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The Black Culture Thread |OT5| A Nation of Drakes Can't Hold Us Back

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Non violence doesn't mean doing nothing. You have completely missed my point.

I don't really agree with this but okay.

I didn't tell anyone to 'deal with it', and I didn't 'deal with it' myself in response. I was clarifying my position.

I feel we're really talking past each other here.

Right. Attack those evil forces. So smart was supposed to mention this fans disgusting choice of words during the post game press conference? I dont even think he could have gotten the fan removed from the game. How i feel more and more each day is honestly a sports boycott by black players. But itll never happen. That is as non violent as they come but i dont think it is a possibility.


The physical form of blasphemy
To be honest, I'm not a fan of trying to compare hardships. It's insensitive as all hell. Just show some empathy and continue the discussion. It's like when someone commits suicide and people go straight to the, "well I was depressed one day, and didn't kill myself," nonsense. Hell, that should be even more cause for understanding.

For any system to change, it's going to take more than, "don't get offended," to get it done. Plenty of material to read, watch, and listen too in 2014, to help enact that. People just don't want to be labled (irony) and would rather sweep it under the rug.

This is also what happens when you don't check older heads, because they lived longer.


is a goddamn bear
To be honest, I'm not a fan of trying to compare hardships. It's insensitive as all hell. Just show some empathy and continue the discussion. It's like when someone commits suicide and people go straight to the, "well I was depressed one day, and didn't kill myself," nonsense. Hell, that should be even more cause for understanding.

For any system to change, it's going to take more than, "don't get offended," to get it done. Plenty of material to read, watch, and listen too in 2014, to help enact that. People just don't want to be labled (irony) and would rather sweep it under the rug.

This is also what happens when you don't check older heads, because they lived longer.


What's so hard about showing sympathy? No one's asking anyone to get on their knees and shit, just offer some support for Christ's sake.
We're not, you refuse to see why your comparison is asinine and patronizing to boot.

To be honest, I'm not a fan of trying to compare hardships. It's insensitive as all hell. Just show some empathy and continue the discussion. It's like when someone commits suicide and people go straight to the, "well I was depressed one day, and didn't kill myself," nonsense. Hell, that should be even more cause for understanding.

For any system to change, it's going to take more than, "don't get offended," to get it done. Plenty of material to read, watch, and listen too in 2014, to help enact that. People just don't want to be labled (irony) and would rather sweep it under the rug.

This is also what happens when you don't check older heads, because they lived longer.

I never meant it in that way. It wasn't in a "Well, I did it. So can he." way. It was hardships exist. There are ways to fix them. I was lucky to have an easy avenue to fix them. He may not have. He didn't fix them correctly. It sucks.

Right. Attack those evil forces. So smart was supposed to mention this fans disgusting choice of words during the post game press conference? I dont even think he could have gotten the fan removed from the game. How i feel more and more each day is honestly a sports boycott by black players. But itll never happen. That is as non violent as they come but i dont think it is a possibility.

I like to think it can someday. But oh well.

Yeah. Unlike high school where they're forced to take things like bullying very seriously, unfortunately there aren't as many safeguards to racism in regular society.

Especially when it comes to "name calling", which is what nigger usually falls under, where it's mostly just hearsay.

And unlike with your case there's really not much confusion when someone calls you nigger. You can move away to a place no one knows you and reinvent yourself after high school if you were bullied for being a nerd or something, but I mean no matter where you go in the US black is black.

That's very unfortuante, and I don't understand what that's like. I would say we should try to change that but I've been told that's naive :p

I think what most people,myself included, had a problem with was not what you were saying. but how you were saying it.

because you're right, the non-violent approach is always the preferable method, but I don't think that makes reactions like Smart's so irredeemable. Which is how you came off. That the player was absolutely wrong for reacting that way.

From my experience when it comes to situations like the one in the other thread, people are quick to punish and condemn the retaliatory party and not the instigating one. and your post kind of came off in line with that. To paraphrase, society kind of tells us "Saying nigger is bad, but pushing someone is unacceptable" and quite frankly to me and others in this thread that's bullshit.

That is bullshit, and as I had said in the thread many times he should have been ejected even in the past if he had a history of it. Eject all the shitheels. I do believe it won't take long to make a lot of that insult stuff end after a few rounds of tough security and escorting out.

I apologize if I came off as overly harsh on Smart, the conversation was largely focused on him. There were two wrongs and the thread was, unfairly, focused on the younger, hot headed one.

I think it was the absolute black and white dichotomy in which you framed your argument that bothered most of us here. It just demonstrated a lack of empathy for how the word makes black people feel. That they should just shrug it off and take the high road and if they don't they're wrong for it.

I'm not asking you to compromise your world view and say that violence is acceptable or ok, but just understand why an individual would react that way and that it doesn't make them a bad person under certain circumstances.

because I can't stress enough that being called a nigger can't be understood through the reference point of being bullied for playing magic cards at lunch, and as a result the same expectations can't be placed upon both sets of circumstances equally.
Once again I'm sorry if I came off that way. As I said I, and I believe most in that thread, understood why he did behave in that way.

When I said that 'it didn't matter what was said, he shouldn't have pushed him', I wasn't saying that words weren't hurtful, or I wasn't understanding why he might take so much offense to them.

People shouldn't say mean or hurtful things, I think that goes without saying.

What's so hard about showing sympathy? No one's asking anyone to get on their knees and shit, just offer some support for Christ's sake.

I do offer him support. I wish him the best in life. I wish he would have made a better choice right then and there in that position. It sucks he has to put up with what he does.


SteveWinwood has a guilty conscience? Over what I wonder? Also your avatar looks like Steve Martin.

