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The Black Culture Thread |OT4| Learn to love the BBC


So I went skydiving today y'all. Did a solo jump assisted with instructors(going for my license). The lead instructor for my jump and the owner of the dropzone is also the current president of the USPA and a badass skydiver. Still, nature put my black ass in my place and I ended up fucking up so hard that I ended up trapped upside down held in place with risers wrapped around my legs at 9000 feet. I had to ride that shit down to about 2500 before I could cut away the main chute and ride the reserve down. I pretty much thought I was going to die, but played it cool. Shit like that barely ever happens in skydiving and many with hundreds of jumps have never had to do it, my dumbass is 1 for 1.

Failed the evaluation obviously but they are going to retrain and let me do it again for free, cause they got it on video and will use it for training since they say I handed the whole being trapped upside down shit like a boss. Now fools all over will see my ass looking like a clown. A+, going to do again next weekend.

A buddy of mine just started taking scuba diving classes, I wanna one up his candy ass. How much should someone expect to spend skydiving?


Neil DeGrasse Tyson the magical space negro

Fuck yea!


A buddy of mine just started taking scuba diving classes, I wanna one up his candy ass. How much should someone expect to spend skydiving?
For a tandem the average should be around $99. If you want to do AFF for solo it will start at about $299 for your first jump, and will go down to $149 per jump after that, most places have special deals and such. AFF is 25 jumps, and thats only if you pass everything on first try, which isn't likely, so it will be a few thousand. Prices will vary though, those are just the ones most places in Ohio use.

Hom is a n00b
Sit yo five dollar ass down before I make change.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
For a tandem the average should be around $99. If you want to do AFF for solo it will start at about $299 for your first jump, and will go down to $149 per jump after that, most places have special deals and such. AFF is 25 jumps, and thats only if you pass everything on first try, which isn't likely, so it will be a few thousand. Prices will vary though, those are just the ones most places in Ohio use.

Sit yo five dollar ass down before I make change.
be a trucker
DY I have a few questions Ill pm you them tomorrow.


For a tandem the average should be around $99. If you want to do AFF for solo it will start at about $299 for your first jump, and will go down to $149 per jump after that, most places have special deals and such. AFF is 25 jumps, and thats only if you pass everything on first try, which isn't likely, so it will be a few thousand. Prices will vary though, those are just the ones most places in Ohio use.

Sit yo five dollar ass down before I make change.

Guess it depends on where you're at. Tandem dives were as low as 199 at the places I checked out here in Florida (not including things like video/pictures/other cash grabs).

Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
i think i might be pulling a day trip to toronto for Caribana. Does anyone know of any other cool things that I can do in Toronto during the day?


Hom's new nickname is Falcon. Hom, Par is going to slash your tires.
Slay repost/link that one pic/comic you posted in the superman thread that was like spiderman vs batman but batman had like satellites, superman and fucking power shields on. I'm on mobile and I'm trying to show that to my dude that doesn't know how crazy prep time BM is

Edit:found it nvm lol
maybe supernatural creatures feel being black is suffering enough. other than that one random black dude in the group of kids getting slaughtered

i know this is gonna be good. when i was a kid, i thought that the ghost of the macho man was haunting my room one night. he looked like a multicolored hologram projected on the roof. i slept my little ass in the living room that night. fuck that. and i knew he wasnt dead, but i couldnt explain that shit.

i stay out of casting threads, shit gets heated

So you have to use words like "bro" and "chillax". to make sure they knwo you are safe.
I use Bro.........:(

Now back to my cryptic ass message from earlier.

