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The Black Culture Thread |OT5| A Nation of Drakes Can't Hold Us Back

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Why are people that desperate to find out who he is? Especially Reddit? Is it on some fanboy shit or are they workers for MS trying to find the leak? It's not worth the time

Mr. Patch

Apparently, this was I-85 in Atlanta last night. Straight ice homie...



Ubisoft Marketing
outside of GAF, peeps think he's a PlayStation fanboy out to destroy the Xbox One.

I wouldn't limit it to outside of GAF to be honest.

And if i may......gaming side has been incredibly pro-Sony. To the point of it being a bit nauseating. This is from the point of someone looking in.

I have no issue with either. I've worked with great people from both companies and continue to do so. This whole "camp" mentality that stems from having to justify your purchase decision to the rest of the world is unhealthy, especially with the level GAF, Reddit and others take it to.

My 2 cents. I'm going back to work.


I wouldn't limit it to outside of GAF to be honest.

And if i may......gaming side has been incredibly pro-Sony. To the point of it being a bit nauseating. This is from the point of someone looking in.

I have no issue with either. I've worked with great people from both companies and continue to do so. This whole "camp" mentality that stems from having to justify your purchase decision to the rest of the world is unhealthy, especially with the level GAF, Reddit and others take it to.

My 2 cents. I'm going back to work.

I see what you mean. The pendulum will most likely swing back to xbox in a year or so. I wasn't on gaf back in the early days of PS360, but Sony got shitted on from historic heights everywhere else. They were the biggest jokes for like 3 years.
I wouldn't limit it to outside of GAF to be honest.

And if i may......gaming side has been incredibly pro-Sony. To the point of it being a bit nauseating. This is from the point of someone looking in.

I'd argue Gaming side is pro-consumer.

and Sony seems to be pro-consumer, (minus PS+ for PS4 MP which, they seem to overlook) which is why they cheer for Sony.

The pendulum can and will swing one day.


I'd argue Gaming side is pro-consumer.

and Sony seems to be pro-consumer, (minus PS+ for PS4 MP which, they seem to overlook) which is why they cheer for Sony.

Sony is not pro-consumer, they just managed to not fuck up their PR this time.

We're talking about the company that installed rootkits onto people's PCs with music CDs.
I'd argue Gaming side is pro-consumer.

and Sony seems to be pro-consumer, (minus PS+ for PS4 MP which, they seem to overlook) which is why they cheer for Sony.

The pendulum can and will swing one day.

Yeah it's really got nothing to do with the companies themselves, if they're actions appeal to the audience here, people support them more.

BHZ Mayor

I see what you mean. The pendulum will most likely swing back to xbox in a year or so. I wasn't on gaf back in the early days of PS360, but Sony got shitted on from historic heights everywhere else. They were the biggest jokes for like 3 years.

Yep. Let's also not forget the shit monsoon they got after that hack a few years back.
At first I was thinking it couldn't be that bad, but then I found this gallery of what's happened in Alabama


People were not ready.
Cars flipped over? On fire?

Never ceases to amaze me how people just don't know how to drive in inclement weather. Just drive slower.

Sony is not pro-consumer, they just managed to not fuck up their PR this time.

We're talking about the company that installed rootkits onto people's PCs with music CDs.

Incorrect. They managed to not fuck up their POLICIES this time. Their PR simply followed their pro-consumer policies. It also helped that they provided superior hardware (which matters to enthusiasts who populate GAF) for a lower price. All furthered by Microsoft spending time and money trying to spin and twist reality to suit them.

That's not a small difference.
I wouldn't limit it to outside of GAF to be honest.

And if i may......gaming side has been incredibly pro-Sony. To the point of it being a bit nauseating. This is from the point of someone looking in.

I have no issue with either. I've worked with great people from both companies and continue to do so. This whole "camp" mentality that stems from having to justify your purchase decision to the rest of the world is unhealthy, especially with the level GAF, Reddit and others take it to.

My 2 cents. I'm going back to work.
everyone likes to back a winner. last gen it was pro 360 and MS dropped the ball big time and now it's pro Sony. among the average user, the XB1 is fine. people i talk to or overhear in stores are fine with both and pretty much seem to want to stick to the next-gen successor to their previous console. but among the more hardcore... let me put it this way. i played Battlefield BC1, BC2 and BF3 on 360 and PS3 with a bunch of people on GAF and some others not on GAF. most of the people i played BF regularly with on 360 switched to PS4. nobody switched from PS3 to XB1. it's not like this shit happened in a vacuum, people switched because it cost less and had better performance. the good PR helped too...


