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The Black Culture Thread |OT5| A Nation of Drakes Can't Hold Us Back

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Imma be real as fuck for a second. I would HATE to meet Alt Rio. My exact opposite would be a fucking HORRIBLE pushover and person. He would be sneaky as fuck and couldnt stand to anyone. No empathy or compassion. Goddamn.

So BCT, what would your alt be?
I'd be the realist nigga alive


Ubisoft Marketing
Imma be real as fuck for a second. I would HATE to meet Alt Rio. My exact opposite would be a fucking HORRIBLE pushover and person. He would be sneaky as fuck and couldnt stand to anyone. No empathy or compassion. Goddamn.

So BCT, what would your alt be?

One true asshole.


So if there is a hell, I'm going to it. This is why, a friend invited me to church (I do not believe in such) and there's this girl…I'm attending church on the regular now.

We already went one round about kpop, and Moris had to burn the tape.

And There is only one Riovane. The universe cannot contain more then one. MWAHAHAHA!!!!!

What if BCT met their gender universe swapped version?



Alternative universe Devo be all MRA


Imma be real as fuck for a second. I would HATE to meet Alt Rio. My exact opposite would be a fucking HORRIBLE pushover and person. He would be sneaky as fuck and couldnt stand to anyone. No empathy or compassion. Goddamn.

So BCT, what would your alt be?

A crack head most likely

BHZ Mayor

you're on GAF, bro

you're wasting your time if you have anything to say about religion or religious people that isn't along the lines of, "fuck all the morons who believe that."

Yep, and on top of that, it's completely accepted/non-bannable, except in very rare cases, so good luck with any kind of civil discussion. Someone just literally compared religion to mental illness.
Imma be real as fuck for a second. I would HATE to meet Alt Rio. My exact opposite would be a fucking HORRIBLE pushover and person. He would be sneaky as fuck and couldnt stand to anyone. No empathy or compassion. Goddamn.

So BCT, what would your alt be?

Reverse me would be a middle management stooge who clearly plays favorites, laughs loudly at jokes that aren't even remotely funny, uses chewing tobacco, and drives a pick-up truck with bags of quick-dry cement in the bed to the weekend ice-fishing spot.
Imma be real as fuck for a second. I would HATE to meet Alt Rio. My exact opposite would be a fucking HORRIBLE pushover and person. He would be sneaky as fuck and couldnt stand to anyone. No empathy or compassion. Goddamn.

So BCT, what would your alt be?

Alt Angelus is a bitter, angry pushover that never speaks his mind when he's mistreated or when others around him are being mistreated. He's scared shitless of women, lives in a small ass apartment. Deeply religious because he just adopted the ideology from his parents without ever thinking for himself. He absolutely detests his parents for being military personnel. He lets others take advantage of him and is anti social. He never took advantage of all the girls throughout his life that basically threw themselves at him, he's unhealthy as fuck...oh god is he unhealthy. He loves math and hates art.

Basically he's the poster boy for Dating-GAF.
My friends and I have had long talks about alternate universe versions of us. We ended up going with them being the "true" versions of us rather than opposite since none of us look like what you'd expect if you just look at our interests. I think I was a teenage Asian girl who loves giant robots.

Young Magus

Junior Member
Imma be real as fuck for a second. I would HATE to meet Alt Rio. My exact opposite would be a fucking HORRIBLE pushover and person. He would be sneaky as fuck and couldnt stand to anyone. No empathy or compassion. Goddamn.

So BCT, what would your alt be?

A sociopath, full blown.
Hey All. The first time I'm posting in this thread. After the hijab, 21 things, several other recent threads and just life, I thought I'd post. I want to say I hope I don't offend anyone.

So my girlfriend of seven years, a West Indian Trini, converted to Hebrew Israelites in November of last year. I've been struggling to be supportive. Possibly out of fear, possibly out of discrimination.

I should give back ground. I'm in the military. I live in Tampa. She lives in Fort Lauderdale. Before the change, she was voicing her concerns about the distance between us and about marriage.

I went away for training for 2 weeks in Orlando and didn't come down for one week, so it was surprising. The only indicator I had was she mentioned once that in her church, they didn't read the bible (which I thought was an odd and ignorant statement).

The transformation was quick. She went from non-denomination Christian to Black Hebrew Israelite in 2 weeks. It was definitely a startling change. She no longer celebrates Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, Valentine's Day, etc (Holidays that possibly have a Pagan origin). Her vocabulary is now Most High when referring to God/Allah/Yahweh/etc, the Truth/Heritage when referring to her religion, the Word when referring to the Bible. At first, she swore off having pre-marital sex but conceded to just not having sex on the Sabbath (Friday sun down to Saturday sun set).