As you all know Im from Louisiana and I was raised in the church. I am a firm believer in God but im far from a practicing Christian. Anyway as you well know my girl is a little older and into the ghost hunting/ paranormal/supernatural shit hard. Ive had too many crazy experiences coming up so I try to avoid them all together. But I will be the first to admit whenever I think something is going down. She and I have been together for about 9 years now and she has always tried to drag me along on some bullshit ghost adventures.
About 7 years ago I was taking her for a ride on a saturday afternoon. We went to a flea market and shit and we had a tendancy to try to get lost on these rides. Well I have a friend we call Tater who called me up and told me and her about some stories out here in West Ga. of some real paranormal shit. She wanted me to take her to this place called Budapest Cemetary in Tallapoosa Ga. I said sure. Tater ended up meeting us back at the crib, hopped in my little civic and while the sun was going down we rolled up to budapest. It was pitch black with no street lights or anything else running next to the powerlines that surrounded the place. Imagine if you will a dirt road next to a landfill where all these graves were becoming overgrown from vegetation. We pulled up and stopped at the gate. In the moonlight you could make out the masonry was falling apart. And for some reason shit was just a lot "darker" surrounding the area. So I pull up and we walk out with flashlights in hand and check out the surroundings. There were about 8 graves marked with strange symbols and on later research we found out there were crosses that were commonly used on graves in the 1800's in Hungary. After about 5 minutes something didnt feel right and my baby said she wanted to go. I jokingly asked her was she scared and she said a little and I said cool. We trek back to the car and I pop in the key and try to turn her on. My car would not start. Odd. I try again and within minutes I start to hear what sounds like footsteps outside the car. I grab the light and start focusing it out the window but couldnt see through the reflection of the glass. And thats when I make the mistake and put down the window. I felt like something not visible passed right over me and I smelled what some would call a rotten egg smell. My flashlight starts dying. And for some reason the car feels heavier. Tater in the backseat starts fidgeting around saying something is on his leg. He says he feels something crawling up his leg and he starts to panic. I ask him to chill out and that he is fine. All of a sudden he starts to cough. My girl turns in the seat to look at him and he is being lifted up in the backseat. He falls and I feel my car bounce. I look over at my girl and she is gasping for air. I try to make out what I see in the limited light and to this day I cant wrap my head around it. She is pushed up in the passenger seat with her head hitting the head rest at a wierd angle as if something was choking her. I of course start to feel a tinge of panic and through some miracle the car comes on and there is a flash of light. I dont even hesitate and I put her in reverse. She falls forward like she had just dropped and she is gasping for air. I have never been more clearheaded in my life as I am pushing my car with all my might in reverse the engine wheezing and I hear a loud pop and I run over something. I dont stop I keep going in reverse until I get back to the main road. Once there I start hauling ass. And my car is making strange noises. I pull over at the first sign of life which happens to be a Walmart in Bremen Ga. No one talks the entire time. I look over to my girl and she has red marks around her neck. Anger starts building and the whole time im more angry than scared. She says she is okay, I ask Tater how he is doing in the backseat and he says he feels sick. I get out the car to get air and check out any damage. I then notice I had scratches through the white paint going from the driver door to the gas cap. I continue to walk around and realize what the bump I heard was. My fucking muffler was gone. The metal looked like it had been sheared off with great force. Needless to say Ive never been back to Budapest. But this isnt the last of the crazy shit thats happen.
About 5 years have passed since we moved in our home. We love it and it has a "warm" feeling. Never felt uncomfortable at all in the home. Well one day we started to notice little things that couldnt be explained. Nothing malicious just wierd. One morning im asleep in the bedroom and my girl is getting out of bed to feed the cats and get ready for the grind. All of a sudden my girl runs in the room and wakes me up. I ask her what the hell and she says you got to see this. She grabs my hand and tugs me out of bed. I walk into what I call her makeup room and I see her eyeliner and various other makeup standing upside down on the makeup table. I tell her quit bullshitting and I go over for a closer inspection and as I move closer the eyeliner falls over. I pick it up and try to emulate it but cant get it to stand up. Odd.
Around this time she and I had been arguing a lot. And one day im "freshining up" in the bathroom and I hear the garage open but I dont get up because im "busy" About 3 minutes later I hear a beating at the garage door. I pinch it off and get up to see whats wrong and as i get closer to the door I noticed a cool breeze. I also notice the door was locked which is wierd because we never lock the garage door. I unlock it and she lays into me cursing me out asking me why "I stood at the door when she pulled up and didnt come out to help. And why the hell did you not unlock the door while you were standing there" I told her I was in the fucking bathroom when she came home. And I dont know if it was either the smell of defecation or what but she starts turning pale. She calms down and asks me to swear I wasnt at the door. I calm down and say go check the toilet and she then tells me she saw what looked to be a someone my size and shape at the back door. She only saw it out the corner of her eye but she swears it was me just because of the size. I tell her I swear on something I am not gonna tell you guys about that I wasnt there and she says Im sorry. To this day we dont know what the figure was. Fastforward about a week later. Another arguement.
It starts to get more and more heated. Its one of those arguements that you try to walk away but the other person just follows you into the room just to keep it going. Well I walk into the kitchen and im just listening to her fuss and bitch and moan. I start firing back with my own shit. It starts to climb to an utterly stupid crescendo of us screaming over each other when out of know where an apple flies out of a bowl and careens between us. We both stop in our tracks. We go silent. A fucking apple just flew across the kitchen and landed by out pipe stove in the den. Needless to say we stopped fighting. But something was bothering us. We later learn that before we moved in about 10 years prior the original owner of the house had passed away from natural causes. In the bedroom. She was elderly and she had lived there because her son wanted her closer to him. So he built her a home like the one she had when she was a child in Mexico. They put the latest amenities in the home for his mother. She had lived in this house for about 20 years before she passed. But she loved her "La Cabanita". She loved the home her son built for her on a lake. She loved it so much she died there. Now this may be speculation but whenever things are good there is a calming effect in the house. A feeling of warmth. The cats are relaxed and all is good. But when my girl and I fight......