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Hyperbole flag waving aside, why is it even surprising that people are pro-Sony again?

Even with all of the PS3 mishap, Sony has been the (imo) platform for games for almost 20 years now. Can you really talk down the PS1 and PS2 as bad platforms?

Yeah, the 360 did some great shit, but it's not 2009 anymore.

Good PR comes easy when you're putting out good products. Just saying.


Sony's good to/for the consumer. Even though they've just not been saying stupid shit to piss people off. They've obviously learned from their mistakes in 06 and the PSN outage really fucked with them.

That being said, I'd like to have a discussion about MS's products without it being a pointless drive by fest of resolution nonsense or whatever.
Hyperbole flag waving aside, why is it even surprising that people are pro-Sony again?

Even with all of the PS3 mishap, Sony has been the (imo) platform for games for almost 20 years now. Can you really talk down the PS1 and PS2 as bad platforms?

Yeah, the 360 did some great shit, but it's not 2009 anymore.

Good PR comes easy when you're putting out good products. Just saying.

Yep. The PS4 PR team at Sony has the easiest job in the industry this gen. But even with that said, all Microsoft had to do to stay in people's good graces is so simple it's almost enraging. Instead they've gone down the path of spin, mistruths and deception...piggy-backing off of the whole DRM confusion period. It was a really big hit to the confidence of gamers in them and they keep digging bigger holes instead of focusing on what's good/unique about their platform. They keep trying to win losing arguments (system power, resolution doesn't matter) and it only makes things worse.

They're the Knicks of the gaming world right now. They just need to accept their role and extol the virtues of their platform.

That being said, I'd like to have a discussion about MS's products without it being a pointless drive by fest of resolution nonsense or whatever.
I really feel like those drive by posts wouldn't even exist if MS didn't constantly try to pretend resolution/power differences didn't exist. You don't get to tell someone the sky is purple instead of blue and not get called on it and reminded you tried to bullshit people later until you've proven you can be honest and admit that the sky is fucking blue.

As a LIVE Gold member for 10 years going on 11, this shit is embarrassing to watch. Like, I'd like MS to just shut the fuck up at this point because they're just digging PR holes they can't climb out of easily. Just give games and stop lying about the power and resolution shit.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
What shocked me the most was that people were somehow surprised that MS could screw up this bad given their history over the last 20 years.

They built up so much amazing goodwill from 2005-09 to the point where something as astounding as RROD didn't even put a dent into their image once everything was said and done.

No other single (still alive and kicking, at least) Microsoft product has this much following and goodwill. At best you'll hear shit like "well IE11 is alright!" It's amazing that they sold as many X1s as they did.


not licensed in your state
It's rough here in ATL. I took this pic of folks who abandoned their car on a hill about a couple of feet from where I stay:



MS will never admit that the PS4 is clearly stronger. And I don't know why people expect them to. They gain nothing from saying that. And the only people that care that they spin the numbers are the people who already know the numbers and have their minds made up about them.

Sony would, and has, done the same. They are not my friend, none of the console makers are. They'll try anything they think they can get away with. And I won't applaud them for not fucking up. They charge for something they didn't charge for before.

GAF is pro-Sony because they offer the most value to more people who frequent GAF relative to the other companies. But this passed generation has shown me these companies are all out for the same thing, and that I should base my purchases on what value they bring me at that moment, not down the road.

I'll buy a PS4 and Xbox One the moment they're worth it to me, and will not believe a thing any of them promise until I can see it with my own two eyes. At this point they're all the same to me: gatekeepers of a few exclusive games I want.

Edit: Sony does get some props for their design philosophy though. And that 8GB ram stunt. Ballsy, confident shit there.

They definitely have a much more cohesive vision going into launch than MS did.


I wouldn't limit it to outside of GAF to be honest.

And if i may......gaming side has been incredibly pro-Sony. To the point of it being a bit nauseating. This is from the point of someone looking in.

I have no issue with either. I've worked with great people from both companies and continue to do so. This whole "camp" mentality that stems from having to justify your purchase decision to the rest of the world is unhealthy, especially with the level GAF, Reddit and others take it to.

