Anderson Cooper - Do you feel sorry for Trayvon?
B37 - I feel sorry for them both; him and George.
I wish I was making this up.
He's a free man who wouldn't have done anything different. =/.
Anderson Cooper - Do you feel sorry for Trayvon?
B37 - I feel sorry for them both; him and George.
I wish I was making this up.
Ashanti is playing soft ball on ESPN... OH MY GOD
Ashanti is playing soft ball on ESPN... OH MY GOD
Parallax pls
smh @ these guys in LA acting a fool with this protest.
gif that shit my dude.Ashanti is playing soft ball on ESPN... OH MY GOD
Outside of the typical ignorant, arrogant, patronizing tone I expect in every race conversation with a jackass who thinks he/she is beyond the topic as a whole...
A lot of what I hear from some people in the black community frustrates the shit out of me.
I'm just constantly staggered by the genuine shock of some people. Its just such a clear display of shallow involvement and hollow enthusiasm for what should be something that goes through their mind every day. Posts like that are not that wrong. Not at all. Call it false equivalency - it is. But its only that way because there is such an embarrassing emphasis on flashing lights that it makes me once again sit back and appreciate the effectiveness of the Jim Crow shit. All this focus on an issue that was simply not that much of a racially motivated crime to begin with. All that energy - and people can't even realize that if they directed even half of the short term effort they put towards fixing our own shit that it'd actually get something done.
Outside of the typical ignorant, arrogant, patronizing tone I expect in every race conversation with a jackass who thinks he/she is beyond the topic as a whole...
A lot of what I hear from some people in the black community frustrates the shit out of me.
I'm just constantly staggered by the genuine shock of some people. Its just such a clear display of shallow involvement and hollow enthusiasm for what should be something that goes through their mind every day. Posts like that are not that wrong. Not at all. Call it false equivalency - it is. But its only that way because there is such an embarrassing emphasis on flashing lights that it makes me once again sit back and appreciate the effectiveness of the Jim Crow shit. All this focus on an issue that was simply not that much of a racially motivated crime to begin with. All that energy - and people can't even realize that if they directed even half of the short term effort they put towards fixing our own shit that it'd actually get something done.
Laws should change. Exposure to a flawed justice system should be the motivation. Instead people are mad now, it will calm down and people will forget. Then someone will be killed again, the anger will come right back but no solutions.
Its not even solutions that people want. Its the want to not be inconvenienced with something that rattles them more than the world has made them accustomed to. This isn't "movement" level anger - its "fuck, i got a speeding ticket for going 12 over a few months ago. now my insurance is high and i'm STILL mad" anger.
Its damn near comical at some people's perception of all of this. People in Florida should be aware when kids get tried as adults for school fights and cops only show up in certain neighborhoods for drug busts and never 911 calls. There's plenty to be mad about. The people there are just conditioned to accept the world that they live in. THAT is the issue. Its not another kid being killed. Its not racism triggering a series of events that leaves a kid dead and a justice system in a perfect position to let someone walk away with blood on his hands. Its not some realization that the struggle is still going on.
No. The struggle is fucking over because the majority have laid down and become complacent and willing to watch the minority struggle for all of their sakes. They spent years learning to watch from the sidelines as someone else did the dirty, hard work and lost the hours. They felt that they were helping when they tell their kids what so-and-so did for them and their church/community/school whatever. They don't do shit but talk. Their kids don't do shit but talk. Their kids don't do shit but talk. But now there's a lot less to talk about because that minority is smaller and more divided than ever.
I already did my part and then some. So when I see motherfuckers talking about how much they want to change something or how much something needs to change I point them to a homeless shelter or community clinic. Anybody can sign a fucking petition or forward an email or post a blog or Year2000Boycott. Its a privilege that many don't acknowledge that they have by being able to do so though. You want to help? Teach somebody. On your own time. For free. And it'll help, but after you see enough kids fail because they have to go back to their fucked up homes no matter what you do, then you'll get a clear image of where the issue is and how vile its become. And you'll realize where the help is really needed.
The law doesn't get change by us - because as of right now, 'Us' is fucked. 'Us' has been getting fucked so hard that its been programmed to fuck itself. 'Us' can't even have leaders because the people who do spend years and energy climbing over all the hurdles they grow to resent 'Us' and just stop giving a fuck, choosing to actually be happy with their own lives instead.
So we don't even need leaders right now. We need people to assess the problem for what it actually is and stop falling for the misdirection like we just learned to read again.
I hear you, and not to minimize anything but it's a big problem with "movements" in general.
Ashanti is playing soft ball on ESPN... OH MY GOD
No. Its a problem with these shallow, bitchmade American movements.
I've met people who lay down and die for theirs in a heartbeat. Gladly. We are nothing like them. We embarrass them.
This is America. We ain't about that life anymore. We only get pissed off enough to change our internal shit when it strongly reminds us of what someone who blew up shit on our streets did back in their own home country. You say that was false equivalency? Our nation was founded it.
Reminds me of this.
"You kids today are nothing but punks. Sissified. So quick to pick up a gun. Scared to take an ass whupping."
Just watched Epidsode one, I'm hooked. LOVE ME SOME ELBA!!
I'm probably gonna fuck up my sleeping schedule again.
This and Dexter will do fine in holding me till Breaking Bad next month. Thank you GAF!
Alex Morgan is fucking hot. The actress was the chick in The Lone Ranger, and I thought she was like so-so in that, didn't really catch my attention. But here, gawddamn. I'm in love. It's usually the crazy women that get me.
espn can go eat a dick after yanking their channels in all non-US territories
Hail Disney!!!!!
They're on a first name basis. Jesus Christ.Anderson Cooper - Do you feel sorry for Trayvon?
B37 - I feel sorry for them both; him and George.
I wish I was making this up.
It's crazy how terrible the jurors were.
That's what I call thirst Volume 34 featuring Janet Jackson (nsfw kinda)
Laws should change. Exposure to a flawed justice system should be the motivation. Instead people are mad now, it will calm down and people will forget. Then someone will be killed again, the anger will come right back but no solutions.
That's what I call thirst Volume 34 featuring Janet Jackson (nsfw kinda)
SO... I just Read they are twerking for TM on crenshaw.... Might just go for the lulz
Immortal must still be in Evo mode, he got a lot of shade thrown at him
Immortal must still be in Evo mode, he got a lot of shade thrown at him
I am still in EVO mode though.