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The Black Culture Thread |OT4| Learn to love the BBC

CrushDance is kinda nuts, but I cant accept DY sayin he made up stories about racial invective being thrown at him. I live in the same province as him and its not uncommon for that shit to be yelled out the window of a truck in broad daylight. (usually by some mullet-havin greaseball redneck) Happened to me multiple times and I live in a city of 200k+
Shit, just walking down the sidewalk, folks are liable to get all tentative and give you a wide berth.


Got news of it during a party last night, kind of numb didn't react yet because I looked at it as "live in this moment and enjoy the time with friends"

Not surprised that he walked I don't think most people are, someone here said it earlier but it does crystallize the belief that nothing everything is as progressive as people would like to think and try to make others believe. It's a Florida thing or just a "only in america" moment but in fact it was a realization that it's to basically be black anywhere. Personally I find it kind of insulting that people like to try and take a very "liberal" approach to it and everything else and act like they see life colorless. It's actually become a joke with some of my buds about that. Also found it hilarious that people think riots where actually going to get started off of this shit. I know the media is ready and hungry for it and it probably kills them that shit ain't really popping off.

All and all,I don't know where this leaves us as a society as a whole to be honest fam.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
CrushDance is kinda nuts, but I cant accept DY sayin he made up stories about racial invective being thrown at him. I live in the same province as him and its not uncommon for that shit to be yelled out the window of a truck in broad daylight. (usually by some mullet-havin greaseball redneck) Happened to me multiple times and I live in a city of 200k+
Shit, just walking down the sidewalk, folks are liable to get all tentative and give you a wide berth.

I'll believe someone when its just any every day stuff. Sure.

Anytime someone goes down a path of ambush-style talking in the manner of "Well I bet you didn't know I got called a nigger today huh? Yeah. Its like THAT" they can be thoroughly dismissed.

That kind of shit is worse than guys like rawpower and combine start sapping the life out of their supporters. Its one thing to do that but another to some over the top borderline illuminati rant, tie it to something that many take very seriously, then try to fill in the gaps of their own social/mental issues with gross exaggerations that rival aesop's fables.

I will not sugarcoat it. That is complete bullshit and to me it is more offensive than when people walk out of a church with the money from the offering plate. Dude has clear, obvious insecurities and social issues - he's not beyond fixing them, but at the same time he's got this absolute ridiculousness in his head that all of his problems are primarily because of his skin color. Every single person in this thread knows that's bullshit. Every person here knows what its like to not feel at home in their skin at some point. Those feelings are not unique at all. People work though it. Its called growing the fuck up. When people don't want to grow up though, when they don't want to face the man in the mirror and the world behind it they are forced to do dumb shit.

Dude needs help, not enabling. Not only that, but its fucking embarrassing to himself and those who actually wanted him to get his shit together. On top of that, its just fucking making my day more frustrating when I'm already doing my best to break racism down to others Barney style and out of nowhere he comes out with his bootleg new slaves theory.


I didn't follow the trial, but I went into the verdict thread expecting a breakdown on what exactly went wrong in the prosecution for GZ to walk away. The verdict is terrible, no question about that. Could someone explain what went wrong objectively in the prosecution for this to come to pass? What could they have done differently to get a conviction?


I just hope that black people can come out of this tragic story and just fucking do better. Stop giving a shit and just start doing better. A story as fucked up as this should be another reminder of how it sucks to be a black man living in America and I can only hope that we as a people decide to just say fuck it and start running things. Fuck that systemically, shit is against us. Fuck that. Just work hard, get up there, and force the system to change rather than sitting on our laurels whenever some other racist bullshit comes our way. I mean at one point in time Jewish people weren't seen as shit. Where are they now?

We gotta do better y'all. I only hope this bullshit will be some type of catalyst.
If anyone can answer this for me:
*sigh* Could this have gone another way considering Florida's laws? I mean, if the choice was between self-defense and murderer, could they have done anything differently? I don't agree with the verdict, but I don't know that it could have turned out any differently being that I can understand reasonable doubt keeping the jury from listing him as a murderer... Spotty as his story was, they kinda introduced doubt that his spotty story constitutes lying because of that one expert witness.

Anyways, I was just wondering. If you prefer, shoot me a PM.

Please PM me. Thanks in advance.

Just weeks ago, I returned to New York City from Fire Island on a Sunday evening, and decided to stop by my office.

After I let myself into the office, I noticed some Caucasians mingling around. I paid them no mind, since our office often has off-hours visitors who rent the common space.

“Can I help you?” said a middle aged white man, testily.

“No,” I shot back. “But I can I help YOU?”

“What do you mean?”

“I work here,” I said. “This is MY office.”

