Went out to the Trayvon Martin vigil in Miami. Lots of cops and T-shirt sales men, but otherwise it was like an outdoor church service with signs.
So i was having a discussion with a few of my friends today about preferences in relationship. I have a mixed friend who only says he only dates white girls and i asked why not black girls and responded because of their attitudes which i found was extremely ignnorant. On the other hand my asian friens didnt actually say he only likes asian girls but i basically said it for him and i guess his reasoning is because he finds them attractive. My other friend replied "you're a racist" and i asked him how does that make him a racist, and he replied "Because you don't find other females as attractive".
I don't think thats his reasoning but i think it's simply because he is just attracted to asian girls and familliar with them, generally people like to stick within their culture (i guess). Anyways does having a preference in dating make you racist? I see it as stupid but i don't understand how it automatically deems you as a racist.
To me, a dating preference is when you "prefer" to date someone with x trait but aren't exclusive to only date someone with that trait. Example, a guy who mostly dates girls with long hair, but is still open to dating/dates girls with short hair. That's a genuine preference. When someone says they "only" date x type of person, that's no longer a preference in my opinion.
And as for someone who exclusively dates someone of x ethnic group over another and/or refuses to date x ethnic group at all, at the very least I think they need to honestly evaluate why that is. Like others have said, to push away an entire ethnic group simply because of skin pigment, says you probably have other "stereotypical/discriminatory issues" with that ethnic group.