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The Black Culture Thread |OT4| Learn to love the BBC


I'm not even sure why I was called out (was it even a call out?) for expressing confusion over the influx of juniors in the thread throwing out insane things. I don't even hate juniors, I was one of course. I just find the correlation fascinating.
I'm not even sure why I was called out (was in even a call out?) for expressing confusion over the influx of juniors in the thread throwing out insane things. I don't even hate juniors, I was one of course. I just find the correlation fascinating.

I try not to hate on Juniors too, but I'll be goddamned if it isn't always a Junior member saying the dumbest shit.


Satch is real as fuck, and I am out.


not licensed in your state
I'm not even sure why I was called out (was in even a call out?) for expressing confusion over the influx of juniors in the thread throwing out insane things. I don't even hate juniors, I was one of course. I just find the correlation fascinating.

Juniors tend to say dumb shit...it's more than often them (who I guess just want to be noticed) that say things that are clearly against the tos


bitch I'm taking calls.
Clearing my cookies and logging out for a bit so I don't follow satch to the graveyard. See you all Monday.
im not

Look, you fucking dummy, somebody's child was taken from them for the most unnecessary reason imaginable. This guy gets to walk. He gets to go back to... being alive, and being with his family, even if he's going to have to live it looking over his shoulder. At least he gets that. The jury judged in his favor. At least he gets his justice.

Trayvon doesn't get any justice. His family doesn't get any justice. Their son's killer said he fucking did it, and anybody that's been following the case since last year knows that he should have listened to the damn cops when they said for Zimmerman not to follow Trayvon. I've heard the recordings. If you have a functioning brain, you can manage to grab those facts for yourself too, and you can also manage to put two and two together.

You're so caught up in the law being the law that you can't open your eyes wide enough to see why anybody could possibly want to shove their foot into Zimmerman and co's urethras out of anger and frustration. This was all so unnecessary. Trayvon didn't have to fucking die.

My mind is severely boggled by your sheer incompetence. I'm astonished that you, with your minimal brain power, managed to even compile those words to form those sentences. Your IQ has to suffer strongly in some capacity for you to make the leap that anything about this is worse than the inarguable fact that SEVENTEEN YEAR OLD TRAYVON MARTIN IS DEAD.

You're stupid. So fucking stupid. Like, it makes me sad to know that your fingers allow you to espouse such tripe. I am devastated by this.

ill take my punishment now



Junior Member
Pretty despicable verdict. My prayers go out to his family. As a father myself, I couldn't imagine some shit like that happening to my son. I'd be like Samuel L. Jackson in "A Time to Kill". His parents are better than me.

RIP Trayvon.

BHZ Mayor

Pretty despicable verdict. My prayers go out to his family. As a father myself, I couldn't imagine some shit like that happening to my son. I'd be like Samuel L. Jackson in "A Time to Kill".
RIP Trayvon.

You know how our parents used to have those "black only" lessons they used to teach us, like how we have to be twice as good as a white counterpart to get a fair shot, or how we need to be careful if we drive a nice car, or fitting the description? Well now we have to add why we can't walk to the store to that list.
You know how our parents used to have those "black only" lessons they used to teach us, like how we have to be twice as good as a white counterpart to get a fair shot, or how we need to be careful if we drive a nice car, or fitting the description? Well now we have to add why we can't walk to the store to that list.

Damn. Too true.

I took a drive. Bumped Kendrick Lamar put down the windows and just let the air try to take away my pain. I came home typed some stuff and drank beer and ate pot roast. I'm tipsy and full. But empty.

Just damn.


Man, I dunno if I was ready for some of these stupid post, you'd expect more from a place like GAF.

A Gaffer asking if we'd care as much if Martin was 10 year older.

Because that's what comes to thought when a kid gets gunned down.

The fuck.
The only thing sadder than this verdict, is the fact that I ca't really be surprised by it - and not from a legal standpoint, but from a societal standpoint.

I'm never going to see the day when it really, truly is safe to be a black person in America, am I?


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
ninjakixx is honestly infuriating in that thread. i cant say i cant blame satch for going out like she did.


The only thing sadder than this verdict, is the fact that I ca't really be surprised by it - and not from a legal standpoint, but from a societal standpoint.

