I assumed they were generally considered under one umbrella because they don't fall under the traditional definition of heterosexual.
That's the thing though. I'm very aware of the whole stigma and bigotry that stems from it, but from what I've read here on GAF, I'd imagine that a MtF for example would consider themselves hetero if they are attracted to men. There's even one poster here in particular that considers herself lesbian because she's attracted to women. I guess my question is, is the LGBT label outdated, or is it not necessary to splinter the groups since they deal with many of the same issues?
On that note, do they deal with the same rights issues as gays, like as far as marriage and the benefits of it. I'd imagine for example that if a guy and a MtF want to get married, it's none of anyone's business what you were born as, so they wouldn't have any trouble getting married. I could be, and probably am, very wrong and making myself look like a callous ass, but that's why I'm asking. The whole thing is rather confusing tbh and I feel a whole lot more comfortable elaborating my questions here than in a thread where it could get heated.