He has an army and MechsI love the faces. Disturbing as fuck at first glance.
Spider-Man can barely protect his own city
To busy caking MJ.
He dumped her.
He has an army and MechsI love the faces. Disturbing as fuck at first glance.
Spider-Man can barely protect his own city
To busy caking MJ.
Y'all lost me at the anime.....
*has never watched a single episode of DBZ*
I'm glad to know G-Fex is our resident hipster
The thread only got closed because of Googleads issues. They're fine.but waiT
I thought PopGAF was dead
what does Evilore think about this new development
im actually really excited for the AoT finale tomorrow
i got some popgaf buddies to watch it and theyre enjoying it
and theyre all mikasa stans too![]()
im actually really excited for the AoT finale tomorrow
i got some popgaf buddies to watch it and theyre enjoying it
and theyre all mikasa stans too![]()
No cultural references or necessary background. I think it's better than Korra mainly because Korra wasted a LOT of potential and opportunities. They completely mistreated Amon.Everyone is talking about AoT. Do i need prior knowledge of anything to enjoy it?
Are there completely out there cultural references that i won't get? Is it better than Korra?
Everyone is talking about AoT. Do i need prior knowledge of anything to enjoy it?
Are there completely out there cultural references that i won't get? Is it better than Korra?
There's no one else worth stanning for on that show tbh.
Yesterday we found a cool geometric portrait.
no joke, Armin is the third realest nigga in anime right now, behind Levi and Mikasa
After Im done these last 2 episodes of Evangelion, I'm probably gonna marathon the 13 or so episodes I'm behind in AoT tomorrow. I hear the female titan episode is supposed to be good.
I was actually surprised by how fast Armin manned up.
He was Gohan in the saiyan saga at the beginning, then moved up to Chiaotzu tier.
After finishing gtav, I feel like Watch Dogs has some pretty big shoes to fill. I'm not saying they're set up for failure since it's a different kind of game, but making as good an open world game as gtav is going to be a daunting task.
After finishing gtav, I feel like Watch Dogs has some pretty big shoes to fill. I'm not saying they're set up for failure since it's a different kind of game, but making as good an open world game as gtav is going to be a daunting task.
You heathens need some Fourze in your lives.
Gentarou is that nigga. Only dude with more swag than him is Tendou.
Few are triller than Tendou
Just watched the 1st episode of Attack on Titan. i dont usually watch anime but yall got me curious.
Aint nobody fucking with him. He walked around for 49 episodes quoting his grandma and did him. Whatever was convenient for him, he just did it. Even if in the end he knew what the fuck he was doing from the jump.
No hyperbole here.
Watch Dogs probably won't be as good as Sleeping Dogs.
Just watched the 1st episode of Attack on Titan. i dont usually watch anime but yall got me curious.
Ive heard more people rave about Sleeping Dogs. Is it that good?
Ive heard more people rave about Sleeping Dogs. Is it that good?
No hyperbole here.
Watch Dogs probably won't be as good as Sleeping Dogs.
Ive heard more people rave about Sleeping Dogs. Is it that good?
it probably wont even be as good as watching dogs sleep
it probably wont even be as good as watching dogs sleep
When they blew his upgrade up, nigga just reached out his hand and said "bitch please" and it broke time and came back to him.
Honestly, it's still a shonen trope fest, with episodes that spend a lot of time doing virtually nothing, usually everything of course gets good at the ending cliffhanger. It's like getting sucked in the Lost vortex all over again.
The fighting is fun, but you can see the story from a mile away. And some of the activities get old fast.
It might be time for another Kabuto marathon. I did one earlier this year but I need to back to the well. If for no other reason than to hear NEXT LEVEL in context.
Can't fuck with DBZ. The most I've watched up to was the end of Cell. But I can get with Yu Yu Hakusho, one piece, and Guerran Lagaan.
And High School of the Dead because I'm fucking free when it comes to zombie shit.
Its not a typical shounen trope fest because there aren't power up montages and training scenarios that go on forever. Yes, it does drag due to pacing - but it doesn't do so in GiTS-esque, monotone snoozefests (Because it does them in over the top manner instead). The Lost vortex doesn't apply because there isn't a fucking polar bear around for no reason. Its cohesive at least.
The pacing is poor in the middle. That's very different from falling into a Naruto filler blackhole and the 'nothing happening' is actually something happening that isn't as fast paced and event oriented as the better parts of the show.
Doesn't get old as fast as those bullshit "follow the bad guy and listen to his conversation" missions.