My 2 cents. I'm going back to work.

This shit again.

Yeah it's really got nothing to do with the companies themselves, if they're actions appeal to the audience here, people support them more.

MS will never admit that the PS4 is clearly stronger. And I don't know why people expect them to. They gain nothing from saying that. And the only people that care that they spin the numbers are the people who already know the numbers and have their minds made up about them.

Sony would, and has, done the same. They are not my friend, none of the console makers are. They'll try anything they think they can get away with. And I won't applaud them for not fucking up. They charge for something they didn't charge for before.

GAF is pro-Sony because they offer the most value to more people who frequent GAF relative to the other companies. But this passed generation has shown me these companies are all out for the same thing, and that I should base my purchases on what value they bring me at that moment, not down the road.

I'll buy a PS4 and Xbox One the moment they're worth it to me, and will not believe a thing any of them promise until I can see it with my own two eyes. At this point they're all the same to me: gatekeepers of a few exclusive games I want.

the problem isn't them not admitting it's weaker, the problem is their typical response isn't just some shady non-answer, it's straight lies. how can you trust someone who lies to your face?

just over a year and a half ago, MS was the one getting all the praise and it looked like a lock for their next console. they did this. they did it to themselves. there is nobody else to blame.
Microsoft makes it hard sometimes (or most, you can decide on the severity) to obtain consumer faith. I don't think we should praise Sony for doing their jobs. But fair criticism is fair if you are constantly fucking up.


the problem isn't them not admitting it's weaker, the problem is their typical response isn't just some shady non-answer, it's straight lies. how can you trust someone who lies to your face?

just over a year and a half ago, MS was the one getting all the praise and it looked like a lock for their next console. they did this. they did it to themselves. there is nobody else to blame.

I don't follow the dev trail much, I just drop in during the NPDs.

MS has definitely dropped the ball though, and it circles back to them thinking they could get away with the original Xbox One design. The consumer rejecting it was a good thing.
So in another edition of "Snowed In 2014:WTF Drake!?" looks like I will not be walking to work, but half the onsite staff got called in to cover shifts for everyone due to people not being able to drive in. Shit was nutty, the car from the video miraculously got pulled out of the ditch by some random folks. I got a couple cars parked in front of the house cause people can't make it to their houses. I got confirmation that my family in both Louisiana and Georgia are good. Shit is Narshe cold. Looks like gofdamn Both outside still.
Sony is not pro-consumer, they just managed to not fuck up their PR this time.

We're talking about the company that installed rootkits onto people's PCs with music CDs.

First off, we talking Gaming side, not a sony music CD forum.

2nd: that was many years ago, we all learned to forgive and forget.. It's why SCE has backflipped into a much better company since 2006 and Microsoft has done the opposite.. while they had the fervour of their fans.. only the loyal or nonchalant remain.

SCE is considered pro-consumer compared to its console competition. You don't need to refute that, as gaming side has had many threads of evidence. (The Wii U is not competition, more like a side show.)

Your steam box will not change anyone's opinion either, as they don't have exclusives.. and they are different market niche all together.
days like this make me miss NYC.

seeing all these people with an undershirt, shirt, sweater, hoodie and then a jacket on and all i have is a shirt and jacket. wtf guys!? 27F ain't that bad!

BHZ Mayor

MS will never admit that the PS4 is clearly stronger. And I don't know why people expect them to. They gain nothing from saying that. And the only people that care that they spin the numbers are the people who already know the numbers and have their minds made up about them.

Sony would, and has, done the same. They are not my friend, none of the console makers are. They'll try anything they think they can get away with. And I won't applaud them for not fucking up. They charge for something they didn't charge for before.

How they managed to catch absolutely zero shit for this, I'll never know.
How they managed to catch absolutely zero shit for this, I'll never know.
it's pretty easy to steal candy when someone else is shooting up a grocery store.

and people complained. but other people defended it. because ZOMG PS+ free games unprecedented value MS charges $10 more a year for less bla bla bla...
all of consoles can catch L's for all I give a shit

Once you start catching new games for 10 bones on Steam you realize Sonys just been fucking you with lube all this time


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
How they managed to catch absolutely zero shit for this, I'll never know.

I don't think people have swept that under the radar.

The difference being is that there is a difference... We perceive value relatively, right?

