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The Black Culture Thread |OT5| A Nation of Drakes Can't Hold Us Back

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Junior Member
MS will never admit that the PS4 is clearly stronger. And I don't know why people expect them to. They gain nothing from saying that. And the only people that care that they spin the numbers are the people who already know the numbers and have their minds made up about them.

Sony would, and has, done the same. They are not my friend, none of the console makers are. They'll try anything they think they can get away with. And I won't applaud them for not fucking up. They charge for something they didn't charge for before.

GAF is pro-Sony because they offer the most value to more people who frequent GAF relative to the other companies. But this passed generation has shown me these companies are all out for the same thing, and that I should base my purchases on what value they bring me at that moment, not down the road.

I'll buy a PS4 and Xbox One the moment they're worth it to me, and will not believe a thing any of them promise until I can see it with my own two eyes. At this point they're all the same to me: gatekeepers of a few exclusive games I want.

Edit: Sony does get some props for their design philosophy though. And that 8GB ram stunt. Ballsy, confident shit there.

They definitely have a much more cohesive vision going into launch than MS did.

This is pretty much my whole argument. I stopped being in it for a console's "personality" or "identity" or whatever.

Late posting, but this response caused her to gain one more twitter follower.

Fun Fact: She was the person who got MHP in trouble last month (I think) for talking about Mitt Romney's black grandchild on air.
Thanks for posting, it was a good read.

ugh..the minstrel show continues..


everything in my area where I live is closed because of the weather.

holy shit the south are such babbies, let me get my fucking cigarettes :/

Console wars have and will always be lame and if you're older than 12 the fuck at you.

It's more like a Console Opera these days due to how ~dramatic~ people can get about video games this gen


bitch I'm taking calls.
Hey quick PSA here:

Everyone knows women should not smoke cannabis they're pregnant right? That seems like common sense to me but just thought I'd check. Some people on the Internet are arguing about it.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
I just had my dehumanizing glare episode today at work.

According to these two women, I showed up to work, barked at them, demanded to see their supervisor, then stormed out of the building.

I was in awe hearing about myself. It was just mindboggling to read their firsthand accounts of a tirade that never occurred.

Edit: Also, the day before we somehow ended up having a remarkably positive discussion about the civil rights movement - and as I was talking about the inclusion of women, the jewish, and how their inclusiveness is often downplayed even though they walked away with the biggest strides one of these same women took huge offense to the fact that I'd include women into any discussion evenly remotely tied to affirmative action.
I just had my dehumanizing glare episode today at work.

According to these two women, I showed up to work, barked at them, demanded to see their supervisor, then stormed out of the building.

I was in awe hearing about myself. It was just mindboggling to read their firsthand accounts of a tirade that never occurred.

This still Army shit? You need to get out of there ASAP.


Thanks Faceless and enzom21.

Going to be going with this one:



NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
This still Army shit? You need to get out of there ASAP.

It was amazing though. This whole thing has been months coming - and as they were airing all of their negative shit about me as I was being transferred to a new squad, this shit comes out. The event discussed revolved around me showing up to work 10 minutes late. The day before though, I just had a substantial issue with my pay. I got roughly 20% of what I should've been getting - this is right after I helped pay off my grandmother's mortgage and considered buying a new car. I got suckerpunched in my wallet basically. And as anyone with military experience can tell you, soldier's who don't get paid can't be reasonably expected to a damned thing. I was late to work because I was on the phone with my grandmother at Western Union. I was 10 minutes late. I had a lengthy discussion with my supervisor beforehand regarding this financial issue as well and after detecting zero fucks on their side.... well, they shouldn't have expected me to show up to work on time. Definitely not with a smile. I did let her know I'd be late though.

So I show up and go directly towards her. "I need to speak to finance immediately." "For what?" She fucked up right here. I could've lit her ass ablaze and I wouldn't have even been wrong for it.
"I need to correct these issues with my pay as soon as possible. Whatever is going on right now is clearly not important. My tasks for the week and the next are completed. I need to get this handled. Now."
"Your duty is here."
"What are we doing here?"
"Standing by." Okay, trick. Now that I see you can't do a damned thing for me, I'm going up the ladder.
"Let me speak with the Platoon Sgt - I need to get to finance." "You need to speak with <other woman that said I flipped out> first"
"Okay. walked directly up to her and silenced the crowd around her with importantshit face I need to handle some financial issues as soon as possible."

And all the while they're legit shocked that I'm not making small talk or cracking jokes. Ain't shit funny. I'm about mine right now and your lack of urgency is problematic. I even thought to myself... maybe I'm doing a bit much. Then she says to me.

"These things happen with pay from time to time. You should've been prepared for this."

THE FUCK? And she says this shit without knowing that my grandmother had just beat cancer - the cost being family not taking care of shit and letting mortgage payments and other expenses get all kinds of out of hand. I've never had a financial issue in my career but this dumbass 21 year old who got married during a fucking deployment was ready to talk down to me? About some shit that she didn't even know about? Dismissed. I saw where the conversation was about to go, felt my professionalism about to leave me, and repeated my request.

"I need to speak to finance as soon as possible. What we're doing now is not important. Let me speak to the Platoon Sgt to arrange that meeting."

And I left. Walked away calmly and quietly. Found a nice quiet spot. Got back on the phone. Others came up to me. Good friends let me get that shit out my system and others got me laughing. I didn't flip out once. People know when I flip out because tables go flying and people start tapping.

I never once heard of this 'issue' again. They never pulled me aside. They never followed up. Nothing.