And yeah some of those northern countries have funny ideas and history relating to brown people. I can't remember the details but one of them sells a chocolate dessert named after the chopped off body parts of slaves. It's a wild world.
Hmm. Looks like racists did an end run around "nigger" and decided to just use "thug" instead. All the same bigoted implications, but they think they can stand there and look all "First Amendment Rights" when they say it.


Decided to keep the money since she insisted that the money was a gift. Think I'll use half of it to give my girl a gift this week.
As a graduate of Mizzou, I'm very proud. As are most of my facebook feed as well it looks like.

Mizzou has always had a very small minority population (doesn't help when things like this happen: http://www.columbiatribune.com/news...cle_78b70c05-3dea-5934-bc95-fec5633a7473.html ) and I wonder how some will read into that with his decision to come out.

Yeah we got a couple of nooses in front of out cultural center and swastika spray painted in front of the Jewish building. Univ. of Maryland graduate. We are also pretty famous for starting fires and closing down Route 1 if we win or lose against Duke.


Could someone avatar this

Wait Moris from a legit big bear or some sort of event called big bear

Big Bear, California.

Spent a couple hours in a doctor's office, my heart rate and blood pressure took a while to calm down. I had a panic attack once before at school, I just left the room, walked around and talked myself down. Driving a car going 90 is probably the worst place to have a panic attack. The sensation of thinking you're dying is some shit.


It's a city in Cali.

Big Bear, California.

Spent a couple hours in a doctor's office, my heart rate and blood pressure took a while to calm down. I had a panic attack once before at school, I just left the room, walked around and talked myself down. Driving a car going 90 is probably the worst place to have a panic attack. The sensation of thinking you're dying is some shit.

lmao wow, never heard of it
yall west coast people still ain't shit tho
probably should have had somebody on the trip, I guess it depends on where your doctor is and how far he is, but usually I get a ride or have somebody drive back if I had blood pressure test or a check up of sorts happen


Runaways had a lot of Interracial relationships explored, along with Avengers Arena.

Specifically it was Nico/Alex, then Nico/Karolina, then Karolina/Xavin, and I want to say there were hints of Nico/Victor.

Man Nico went through too much shit in that comic.


Runaways had a lot of Interracial relationships explored, along with Avengers Arena.

Specifically it was Nico/Alex, then Nico/Karolina, then Karolina/Xavin, and I want to say there were hints of Nico/Victor.

Man Nico went through too much shit in that comic.

I know right, she dies like every other story arc.


Junior Member
I was preparing this post for the other thread before it got closed. Perhaps it'll shed some light on why people don't like what you were saying in the other thread:

Yes. You don't understand what it's like for a word to make you feel subhuman. Regardless of your educational background, economic prospects or social status, with one word a white person can make you feel like you're less than human. Even if by every other metric of success you are better off, they still have power over you with one word.

That's what it feels like to be called a nigger. It's something white people have never and probably will never understand because being the ethnic majority throughout history there's never been an equivalent for you. At least one that you would strongly associate with today.

So yes let me tell you that you 100% do not understand. Especially if this anecdote of yours is your reference point:

Someone who was made fun of for reasons they don't even understand or recognize can't possibly understand what it's like to be attacked because of what you are.

and because of that, saying things like this:

Just comes off as extremely naive at best.

Perfect summation.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Big Bear, California.

Spent a couple hours in a doctor's office, my heart rate and blood pressure took a while to calm down. I had a panic attack once before at school, I just left the room, walked around and talked myself down. Driving a car going 90 is probably the worst place to have a panic attack. The sensation of thinking you're dying is some shit.

I had that happen on the highway last summer. Felt surreal. Glad you're okay.
Man I've had the craziest week of my life most of it negative af. So the now ex-girlfriend sent me this long ass message about how much she cares for me to include the cliche “it's not you it's me” line. And wants to be friends. I wrote her back simply saying and I quote “Not happening, period. You can't have your cake and eat it too.” Anyways fast forward a few days and I forgot I'm suppose to show up for this appreciation party that was being held for her since I was help throwing it. I called a few friends to accompany so I had a buffer between her and I. We went I chopped it up with everyone there, she showed up with some new dude, we didn't speak. Got some new clients all in all it wasn't that bad. She sent me a message saying I was rude and such a jerk. I ignored that ish flat out, realized she still follows me on facebook (I rarely use it). Dropped her and her entire family, got text messages from all of them asking why. Ask her not me. Deuces.

man what the fuck happened in the last page

For real.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Ya'll better not spill a drop. I watched the first episode randomly at a hotel last week, loved it but I don't have HBO. So I'm SOL until I find another way to watch it that doesn't involve being snowed in at a 3 star hotel.


Man I've had the craziest week of my life most of it negative af. So the now ex-girlfriend sent me this long ass message about how much she cares for me to include the cliche “it's not you it's me” line. And wants to be friends. I wrote her back simply saying and I quote “Not happening, period. You can't have your cake and eat it too.” Anyways fast forward a few days and I forgot I'm suppose to show up for this appreciation party that was being held for her since I was help throwing it. I called a few friends to accompany so I had a buffer between her and I. We went I chopped it up with everyone there, she showed up with some new dude, we didn't speak. Got some new clients all in all it wasn't that bad. She sent me a message saying I was rude and such a jerk. I ignored that ish flat out, realized she still follows me on facebook (I rarely use it). Dropped her and her entire family, got text messages from all of them asking why. Ask her not me. Deuces.

For real.
Now that's how its done. Cut them off completely and move on to the next best thing.

Damn the KFC right around the corner got robbed.

So mighty king how much chicken did u get?


Wow a KFC having more shit going on then a Church's?

Does this mean that Church's...is..safer then KFC

Considering I've been to some shady ass Church's in Chicago, and KFC's were usually the ones with the bulletproof windows and revolving food door? yeah
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