was a game Dev I would refuse to read shit on the internet. It's have to be heart breaking.

Now David Ellis is currently cosplaying as the character design he was criticizing.

The character's name is Quiet. You get it?


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
We don't even have money for new magazines, and we're supposed to invade Syria? lmao
Rio with that 50 shades of gray.

OT woulda been pissed about someone seemingly bragging and then getting that romance novel-y about a fuck story.

FM got flak for a story that was passed through PMs, it'd be smart to keep anything that portrays you negatively in here, even if you own up to your mistakes. Dudes can't so much as talk about a girl having locs at school without losing their minds.


The physical form of blasphemy
Honestly, that outfit that the chick is wearing in MGSV is one of the stupidest design choices and some of the most blatant pandering ever, and that's before you even get to the fact that she doesn't talk. He's always been over the top with females, but nah. Cortana is whatever.

That Syria situation is fucked.
You check out the DMC vs DmC thread where people thought Kamiya was creating witty satire and wasn't serious with his terrible DMC lines? Good stuff.

I'm getting tired of the Kamiya dick riding over there.

If I see one more dumb thread for him tweeting something that would get him banned for wackness over here, I swear.
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