I will continue this later Family.


Hom has officially made it in as "one of the good ones", congrats. Maybe there's hope for all

ya know, 'cept Reigun


Never want to support another brotha.
for that first story rio, you fell into standard horror movie tropes, straight up.

Yuuuuuup lol

The closest i came to some supernatural stuff was about 4 years ago. I spotted a group of people in white gown in a field burning a huge ass bonfire. Keep on driving ran a redlight doing it too.
for that first story rio, you fell into standard horror movie tropes, straight up.

i am very thankful that i've never stumbled into any supernatural shit like that.

Yuuuuuup lol

The closest i came to some supernatural stuff was about 4 years ago. I spotted a group of people in white gown in a field burning a huge ass bonfire. Keep on driving ran a redlight doing it too.

Damn rio....

Lets go a little further back. I had just got out the army in 03 and I moved here to Carrollton to help my moms with some bills and shit. I got a job and started making some good money and the minute I felt moms was back on her feet I started looking for an apartment. It was around 05 and met some real cool cats that I started hanging with and there was an apartment for rent. I had just bought my little Honda Civic for 2500 and I was getting ready to move out of moms place. I had started packing up and making trips back and forth trying to get moved all in one night. I was getting tired around 3 am but I had one more trip left. Something kept nagging me to stay and finish in the morning but my boy had said he would roll with me to moms place and grabbed the last of my shit. So I said cool. We riding in the car windows down make it to moms trailer and bring the last of my comics and clothes to the car. I grab shut the trunk and lock up the house turn on my lights and start riding up the driveway out of the trailer park I was laying my head. I bought the car and like any 95 civic the AC was gone. It was summer time at 4 am in Ga so I put the windows down. My music was turned up bumping Unpredictable from Mystikal. Just happy im moving to my own shit. And then I saw something that will live with me. Now my car was about 4 feet high and my window about 3 feet off the ground. I had turned a corner to try and accelerate and out of the fucking woods a black "thing" that resembled a dog was running next to the car. I got up to about 35 mph and this fucker stayed with me full stride. I was so close to it I could hear it panting. It had the reddest eyes I have ever seen and it was a fucking full moon so I could see it plain as day. I got up to about 55 and I started to leave it behind when it veered off the road and jumped into the woods running next to the road. My boy is screaming like a bitch Im trying to drive. I to this very minute dont know what the fuck was running next to the car. Its head came above my window. Its shoulders were as high as my head rest in the car. It had no tail that I could notice. It resembled a very large dog. Eyes were what got to me. They were fucking red. I mean really red. It ran as fast as my car.
When I was a kid my grandmother had mental problems. I had to be about 10 or 11 when she came to stay with us. I learned that she had early stages of Alzheimers and dementia. We had a lot of her siblings would come and visit. And it was good to see family again. These people are the ones I grew up wanting to emulate. That old school swagger is what they called it. Well one uncle in particular was my uncle Ward. Coolest cat ever and my grandma and him were close. One night in particular I woke up from the couch because we didnt have enough room in the house for all of us so I slept in the living room on the couch. I heard my grandma talking. I mean having a full on conversation. The only problem was she was on the balcony outside the patio door. This isnt the first time she had walked outside so I went out to bring her in but as I got closer I heard another voice with her. It was sayin you gonna be ok Vera its gonna be okay. I remember saying Momo who is that with you. My grandma turned around and was smiling and said Ward was saying bye. He said he loves you. I said okay Momo lets get you inside. I got her in and locked the patio door and laid back down on the couch. The next morning I woke up and my mom was running around in a panic. I asked what was wrong. She told me Uncle Ward died last night at the hospital. Heart attack.