I, personally, feel like it's a pretty extreme religion. We have a daughter (who at 2 years old had a heart transplant) and I'd prefer she be kept away from it.

She's now spouting about the oppression of the Black Man (despite not technically being black though being raised up in an environment with them). She used to LOVE Beyounce, someone in her group said Beyounce is a Satanist and a member of the Illuminati and now she will not listen to her music. Everything is a conspiracy. The Jews in Israel are fakes.

We were going up the street to her temple once. And I saw a group of Jews walking to their temple and she dared me to ask them what their lineage was. It's not overt racist, imo, but through religious pretexts a sort of superiority complex.

I attended her temple, watched videos and read up on their beliefs. I don't agree with it. However, I'm trying to be supportive. I learned politics and religion can be pretty divisive. It's a bit hard though. Martin Luther King Day was a doozy. They taught her that, according to the Bible, MLK was a false prophet.

I've been struggling with the idea of the Nation of Islam, Hebrew Israelites, etc. On one hand, I can see the benefit to the black community. On the other hand, I can see the danger.


is a goddamn bear
Imma be real as fuck for a second. I would HATE to meet Alt Rio. My exact opposite would be a fucking HORRIBLE pushover and person. He would be sneaky as fuck and couldnt stand to anyone. No empathy or compassion. Goddamn.

So BCT, what would your alt be?

I'd be the best damn hooker the world has ever seen.


Unconfirmed Member
Hey All. The first time I'm posting in this thread. After the hijab, 21 things, several other recent threads and just life, I thought I'd post. I want to say I hope I don't offend anyone.

So my girlfriend of seven years, a West Indian Trini, converted to Hebrew Israelites in November of last year. I've been struggling to be supportive. Possibly out of fear, possibly out of discrimination.

I should give back ground. I'm in the military. I live in Tampa. She lives in Fort Lauderdale. Before the change, she was voicing her concerns about the distance between us and about marriage.

I went away for training for 2 weeks in Orlando and didn't come down for one week, so it was surprising. The only indicator I had was she mentioned once that in her church, they didn't read the bible (which I thought was an odd and ignorant statement).

The transformation was quick. She went from non-denomination Christian to Black Hebrew Israelite in 2 weeks. It was definitely a startling change. She no longer celebrates Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, Valentine's Day, etc (Holidays that possibly have a Pagan origin). Her vocabulary is now Most High when referring to God/Allah/Yahweh/etc, the Truth/Heritage when referring to her religion, the Word when referring to the Bible. At first, she swore off having pre-marital sex but conceded to just not having sex on the Sabbath (Friday sun down to Saturday sun set).

I, personally, feel like it's a pretty extreme religion. We have a daughter (who at 2 years old had a heart transplant) and I'd prefer she be kept away from it.

She's now spouting about the oppression of the Black Man (despite not technically being black though being raised up in an environment with them). She used to LOVE Beyounce, someone in her group said Beyounce is a Satanist and a member of the Illuminati and now she will not listen to her music. Everything is a conspiracy. The Jews in Israel are fakes.

We were going up the street to her temple once. And I saw a group of Jews walking to their temple and she dared me to ask them what their lineage was. It's not overt racist, imo, but through religious pretexts a sort of superiority complex.

I attended her temple, watched videos and read up on their beliefs. I don't agree with it. However, I'm trying to be supportive. I learned politics and religion can be pretty divisive. It's a bit hard though. Martin Luther King Day was a doozy. They taught her that, according to the Bible, MLK was a false prophet.

Damn man that sounds extreme.

Do you know why she converted? Usually people have a reason for turning to the more extreme stuff.

Sounds like you want to try and make it work, so I wish you the best of luck. Personally though this sounds like grounds to end the relationship over.


Imma be real as fuck for a second. I would HATE to meet Alt Rio. My exact opposite would be a fucking HORRIBLE pushover and person. He would be sneaky as fuck and couldnt stand to anyone. No empathy or compassion. Goddamn.

So BCT, what would your alt be?

My alt is someone that gives a fuck. This person is fine acquiescing to people that love antagonizing his ethnic heritage. This dude has a networth of $8 billion and has a batcave underneath is 400 acre asteroid.

SpiderJericho, keep your head up and try to work through this for your seed. As someone in a rigid religion on the opposite end of your spouse, I advise you to stay strong. Think about your family first.
Damn man that sounds extreme.

Do you know why she converted? Usually people have a reason for turning to the more extreme stuff.

