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The Black Culture Thread |OT4| Learn to love the BBC

It's worth doing something rather than nothing but yeah, prob wont.

Damn truth

Can you guys believe I wrote a passing FB comment on this and moving. I then get a comment from someone asking what happened?

I understand people don't watch/read news as a choice but I was close to writing something mean. Even this has been "everywhere" but I digress. Instead I just chose to ignore it all.
I never seen ya'll so heated before

Niggs must been laughing his ass off
Smh im having to put niggas in place on facebook. They keep comparing "my cousin pookie who locked up for shooting a nigga over gang shit" to trayvon.





If you're talking about IronScimitar, then that was a sorta self deprecating joke that really can't be had in that kind of thread and can really only maybe be consigned to a thread like this one. too soon.

This motherfucker with his smart ass Jordan comment got me heated

I don't like to make those kind of jokes in front of white people personally. Unless I know where their head is at. Iron's black.

Chris Rock said it best

"if you're black, you have to look at America a little bit different. You got to look at America like the uncle that paid for you to go to college but who molested you"

Because at the end of the day I believe in such thing as an american dream.

Moms had me at 16 and while I was an infant was there when she graduated. With the help of family we had it hard but we busted are asses to get somewhere. When every other fuckstick around me could barely fucking read, raised around prostitution drugs and other ill shit my sisters and myself never fell into that. My mother busted her ass working 2 jobs just to keep a meal on the table and voits on our feet. I went to a magnet school because of my intelligence but my attitude kept me from my full potential. In my formidable years I watched cats get arrested and females I grew up with start to turn tricks and I even had them making money for me. I realized my ways were wrong and was able to walk away clean after the years and still graduated high school on time. I bullshitted for a year ran the streets again because they called. Until life hit me and I almost got fucked up. I then made up my mind I would make it the right way. I joined the military. Then Iraq happened, then a miscarriage and I realized it wasn't for me and I walked away honorably. Then using the skills and knowledge I gained I'm living in a 4 bedroom home on a goddamn lake owning 2 cars and with a woman I love. Its because I didn't let shit deter me. I kept pushing and hard work got me to where I am. The shit I saw overseas taught me a lot and opened my eyes to the freedoms I have. And yeah there's racial shit, genocide, phone tapping and murderers getting off. But because of where I am I know regardless what happens I can fucking make it from nothing. So yes I love my country and with good reason. That doesn't mean I'm not disappointed.


Because at the end of the day I believe in such thing as an american dream.

Moms had me at 16 and while I was an infant was there when she graduated. With the help of family we had it hard but we busted are asses to get somewhere. When every other fuckstick around me could barely fucking read, raised around prostitution drugs and other ill shit my sisters and myself never fell into that. My mother busted her ass working 2 jobs just to keep a meal on the table and voits on our feet. I went to a magnet school because of my intelligence but my attitude kept me from my full potential. In my formidable years I watched cats get arrested and females I grew up with start to turn tricks and I even had them making money for me. I realized my ways were wrong and was able to walk away clean after the years and still graduated high school on time. I bullshitted for a year ran the streets again because they called. Until life hit me and I almost got fucked up. I then made up my mind I would make it the right way. I joined the military. Then Iraq happened, then a miscarriage and I realized it wasn't for me and I walked away honorably. Then using the skills and knowledge I gained I'm living in a 4 bedroom home on a goddamn lake owning 2 cars and with a woman I love. Its because I didn't let shit deter me. I kept pushing and hard work got me to where I am. The shit I saw overseas taught me a lot and opened my eyes to the freedoms I have. And yeah there's racial shit, genocide, phone tapping and murderers getting off. But because of where I am I know regardless what happens I can fucking make it from nothing. So yes I love my country and with good reason. That doesn't mean I'm not disappointed.

For every successful story like yours, there's 20 that didn't make it though. I can't love a country that views people with brown skin as disposable, Mick Vick did more time for killing some dogs man.
For every successful story like yours, there's 20 that didn't make it though. I can't love a country that views people with brown skin as disposable, Mick Vick did more time for killing some dogs man.