I'm never going to see the day when it really, truly is safe to be a black person in America, am I?
Sadly, probably not. The best we can do is keep striving and trying to make so that those that come after us are safe.

These are the times I'm happy I don't use social media. It just allows people to be...evil.
This. For all the good social media can and has done, it does just as much bad if not more. Being behind the safety of a keyboard allows people to just spout off ridiculous and hateful shit.
RIP Satch.

This day...god damn. Thank god EVO is on this weekend because i can at least keep myself distracted from this verdict and all the buffoonery it's brought out.


from gawker
If you’re a black man and you don’t remain vigilant of and obsequious to white people’s panic in your presence—if you, say, punch a man who accosts you during dinner with your girlfriend and screams “Nigger!” in your face, or if you, say, punch a man who is following you without cause in the dark with a handgun at his side—then you must be prepared to be arrested, be beaten, be shot through the heart and lung and die on the way home to watch a basketball game with your family. And after you are dead, other blacks should be prepared for people to say you are a vicious thug who deserved it. You smoked weed, for instance, and got in some fights at school (like I did)—obviously you had it coming. You were a ticking time bomb, and sooner or later someone was going to have to put you down.

I don't know what to say that doesn't sound paranoid but if I was a black parent right now I'd feel scared shitless.

yeah i feel like this case crystallized all of the fears my mom had about raising a black boy in this world.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
I don't know what to say that doesn't sound paranoid but if I was a black parent right now I'd feel scared shitless.

More than usual?

This isn't some groundbreaking realization.

Its always been like this. The thing here is that some people get reminded that its still like this.


BHZ Mayor

More than usual?

This isn't some groundbreaking realization.

Its always been like this. The thing here is that some people get reminded that its still like this.


Yep. Oscar Grant got straight up murked on camera, and the killer only served less than a year. There was no way Zimmerman wasn't walking.
I don't know what to say that doesn't sound paranoid but if I was a black parent right now I'd feel scared shitless.

As a parent of two boys, I really am concerned. I'm mixed race and my wife is a race that is different than my mixed heritage. I can only say that I'm "lucky" in that my kids don't look identifiably Black. And that fucking sucks to say. It's extremely sad that my solace is that my kids don't look like one race more than another because it shouldn't have to be that way.

I happen to have a generic last name. And my wife and I chose to give our kids generic first names because we didn't want them to be victims of prejudice when, later in life, they're putting in job applications. Some friends criticized me for being paranoid about that. And maybe they're right to an extent. But I know what I've been through for my looks (and I can pass for different races depending on dress and haircut) and I know what I've seen when at my various occupations. And seeing some of the points of view of this case... especially those that justify Trayvon's death because he was simply being a teenager (bravado, fights, weed, etc...) it makes me feel like I made the right decision. But, again, that sucks. I'd much rather have been proven paranoid.

I don't know if that really makes sense. This shit is affecting me more than I thought it would. I'm probably just rambling.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Not touching that thread in the OT and I've barely read it. Lots of gloating? Anything particularly racial or racist?

Its nothing surprising.

I think a lot of people are really just emotional over the whole thing though.

It sucks, but let's be real - 'we' 'won' when the whole thing went to trial in the first place.
I know I'm not a frequent contributor but I just have to say Thank You to the BCT for holding it down in that thread. Much respect to Satch for taking that bullet. Much respect as well to fellow BCT members continuing to contribute without violating TOS. It's hard and it feels like an uphill fight sometimes but I'm glad that it hasn't just been abandoned to one point of view.


My main issue is people are vehemetly denying that this wasn't a race issue.

It's like they genuinely believe that were Zimmerman black and Trayvon was white....that the verdict would stay the same.

That's beyond Carlton levels of naive.
My main issue is people are vehemetly denying that this wasn't a race issue.

It's like they genuinely believe that were Zimmerman black and Trayvon was white....that the verdict would stay the same.

That's beyond Carlton levels of naive.

Denying it wasn't a race issue when Trayvon was profiled and it was part of the defense. So many people just do not want to face race issues head on.


Jesus Christ. That verdict thread in the OT is disgusting. A lot of people revealed/is revealing their true colors in there. Guess this shows GAF attract all sorts of people. Bish will probably be working overtime in there.
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