I got some other shit but im at work so im typing between calls.



I've read stories about them demon dogs and black phantoms. Man said he was on a motorcycle and a black shape was next to him keeping pace, then it reaches over to try to grab his handlebars. He rode for Jesus that night. Other stories with a black dog or a dark shape pacing cars on a haunted stretch of highway. I read about it, but you saw it, and I say better you than me. You seem to have a higher incidence of seeing this kind of shit. You have someone in your family...? You said you were from Louisiana...

I thought war ghosts were bad enough. So you were blasting your music loud in the night, the only thing around for miles making such a commotion?


Ya'll trippin', I don't mess with that shit.

My cousins fucked me up, I watched the original Exorcist with them when I was like 9.



Ya'll trippin', I don't mess with that shit.

My cousins fucked me up, I watched the original Exorcist with them when I was like 9.


Yeah, same here. Seemed like every place on the island was haunted when I grew up. I stupidly tried to check a few of them out (never found anything, luckily), but I don't mess with that shit anymore.


View got me imagining The Freeman sounding like a brother. Like he would not leave the house with out his gravity gun and a pack of newports.


bitch I'm taking calls.
I liked the Conjuring and think its definitely top tier of the "Haunted House" genre. It builds the tension in the perfect way and is very slow & extremely effective in its execution. But if you are expecting something you haven't seen before or a more cerebral scare you will be disappointed.

- - -

Love the paranormal stories, Rio. Good stuff

Here is my honest opinion on ghosts and paranormal stuff etc.:

I am skeptical as all hell and do not personally believe in most things like aliens, ghosts or demons (god included). However as a skeptic and one who subscribes to science I also acknowledge one thing that most others like me seem to not: our tools of observation and recording in science as they exist today are not compatible with what I refer to as 'human experiences' which can include the paranormal.

Things like video recording, photographs and other types of observation measures are unable to capture the real essence of what many people around the world appear to experience. And I don't always believe people have these experiences because they are crazy or were scared or they just made shit up. Maybe that is the case some of the time, but I am also open to the interpretation that the shit they say happened actually happened and we are just not in a place that we can hope to record that using any tools we currently have.

What keeps me from ever truly fearing any of these supernatural elements beyond being slightly creeped out at times is the personal observation that nothing I have ever heard of ghosts, demons or any supernatural entity has ever eclipsed the kind of malefic, awful, terrible things we as human beings have actually done to each other and our world that has been recorded and shared for all to see.

When paranormal entities start gathering up people of a certain religion and tossing them into ovens by the hundreds of thousands...kidnapping small children and torturing them physically and sexually...lying through their teeth and in plain sight that they are representing others best interests while gutting them behind the scenes just to make a quick profit...polluting the fuck out of our environment and quickly ruining the landscape of the only home we have ever had...

only then will my fear of the paranormal or "the unknown" eclipse that of the revulsion and fear of what I already know.
Im unmoved by modern horror flicks thanks to my brother he toughened me up proper by the time I was 10 I'd been scared enough by myers,freddy and jason. hell the predator had me hiding under the couch meanwhile my brother is dying laughing
older bro:how you gonna get away he's got heat vision you caaaant hide! Me: MAMA!!!!!!!


bitch I'm taking calls.
My childhood horror consumption went on a progression like this:

Goosebumps books --> Tales from the Crypt --> Eerie Indiana --> Freddy & Jason films --> X-Files --> UNSOLVED MYSTERIES --> Steven King books --> Silence of the Lambs-esque shit.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Goosebumps trumped tales from the crypt and unsolved mysteries? Or is it going backwards with Stephen king shit near the top?


bitch I'm taking calls.
Goosebumps trumped tales from the crypt and unsolved mysteries? Or is it going backwards with Stephen king shit near the top?
The latter, it's going from my first experiences with horror into the latter stuff. Each one sort of built into the next.
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