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The Black Culture Thread |OT4| Learn to love the BBC


  • Episode #13: They're Always Staring
Angelus joins Dy, Immortal, Moris, Devolution and Slayven for a discussion that includes movies, the darker side of anime, invasions of privacy, Casey Anthony, Yahoo Comments, Top Google search results, porn and more

Run time: 84 minutes 49 seconds

The Cast:
Devolution - DY_nasty - Imm0rt4l - MorisUkunRasik - Slayven - Angelus Errare
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  • Episode #13: They're Always Staring
Angelus joins Dy, Immortal, Moris, Devolution and Slayven for a discussion that includes movies, the darker side of anime, invasions of privacy, Casey Anthony, Yahoo Comments, Top Google search results, porn and more

Run time: 84 minutes 49 seconds

The Cast:
Devolution - DY_nasty - Imm0rt4l - MorisUkunRasik - Slayven - Angelus Errare
Click To Stream. Right Click To Save



Jay Electronica had a good verse doe

Sad that he will never put out that album since he's too busy fucking a billionaire

We have a better chance of detox being the soundtrack to half life 3 then Electronica dropping his album. smh

This is kinda off topic but entertain the next question for a few minutes.Would you lay low if you were smashing a billionaire? I mean quit your career or devote less time to it.

I can't blame Jay for this one bit. He went from being homeless to balls deep in a billionaire. If that ain't winning the lottery then I don't know what is.
This is kinda off topic but entertain the next question for a few minutes.Would you lay low if you were smashing a billionaire? I mean quit your career or devote less time to it.

I can't blame Jay for this one bit. He went from being homeless to balls deep in a billionaire. If that ain't winning the lottery then I don't know what is.

If I came into millions of dollars, nobody would ever hear from me again.
Im sitting there dick to the world, spit dripping down my leg and testacles whilst my bare ass is exposed to the filthiest couch in the US. One hand resting on the back of a now balding female skull the other hand filled with a cheap brunette wig made of second hand horse hair. All the while "10" begins to rise from her knees looking at me like I was the final morsel of food for miles and she hadnt eaten in weeks. That moment is when I realized that muted light is truly a villain. I sat appalled at the thought of what I had gotten into. I stare at a McDonalds cup that hadnt been used for at least 3 months, straw intact with a trail of robust black ants running from a pile of clothes that hadnt scene a washer since the cup was purchased. A filthy pair of mens shoes obviously from another resident or suitor caked with dried earth and pieces of grass strewn about atop an empty box of Cheerwine discolored from time sitting in the only spot exposed to the incoming sun, crimson cans spilled haphazardly across a faded carpet that hasnt seen a vacuum since I was in high school. I was in filth. And there standing in the center looking like an overweight Venus on clam shell of garbage and pestilence began to take her top off. And thats I noticed that the shape she portrayed wasnt her own. Underneath those billowing utters stood a corset fastened with string and a prayer looking for just the right movement to explode from the pressure and her true form to greet the world with reckless abandoned. This is the moment my dick began to recede. My libido had thrown in the towel and even though the head was toe curling the rest was stomach churning. I had to exit. I looked at my watch. 0435. I had to escape. There was no way my penis was going any further. And like a bolt from the blue it hit me. Fuck it just roll out. My captor looked at me with lust on her mind and said she had to run to the bathroom and this is the moment I took my leave. I patted myself down and checked for all my belongings because there is no way I was returning to that gulag. If it was left it was gone for good. And with that I rolled into the night.

