Let me tell you, I woke up at like 7 this morning so I could hit the road. I'm balling as fuck right now.
j/k. That shit belongs to these fucking banks. My dumbass took out 500k in loans and these fuckers take like 75% of my earnings. I'm just trying to deliver some coal and xboxs to people in need. So between these loans and all my speeding tickets (forreal) and repair bills I stay broke.
With my loan money I bought another cheap ass truck and hired some lameass to drive it. I thought this fool would atleast be pulling in a couple thousand per run, nope, this clown brings me back a few hundred bucks at the most.
The streets are cruel. Folks always trying to cut me off and cause accidents and shit, and apparently no one has insurance cause im always paying for shit. So fuck it, these my roads.
Most the profile pics they let me chose from are whack as hell, but I chose the only one who looks too legit to quit.
Once I hire me some more goons I'm taking over these streets.