“Oh,” he said, stepping back slightly. “I saw you and just wanted to make sure things are OK.”

“Thank you, George Zimmerman,” I said.

I have experienced this.
Man, racism sucks.
Did Satch get perma'd for that ether ?

Edit: not going back in the Zimmerman thread. Bigoted ass ppl in there.

You still have people in their claiming race isn't an issue with the case even though everything started because Zimmerman profiled Trayvon ffs! How can you have any sort of dialogue with someone if they're going to be that disingenuous or woefully ignorant?


I just hope that black people can come out of this tragic story and just fucking do better. Stop giving a shit and just start doing better. A story as fucked up as this should be another reminder of how it sucks to be a black man living in America and I can only hope that we as a people decide to just say fuck it and start running things. Fuck that systemically, shit is against us. Fuck that. Just work hard, get up there, and force the system to change rather than sitting on our laurels whenever some other racist bullshit comes our way. I mean at one point it time Jewish people weren't seen as shit. Where are they now?

We gotta do better y'all. I only hope this bullshit will be some type of catalyst.

This. Only way things are going to get better.


If anyone can answer this for me:

Please PM me. Thanks in advance.

I'd also like to know the answer to this.

IF were looking at it from a pure court standing, the case was almost a lose cause to begin with. At one point I really was wondering if the prosecution was either stupid or they didn't really have a clue, because they let many...MANY points go and allowed spotty storylines to just bleed through without really going after it. At the same time Rachel one of the State's witnesses basically broke down on some pure ratchet shit and allowed the defense to get to her emotionally (which is something the prosecution should have warned her about)

IT was already one sided going in but the lawyers of his family were shit to the point I question why were the ones hired unless if that was the last choice.

IF what I've been hearing is right there going to fuck him up in civil court tho.

The family will be getting paid
IF were looking at it from a pure court standing, the case was almost a lose cause to begin with. At one point I really was wondering if the prosecution was either stupid or they didn't really have a clue, because they let many...MANY points go and allowed spotty storylines to just bleed through without really going after it. At the same time Rachel one of the State's witnesses basically broke down on some pure ratchet shit and allowed the defense to get to her emotionally (which is something the prosecution should have warned her about)

IT was already one sided going in but the lawyers of his family were shit to the point I question why were the ones hired unless if that was the last choice.

IF what I've been hearing is right there going to fuck him up in civil court tho.

The family will be getting paid

Ah, thank you. I had also gotten a response from a lawgaffer, and he said around the same thing - save that the prosecution couldn't do too much about it.

But from what I'm hearing, they should be good with civil suits?


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
If people needed THIS as a catalyst then you simply never cared in the first place.

I guarantee some if not all have seen something close to this if not worse at some point in your lives if you're black. At least here it was a legit lack of evidence and it made it to trial at all. Just be honest with yourselves before making that stand or whatever.

Before you can even begin on that road of "changing" the system you better be real honest with yourself and how that needs to "change" too. If you never cared to do anything before while kids were not making the news and shit was not fucking up your facebook streams then you need to accept those reasons personally first. This isn't a surprise. It shouldn't be a sign that its time to wake up. It should be a slight reminder in case you forgot and a teaching point for the young kids you know. That's it.


Ah, thank you. I had also gotten a response from a lawgaffer, and he said around the same thing - save that the prosecution couldn't do too much about it.

But from what I'm hearing, they should be good with civil suits?
yea the family will most likely still get something. That is the next step.
If people needed THIS as a catalyst then you simply never cared in the first place.

I guarantee some if not all have seen something close to this if not worse at some point in your lives if you're black. At least here it was a legit lack of evidence and it made it to trial at all. Just be honest with yourselves before making that stand or whatever.

Before you can even begin on that road of "changing" the system you better be real honest with yourself and how that needs to "change" too. If you never cared to do anything before while kids were not making the news and shit was not fucking up your facebook streams then you need to accept those reasons personally first. This isn't a surprise. It shouldn't be a sign that its time to wake up. It should be a slight reminder in case you forgot and a teaching point for the young kids you know. That's it.
Agreed.It's not a catalyst then tbh since it's not really change it's just people reacting to social media and popular news. IN a few weeks/months the entire thing will be a memory for most people and everyone except maybe the few close to this case or family will return back to normal

People should want to change things and better themselves period. Whether shit like this happens or not. Unfortunately changing yourself and things doesn't move as quick or fluid as it looks in movies.
If people needed THIS as a catalyst then you simply never cared in the first place.

I guarantee some if not all have seen something close to this if not worse at some point in your lives if you're black. At least here it was a legit lack of evidence and it made it to trial at all. Just be honest with yourselves before making that stand or whatever.