Relatively speaking, PS+ is a much better proposition than XBL Gold. Is that refutable? Maybe, but I'd like to hear it. Does that mean Sony shouldn't catch shit for putting MP behind a paywall? Nope.

But again, it's all relative: Even basic shit like Netflix is locked into Gold on X1. Even basic shit like Elder Scrolls: Online will be locked into Gold on X1 even if you are already paying the MMO subscription fee. PS+ doesn't do that.

Saying "well, Sony did some shit" is just a false equivalency argument when compared to what MS has been doing for decades now, imo.


First off, we talking Gaming side, not a sony music CD forum.

2nd: that was many years ago, we all learned to forgive and forget.. It's why SCE has backflipped into a much better company since 2006 and Microsoft has done the opposite.. while they had the fervour of their fans.. only the loyal or nonchalant remain.

SCE is considered pro-consumer compared to its console competition. You don't need to refute that, as gaming side has had many threads of evidence. (The Wii U is not competition, more like a side show.)

Your steam box will not change anyone's opinion either, as they don't have exclusives.. and they are different market niche all together.

First off, we're talking about a multi-billion dollar corporation, and like all multi-billion dollar corporations, they're in business for money. The only difference between Microsoft and Sony, is the fact that Microsoft's mind is clouded by success, and Sony is "humble" coming off of a disappointing generation. It's simply two different plans of attack towards the same goal (Yes, one is smarter within this climate). Sony was profitable with PSN and Home last generation, but they decided to charge consumers for online multiplayer. It's not pro-consumer, but they saw the revenue Microsoft was getting, and decided to join in. CREAM.

Companies transition between being humble and pro-consumer, and being greedy and anti-consumer, depending on their success or lack thereof. Compare Microsoft with the Xbox, Microsoft with the 360 and Microsoft with the XB1. Compare the Playstation 2, first half of the Playstation 3's lifespan and the PS4. Compare the many faces of Activision, EA, Capcom and Ubisoft over the course of the last generation. There's an obvious correlation to be found. A half generation from now, we may find the script flipped between Sony and Microsoft, and it should surprise nobody. They deserve credit for sound business, but anytime someone tries to label a multi-billion dollar corporation as pro-consumer, I can't help but laugh.
man, it's cold as fuck outside.

how about the big game?

what's everyone cooking/eating/doing this sunday?

...uhhh.. what else can i say to divert from console wars?



bitch I'm taking calls.
Yep there is no god. Hol up you dissin' my games son? I'LL THROW DOWN RIGHT NOW!

What harSon said is actually on point with how I feel.


Junior Member
Started thinking about my hair in relation to jobs again. You guys think a short fro' and beard hurt you in interviews? I hadn't thought about this because I haven't been skin faded and clean shaven since high school.

My plan is still to skin fade AFTER I get hired since I'll actually be able to spend 45 minutes worth of gas and another $20 on a haircut every other weekend. But I'm wondering if the facial hair's gonna have to go too. I need some images of brothers who successfully rock both.

OG Loc

Decided its time to branch out more into Gaf OT other than drunk thread. Drunk thread I still love you girl.


Where you're from: Norfolk, Virginia
Where you live: Norfolk, Virginia
Your cultural heritage, lineage and genealogy: http://rapgenius.com/Jay-z-fuckwithmeyouknowigotit-lyrics#note-1949690
Your Age: 21
Favorite musical genre: Trap/Rap/Indie Rock/Electronic/Based/etc
Your profession/major/career interest: Customer Service/ODU Mechanical Engineering
Your religious affiliation: Nah
Hobbies: Games, basketball, astronomy, making poor decisions,


man, it's cold as fuck outside.

how about the big game?

what's everyone cooking/eating/doing this sunday?

...uhhh.. what else can i say to divert from console wars?


We watch all the Seahawks' games at an Irish pub downtown, will be there eating an Irish breakfast plate and plenty of beer.


How they managed to catch absolutely zero shit for this, I'll never know.

They did. Others are right that they could do it because it was easier to sell given how many points they were winning with consumers relative to MS (for merely staying the line). All it did was show me Sony is a business that ain't in the position of throwing out bones.

What bothered me were all the people blaming "Xbots" for showing Sony people would pay for MP, absolving Sony of any responsibility for the policy. Ever since I'm not around for the fan wars garbage.
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