WOW. Keeping slavery alive I see. All countries had salves at one point some even enslaved their own race.. move forward, not backwards.
This x100.
The reason everything is racist, etc. is the media wont let it die, like it should.
Going by those comments supposedly there were more black slave owners in New Orleans than white slave owners at a point.
So, you know, if anyone should be going after the slaves it should be black people.
So the PS4 is Immortal and the Xbone is Gucciman when it comes to specs?
So the PS4 is Immortal and the Xbone is Gucciman when it comes to specs?
So the PS4 is Immortal and the Xbone is Gucciman when it comes to specs?
So the PS4 is Immortal and the Xbone is Gucciman when it comes to specs?
So the PS4 is Immortal and the Xbone is Gucciman when it comes to specs?
Arnold in his primeWhat is the PC?
Man... these prices for apartments in San Jose are soul wrecking. I kind of want my own place, but a housemate seems like it's the most financially responsible thing to do at this point. Or I can live in the hood.
I dont get the whole spec talk and multiplat thing. It's like people are forgetting about the current gen situation and multiplats. PS3 is supposed to be a lot more powerful than the 360 and yet aside from PS3 exclusives, multiplats look exactly the same on both consoles. In fact, for a while 360 had the better performing/looking multiplats. I don't know what makes this next gen situation any different and the most I can see happening are both consoles providing equal looking/performing multiplat titles.
Hood probably got 2, maybe 3 Churches Chicken in the same area. Think of all those honey biscuits. And when you dodging bullets and shivs on the way out, you can't say your life isn't interested.
Man... these prices for apartments in San Jose are soul wrecking. I kind of want my own place, but a housemate seems like it's the most financially responsible thing to do at this point. Or I can live in the hood.
I should just go with the policy of not living in any area with a check n go/check cashing place.
Isn't that usually because the 360 is thought of as easier to develop for, so the development is optimized for 360 and then ported to PS3? If that process carries over to next gen then yeah, not too much will change but the perception (or reality) of difficulty is not there, maybe they'll make the most of the specs.
Roomate. Best way to go unless you have horrible luck with getting a good one.
Shemar MooreWhat is the PC?
Bethesda games will suck on the XBone confirmed.360 and PS3 architecture were very different, one of the devs from the Edge article said the ESRAM in the XB1 is a pain to use. From what it looks like the tables will be turned next gen with the addition of the PS4 also having more raw power. So it'd be like if in addition to the 360 being easier to dev for that it was also more powerful.
The main thing holding devas back would be most political, not wanting to have a lesser version on the XB1 for MS and XB1 fans sake. So it'll probably be 1st party devas making the case for PS4's graphical superiority.
That's my understanding at least. Maybe someone more knowledgable like Fyrewulf or Bish can drop some wisdom.
I dont get the whole spec talk and multiplat thing. It's like people are forgetting about the current gen situation and multiplats. PS3 is supposed to be a lot more powerful than the 360 and yet aside from PS3 exclusives, multiplats look exactly the same on both consoles. In fact, for a while 360 had the better performing/looking multiplats. I don't know what makes this next gen situation any different and the most I can see happening are both consoles providing equal looking/performing multiplat titles.
Isn't that usually because the 360 is thought of as easier to develop for, so the development is optimized for 360 and then ported to PS3? If that process carries over to next gen then yeah, not too much will change but the perception (or reality) of difficulty is not there, maybe they'll make the most of the specs.
Probably going to join the madness on GTAV. I really, really, really wish they had more traffic. Streets shouldn't be that empty. :/
Bros, Japanese chick is on her way. A friend of brought up something though. Since I am the "It's let me put my clothes on leave" type of dude WTF am I going to do if she wants to stay the weekend?
Bros, Japanese chick is on her way. A friend of brought up something though. Since I am the "It's let me put my clothes on leave" type of dude WTF am I going to do if she wants to stay the weekend?
A lot of it has to do with developing to the lowest common denominator. They're not going to go out of their way to squeeze performance out of one platform over the other. The reason we saw garbage PS3 ports for much of this gen is the fact that A) 360 was the lead platform and B) Playstation 3 was harder to develop for. Even later in the generation when PS3 was being used as the lead platform, and the game was being ported to 360, the differences between the two were neglible. Both consoles are going to be easy to develop for this upcoming generation, and I just don't see 3rd party developers going out of their way to take advantage of one console over the other, or setting an end goal that the lowest common denominator can't achieve. Unless there's politics involved, ie. the developer being cozy with the platform holder.
Yea. And I doubt XB1's graphical woes will be anywhere near as bad as PS3's screwy architecture. Devs were talking shit about that forever.
Man up and smash for a weekend.
I'm not even sure I am going to smash tonight. Which will suck because I am spending some change on this whole day.
I'm not even sure I am going to smash tonight. Which will suck because I am spending some change on this whole day.
Is this just a random chick, a candidate, what?
Just roll with it mang
Pray to DY.
Japanese chick that is related to one of my best friend's wife.
I don't want to get her pregos and leave her.
Bros, Japanese chick is on her way. A friend of mine brought up something though. Since I am the "It's over, let me put my clothes on and leave" type of dude WTF am I going to do if she wants to stay the weekend?
Portland you are so hilarious.