Before you can even begin on that road of "changing" the system you better be real honest with yourself and how that needs to "change" too. If you never cared to do anything before while kids were not making the news and shit was not fucking up your facebook streams then you need to accept those reasons personally first. This isn't a surprise. It shouldn't be a sign that its time to wake up. It should be a slight reminder in case you forgot and a teaching point for the young kids you know. That's it.

That's what makes me the angriest about this whole situation. People who try to paint themselves as social activists because of this trial will just go back to poisoning and killing our own people in our own neighborhoods. To people who already want a change and are fighting for it this isn't a surprise. I just have to hope that more people can join the camp that's actually fighting for change.


"So everyone is all up in arms about the Zimnerman trial but what's really sad is the death of Cory aka Finn from glee."

My Facebook probably has more closet racists than GAF, I live in the Florida (the more racist parts of Florida too lol, and I'm actually moving to Orlando pretty soon), so I don't know why stuff like this still surprises me.

Wow. A black kid getting gunned down isn't and not getting justice isn't all that sad guys!

RIP Trayvon.

And RIP Finn (I never watched Glee so idk who this is).

Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
Zimmerman thread has devolved into defining the difference between mestizo and mulatto..... can it go lower? Why is satch the only ban?


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Its not all bad.

faceless007 is on my favorite posters list now. Didn't realize he's been saying good gospel for a while now.


If people needed THIS as a catalyst then you simply never cared in the first place.

I guarantee some if not all have seen something close to this if not worse at some point in your lives if you're black. At least here it was a legit lack of evidence and it made it to trial at all. Just be honest with yourselves before making that stand or whatever.

Before you can even begin on that road of "changing" the system you better be real honest with yourself and how that needs to "change" too. If you never cared to do anything before while kids were not making the news and shit was not fucking up your facebook streams then you need to accept those reasons personally first. This isn't a surprise. It shouldn't be a sign that its time to wake up. It should be a slight reminder in case you forgot and a teaching point for the young kids you know. That's it.
Sadly agreed. Complacency and apathy has gripped people for so long. Emotions are running high now, but once it all dies down, most will return to where they were.

I only hope some decide to look inward and make some changes. I know I am.
Every now and then for the past day Devo's comment keeps coming to mind, about Martin being on trial for his own murder. And it just gets me mad all over again. When I think I'm finally emotionally past the trial, that comment echoes in my head and I get upset.


Wonder if the media will be jumping in on this case soon?:

Jordan Davis, 17, of Jacksonville, Fla., was gunned down in a parking lot. Davis and his friends were parked at a gas station, the music was loud, and the kids were just being kids. Davis was in the backseat, when Michael Dunn, a 45-year-old man demanded they turn down the music. When the kids did not comply, Dunn pulled out his concealed gun and shot into the car eight times. Davis was hit twice.

According to reports, Michael Dunn had been drinking at his own son’s wedding and stopped at the gas station to buy more alcohol. With liquor already in his system, a concealed weapon at his side, and hip-hop music blaring next to him, it gave Dunn the excuse he needed to shot and kill Jordan Davis. Davis for all intents and purposes was an innocent by-stander. Davis was sitting in the backseat, unable to control the radio.

Dunn and his attorney are claiming the “stand your ground” law. They are telling anyone willing to listen that Dunn was terrified for his life. The police reports state that no weapons were found in the vehicle or on the children that Dunn fired at. However, Michael Dunn fled the scene of a crime, he did not call the police, nor did he attempt to get any help. He just opened fire and then left. Dunn claims to have seen a shotgun.



Every now and then for the past day Devo's comment keeps coming to mind, about Martin being on trial for his own murder. And it just gets me mad all over again. When I think I'm finally emotionally past the trial, that comment echoes in my head and I get upset.

Just a fact of life, victims who are women, racial minorities, gays, they are often put on trial before their attacker or killer. People don't want to confront it but it's true.
Obama said:
The death of Trayvon Martin was a tragedy. Not just for his family, or for any one community, but for America. I know this case has elicited strong passions. And in the wake of the verdict, I know those passions may be running even higher. But we are a nation of laws, and a jury has spoken. I now ask every American to respect the call for calm reflection from two parents who lost their young son. And as we do, we should ask ourselves if we’re doing all we can to widen the circle of compassion and understanding in our own communities. We should ask ourselves if we’re doing all we can to stem the tide of gun violence that claims too many lives across this country on a daily basis. We should ask ourselves, as individuals and as a society, how we can prevent future tragedies like this. As citizens, that’s a job for all of us. That’s the way to honor Trayvon Martin.

Statement by the President

About what I expected. Looking forward to people being pissed that he didn't call for Zimmerman's head.
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