According to them though... oh man. According to them I never told them a thing about finance until that morning. I threw the door of the building open. I was loud. I threatened them. I directly insulted both of them by asking to go above them. I completely left the area for an hour. And they said that I did this in front of some fresh out of training soldiers as well. That I was a bad influence.

And that's not even the most fucked up of the 3 things I allegedly did to them.


Junior Member
Hey quick PSA here:

Everyone knows women should not smoke cannabis they're pregnant right? That seems like common sense to me but just thought I'd check. Some people on the Internet are arguing about it.

Well a study has already demystified the crack baby myth...
Fuckin' drama whores trying to fuck you over in your new squad. I mean easy for me to say "get out of there" but it's like every other month some fuckass is trying to throw you under the bus for their own problems.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Fuckin' drama whores trying to fuck you over in your new squad. I mean easy for me to say "get out of there" but it's like every other month some fuckass is trying to throw you under the bus for their own problems.

That's the thing. I was more than ready to check out officially. I finally got my MRI results back (yeah, I got it done in November - just now getting seen for it lolz) and from what they could see I clearly have a torn labrum and bicep. The guy who saw me damn near lost his shit and was ready to call JAG right then and there. He also demanded that I get another MRI for my back.

I've had this injury for two years and he also suggested that the nerve damage in my arm that was 'causing pain in my hand from time to time' may actually be the inverse. "Its quite possible that all you can feel IS your hand" lmao

So when I hear these two shitbags talking to me in front of two others, my new squad leader and that same platoon sgt, and I get reassured by them that they're the least respected 'leaders' in the building, then I can't be all that mad. They did this in a final attempt to throw some salt but literally 2 hours later I officially got my own team and new title.

I am pissed.

I was also offered a great opportunity to reenlist - do my job, and get paid to learn Russian. Literally one of my dream jobs.

I am pissed.

I was checked out. I had every reason to. Now I get all of these awesome things to drop into my lap?

Fuck this planet and everyone on it

watch AM and my Ex hit me up tonight talking about how they want to share me


Well damn, I miiiiight not last through BHM. GF just let me know she wants to spend some time apart (well earlier today, not just now).
My ex hit me with that she was hollaring at this dude in Seattle that beat on her after.
Edit: she didn't deserve that she is a good person. but she did deserve better than me.

Who is getting Titanfall on PC

I'm going to pick it up if I can run beta well. My 5750 might be to low lol


Cult of cboat
First off, we're talking about a multi-billion dollar corporation, and like all multi-billion dollar corporations, they're in business for money. The only difference between Microsoft and Sony, is the fact that Microsoft's mind is clouded by success, and Sony is "humble" coming off of a disappointing generation. It's simply two different plans of attack towards the same goal (Yes, one is smarter within this climate). Sony was profitable with PSN and Home last generation, but they decided to charge consumers for online multiplayer. It's not pro-consumer, but they saw the revenue Microsoft was getting, and decided to join in. CREAM.

Companies transition between being humble and pro-consumer, and being greedy and anti-consumer, depending on their success or lack thereof. Compare Microsoft with the Xbox, Microsoft with the 360 and Microsoft with the XB1. Compare the Playstation 2, first half of the Playstation 3's lifespan and the PS4. Compare the many faces of Activision, EA, Capcom and Ubisoft over the course of the last generation. There's an obvious correlation to be found. A half generation from now, we may find the script flipped between Sony and Microsoft, and it should surprise nobody. They deserve credit for sound business, but anytime someone tries to label a multi-billion dollar corporation as pro-consumer, I can't help but laugh.

Ill pm you tomorrow, we can finish this there.

My ex hit me with that she was hollaring at this dude in Seattle that beat on her after.
Edit: she didn't deserve they she is a good person.. but she did deserve better than me.

Don't ever say that fam, she chose you for a reason.

Anyway, can BCT get me an avatar with ultimate spider-man (black dude named miles morales) and Mary Jane for BHM?


That yoga entitlement is real. People are appalled that you interrupted their morning yoga. How dare someone that doesn't meet their litmus test attend a class. HOW DARE THEY.

On a lighter note, my doctir reminded me I once had an ulcer in my eye and need to relax more. On a lighter note, I had an interview for a job in Shanghai but screwed myself with salary negotiations. I asked for $8,000 less than the starting salary. That still shits in the average China salary of $1,000 a month but it's poor by 'Merican standards.
I don't know, of PGR or Banjo got revived that would have been crazy. But almost every leak was a sequel to a popular Xbox franchise, you could see them coming a mile away.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
I would buy an X1 for 1080p/60fps Halo 2 with online multiplayer and support

without fucks
CBOAT responded to Respawn peeps saying he's wrong about textures yet?

Not that there was ever any doubt that a FPS running on the source engine was gonna be best on PC.
My ex hit me with that she was hollaring at this dude in Seattle that beat on her after.

Damn, shit's fucked up. My ex tried hitting me up once and was telling me the dude she's with would treat her like shit mentally. Then she hit me with the "I'd rather be miserable than alone."
Don't fly too close to the sun next month, not until people call you a racist in non-race related threads at least.

It'll hit me sometime mid Feb, at the moment I'm not even phased.

My ex hit me with that she was hollaring at this dude in Seattle that beat on her after.
Edit: she didn't deserve that she is a good person. but she did deserve better than me.

I'm not sure what it is, if it's a new dude then word I'll compartmentalize it and move on. If it's something else then word. It hasn't even really hit me at the moment. I simply told her &#8220;okay&#8221; basically.

Rent is in my name, so I assume she's moving in with a friend or something because I don't do that whole cohabitation with your ex thing.

hes black hispanic

According to OT-GAF, we (black hispanics) don't exist. =\
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