It felt like I had been walking for an hour. By this time I didnt see any signs of being followed by my rotund lover. I assume she chalked it up as a lost cause. All I can think is good because I was "lied" to. Shame and sweat rolled down my skin as I began my trek back to post. 0520. I was not making good time. I had an hour to make it back for morning formation. I picked up the pace every stride getting ever longer. But something was nagging me and I remembered the message I didnt check. So I slowed my stride and pressed the speaker button and tapped all four numbers. I pressed 1. "Hey Rio, I was thinking about you and im sitting up tonight with my sister watching her kids while she goes out. I just wanted to talk about yesterday and how much I enjoyed spending time with you. Theres just something special about how you treated me and..... I just wanted to talk. Ill be up until 7 in the morning if you want to talk. Bye. If I dont hear from you I hope we are down for this afternoon after your run". I swear an angel is looking out for me. Without hesitation I called her. I concocted this amazing tale of how I got left at a bar by a friend and I was walking towards post and didnt think I was gonna make it in time. I should be nominated for a Golden Globe. Within minutes ever punctual she arrived and snatched me up. I remember the smile on her face and how happy she was. She looked at me and commented on how bad I smell. I said its the smell of shame. She began to laugh and I chuckled under my breath. A smile started to creep up and I knew I was going to be fine. I sat back and closed my eyes and was happy for the first time since this afternoon. "Daddy!!" In my haze I didnt notice the small being in the carseat in the back. I couldnt budge after being called a name I had no business carrying. "This is my daughter". I could only utter "Oh".

My legs and lungs hadnt felt this raw since basic. Imagine no less then a couple thousand men and women shuffling in formation to the cadence of 1,2,3,4. It was a hell of my own making and 4 miles later when it was seen fit that I be punished for my transgressions, I recieved reprieve in the form of a hot shower. My mind and body began to heal in the cooling water. I felt like a sinner that had its sins washed away by the spray of righteousness and Irish Spring. I went about my day tired and in a haze at the mistake I almost made. I couldnt shake the thought that she came and snatched me up. She made an amazing impression. Yeah she had a kid so what its nothing I hadnt dealt with before. And even though my first meeting she called me daddy it was kinda cute. I started to picture a picket fence and the whole nine. It was a warm feeling that I could embrace. But I began to shake it off. What am I thinking I only fucked her once. You cant catch feelings after one time. Hell no. Im a pimp in my mother fucking prime. Damn am I sprung? Nah couldnt be. All the while I am having this inner monologue, I didnt notice Windy City and my boy from New Orleans roll up on me. "Rio, they need you in First Sargeants office ASAP." I asked was it anything wrong. "Nah, they just said to come to the motorpool and find you and bring you down". I asked why didnt they call my cell. "We did, get your shit off vibrate" I run down to the parking lot and hop in my boys white whip. Glancing down at my phone im thinking to myself how the hell did I miss this many calls. And why did I miss a call from back home? Probably nothing. Nawlins pushed it past 60 rolling pass the barracks and passing vehicles like he was in Le Mans. In no time we arrived at Battery HQ and strolled in with urgency. Without any hesitation I paced into First Sargeants office head held high prepared for anything. Whatever happens. "Rio..... We were just contacted by Red Cross......" I didnt know what to think. Looks like I wasnt seeing her tonight after all.

"Your stepmother passed away last night......."


*Next time on Life and Times......*


When is GTA ever going to have a female protagonist. They are overdue aren't they?

I could see it happening but it would be awkward changing your characters clothes. Dudes don't want to go looking for which pumps would go best with what skirt. I don't change clothes unless I'm forced to.



  • Episode #13: They're Always Staring
Angelus joins Dy, Immortal, Moris, Devolution and Slayven for a discussion that includes movies, the darker side of anime, invasions of privacy, Casey Anthony, Yahoo Comments, Top Google search results, porn and more

Run time: 84 minutes 49 seconds

The Cast:
Devolution - DY_nasty - Imm0rt4l - MorisUkunRasik - Slayven - Angelus Errare
Click To Stream. Right Click To Save
Damn you cut nearly 2 hours.

Is 'millions of dollars' the name of a new MLP character?
They move us out to the community ghetto so nobody hears the screams

and that's when De Niro leads you into that clothing store with the blocked out windows



The physical form of blasphemy
Same thing that's going to happen to us eventually


Yea. I believe it. That thread was tame compared to some ish I've seen elsewhere...

Why do people have a hard on against them? I never understood being able to talk about post counts, names, and OT numbers, if you hate the thread. People are ridiculous.


Yea. I believe it. That thread was tame compared to some ish I've seen elsewhere...

Why do people have a hard on against them? I never understood being able to talk about post counts, names, and OT numbers, if you hate the thread. People are ridiculous.
Some people are really bothered by the idea that there is a community dedicated to discussing popular music. Somehow runs their gaf experience.

I find pop gaf hilarious. Hope they get their thread back.
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