ATLiens or Aquemini?
soul food (goodie)
east points greatest hits (freddy calhoun the coolest cutter at camp)
then the rest of the dungeon family catalog in any order....
ATLiens or Aquemini?
I got a few hours before work is it possible for us to hop on same server and play?
GTA voice interaction not calibrated to withstand those rich bass tones.Yeah
I literally just broke my mike yelling at this convenience store clerk though lol
GTA voice interaction not calibrated to withstand those rich bass tones.
Super Mario World 3d does make me want to buy a Wii U when I can get it for $99.
Super Mario World 3d does make me want to buy a Wii U when I can get it for $99.
miss this nigga dy
I'm gonna grab some food real quick and then try and get a server going. I hop around a lot.
Atlanta BCT ready for another Braves loss?
Atlanta BCT ready for another Braves loss?
Who lets ATLiens down harder? Braves or Falcons?
ATL sport losses ain't got shit on Cleveland Sports. Disappointment season never ends in the grand ole state of ohio
ATL sport losses ain't got shit on Cleveland Sports. Disappointment season never ends in the grand ole state of ohio
isn't ohio all about college football? buckeyes and all that? the only people i know from there won't shut the hell up about it.
PHL is nonstop sports embarassment lately- phillies win in 2008(?) notwithstanding.
tuscan leather tho
I remember kids crying when bron bron dipped. It was partly hilarious. The silver gleam of hope for them died
I am surprised it is still legal to wear a Lebron Jersey in Ohio
People got over it, and even agreed with him for the most part but nobody is wearing his shit around here
So my grandmother died Saturday and we had the funeral yesterday. Most painful week of my life.
Dehumanizing vocalizations.
Not so fast there, see yall in LAAtlanta BCT ready for another Braves loss?
So my grandmother died Saturday and we had the funeral yesterday. Most painful week of my life.
My condolonces. You and your family are in my prayers. if you need to vent holla at us family.
So my grandmother died Saturday and we had the funeral yesterday. Most painful week of my life.
So my grandmother died Saturday and we had the funeral yesterday. Most painful week of my life.
One of my grandmother's brothers is like this. He got of jail and my grandmother was trying to do the right thing for him by letting him do oddjobs around church and her house to make some honest money. Nothing wrong with that at all. I just couldn't get past the smell of a dumbass goon without self-control or decency. One day she told me to give him a ride to this temp agency and not letting him stop anywhere other than the place. I did just that. Except he gave her the address of a trap house instead of a job center and this motherfucker was looking at me like I was wrong for calling him on his bullshit.Appreciate man, some of my family members are being a bunch of assholes about her will and stuff. So she has this rather large house in Charleston that per her will she wants to sell it and split the money between: My mother, My aunts, and myself.
My uncle who has lived with her because he failed at life and can't do for himself because he's pathetic is complaining and demanding that he get the house or a large cut of the sales so he can buy a car and apartment/condo because he "has nowhere to go."
Like muthafucka you're like 65 years old, you should have gotten your shit together 40 years ago and really I can't even begin to give a fuck about your plights. You've know what her will entailed for fucking 20+ years. You didn't get a job and mooched off her, so don't come crying now that your free ride has come to an end. Don't even ask to move in with me because we might be family, but no way in hell I'm lettin some belligerent, lazy ass leech live off me. He tried to guilt trip me saying "you wouldn't let your favorite uncle live on the streets would you?"
Hell the fuck yes I would nigga, and secondly you're not my favorite uncle and I barely know your ol crusty ass. Even my mom wasn't feel any of the BS he was peddlin, talkin about he took care of grandma and shit. I was about to smack the black off his ass when he said that shit, I was already cryin, angry and this nigga gonna talk about money when we just got done burying my grandma. Him being family was the only thing that stopped me from straight up knockin him the fuck out.
my bad. Just wanted to get that small thing off my chest.