The only women I've dated (or have been attracted to me) have been white. I don't really know what that means.
I also found out which one of my coworkers is a real bitch earlier this week. She was showing off her fingernails and how she got some pattern painted on them (which cost her $50, and she said it like she was bragging), and she was asking some of us at the front how we thought they looked. I said they were alright and did that gesture where you put your hand out and wag it, she said "oh whatEVER" and we all laughed.
Then later she comes back when some new people clock in, and one of the new people asks "well why don't you ask some of the others how they look, like Mike here?" She looks at me and says "well, he's not the type of guy I would show them off to anyways."
I ain't even trying to holler at her or anything, I got a girl already. But she's on my shit list, and I'll be remembering her if she asks for help in the store.