We got the freedom to disagree. But you make a damn valid point. A damn valid one.


smh we gon learn that you cant say that shit in front of white people

he almost got his ass clockedt by yours truly


bitch I'm taking calls.
Context is king, man. Should know better than to be making those kind of jokes in a thread like that. Kid is dead and there's no justice. Forget that kind of public commentary at a time like this.
I feel like typing up a bunch of shit in response to some stuff on the off topic side that will probably get me banned, I gotta take a break from forums for the next week because I'm seeing shit that's getting me PISSED.
Too true.

And you know what I wanna know. All these people saying don't be angry. Man how much shit should black people have to sit and watch and be subjected to until our anger is"justified"

you know the answer to this already man, to those people, your anger is NEVER justified, even if you were woken up to your wife and kids screaming their last breaths as they were hangning from trees dying, a cross burning on your front law... you being angry at that is just being another nigger. they're already dead, get over it. you can fix the lawn tomorrow. that is their logic.
you know the answer to this already man, to those people, your anger is NEVER justified, even if you were woken up to your wife and kids screaming their last breaths as they were hangning from trees dying, a cross burning on your front law... you being angry at that is just being another nigger. they're already dead, get over it. you can fix the lawn tomorrow. that is their logic.

Yeah I know man. I guess I just ask these questions to get it off my chest.

I find it funny how socially progressive GAF when a black kid is killed can only offer up "whats done is done"
This week has been balls.
I shouldn't be surprised at the verdict because following the GAF thread, I got the feeling the prosecution didn't do a great job and their witnesses didn't come across great, I just hoped the right thing would be done but in this case, the right thing wasn't the moral thing so ....

I just hope the Martin family is coping with this verdict and having to see their son get slandered post death for something that was out of his control. Civil suit or not, Zimmerman better man up and apologize face to face with them


One thing is for sure, we have got to stop being complacent accepting situations like this as "just the way it is." I definitely don't agree with the smug idiots popping up saying "this is alright because of black on black crime and black people are just as racist and we should accept it's all our fault," but I do know that just throwing up our hands and acting like it's just fine that our kids may be killed just for being the wrong color while walking just doesn't cut it any more.

I guess that's what makes me angriest. Knowing that everyone is willing to just accept things like this.

I'm curious how many people are lurking this thread. Watching our reactions. I mean really.

Probably the same amount as usually. The BCT is lurked pretty heavy.
Yeah I know man. I guess I just ask these questions to get it off my chest.

I find it funny how socially progressive GAF when a black kid is killed can only offer up "whats done is done"

To a lot of people being progressive only means expecting more shit and more freedoms for THEM, make them feel like they're giving something up and watch that "progressivism" disappear.


Yeah I know man. I guess I just ask these questions to get it off my chest.

I find it funny how socially progressive GAF when a black kid is killed can only offer up "whats done is done"


You accidentally call a transsexual person on here "he" when they want to be identified as "she" and you'll have 100 posters at your neck. A black kid gets killed and it's "Well, he was tall and probably winning the fight".
How far does reasonable doubt get you in this case where it is seen as reasonable to lock your car door when I walk by on my way to work at a law firm?



You accidentally call a transsexual person on here "he" when they want to be identified as "she" and you'll have 100 posters at your neck. A black kid gets killed and it's "Well, he was tall and probably winning the fight".

Don't forget the rage and calls for justice that ensue when harm comes to an animal.


I think BCT post:views ratio is pretty similar to other Community threads.

LOL @ Girl-gaf's post:view ratio

Manshion thread appears to b the current winner of redonk post:view ratio, but then again, I don't believe the forum software is counting uniques, it counts every time a person views the thread, so if you have quite a few subscribers that check the thread each time it pops back up in their subscription.. shit adds up

edit: or Pics That Make You Laugh
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