Sounds like you want to try and make it work, so I wish you the best of luck. Personally though this sounds like grounds to end the relationship over.

Yeah. At first, she was trying to convert me.

We've been going to couples therapy. We started going prior to the conversion. All of a sudden, she stopped going. When I just had no answer for how to deal with the conversion (like the sex, extreme change in behavior), we started going again. But at the moment, she feels like it's sort of a bashing session since she can't "see" how changing religions in such a short period of time could be a red flag or going from one religious spectrum to another quickly could be too.

I think it's a case of life (our daughter, our relationship and other aspects of her life) and being surrounded with the wrong people. Her mother was murdered when she was young. Her father was never around. She was raised by an abusive grandmother. Her family isn't really close or loving. Despite not being "Black", she grew up in the black community. Her education is a product of the urban school system. She never went to college. She doesn't hang around people some would consider "enlighted/educated" or diverse.

The person who got her into this religion is an ex Marine who got kicked out, father of 8 children from different women, an ex convict, unemployed. The perfect target for the NOI or HI. When I bring it up, her answer is salvation can come from the unlikeliest source.


aw man...the black israelites. Can you all just move somewhere? I mean she might be looking for support and truth and reality but lots of religious orgs just need bodies and are looking for people to get took.

A girl I was dating was looking into becoming a Mormon, and I was prepared to let her go. Last thing I want to do is get into a battle for someone's soul.


Imma be real as fuck for a second. I would HATE to meet Alt Rio. My exact opposite would be a fucking HORRIBLE pushover and person. He would be sneaky as fuck and couldnt stand to anyone. No empathy or compassion. Goddamn.

So BCT, what would your alt be?

My alt looks like Danny Brown


Imma be real as fuck for a second. I would HATE to meet Alt Rio. My exact opposite would be a fucking HORRIBLE pushover and person. He would be sneaky as fuck and couldnt stand to anyone. No empathy or compassion. Goddamn.

So BCT, what would your alt be?

My alt would be someone who gives absolutely no fucks. I give way too many.
Imma be real as fuck for a second. I would HATE to meet Alt Rio. My exact opposite would be a fucking HORRIBLE pushover and person. He would be sneaky as fuck and couldnt stand to anyone. No empathy or compassion. Goddamn.

So BCT, what would your alt be?
Someone who is great at decision making, at least. If I had to pick out a fault of mine, it would be that.
aw man...the black israelites. Can you all just move somewhere? I mean she might be looking for support and truth and reality but lots of religious orgs just need bodies and are looking for people to get took.

A girl I was dating was looking into becoming a Mormon, and I was prepared to let her go. Last thing I want to do is get into a battle for someone's soul.

I feel you. With everything that's been going on with our daughter, it feels like another difficult trial. Most of my male friends are like leave. The females are try to be forgiving, patient all of that stuff.

Right now, she can't move. She just started a LPN program at a technical school in Broward.

Yesterday, she was watching Cinderella. She commented on the cat being named Lucifer. I decided to play the what are you thinking game. She started going into how Walt Disney was a member of the Illuminati. His name has three 6s. Blah, blah, blah.

Before the conversion, she had no clue on the Illuminati. Now, she's like an expert and spouting conspiracy theories (based on her group's teachings).

It was funny too because I heard this quote from Tupac yesterday regarding Blacks and the NOI/HI/etc. It's at 08:40:



I, personally, feel like it's a pretty extreme religion. We have a daughter (who at 2 years old had a heart transplant) and I'd prefer she be kept away from it.

How does your girlfriend feel about this? Is she opposed to allowing your daughter to celebrate these "pagan holidays" with you/once she's old enough to know about them?


Fucking Illuminati shit. It's like My First Conspiracy Theory.

Also, I just looked them up. They're classified as a hate group by the SPLC. So yeah, you're not too far off on it being extremist.
Fucking Illuminati shit. It's like My First Conspiracy Theory.

Also, I just looked them up. They're classified as a hate group by the SPLC. So yeah, you're not too far off on it being extremist.

Yeah. Free Masons, Eastern Stars, Illuminati, Aliens, JFK, Iraq, White Jesus, the versions of the Bible and others are things she's being exposed to now. And unfortunately, it's being force fed by her Temple leader. She's not the really the type to go do research (she hates when I tell her to Google ish).

NOI and HI are classified as Hate Groups by the SPLC. I tried to contact them for more information. Unfortunately, the HI are a very niche group. Small when compared to the NOI.

I tried to tell her. She said Google is a lie. She said to trust her, it's the truth, everything is lining up according to the Bible.

I tried to give her the historical context of the formation of the group and relevance to the Black Community after the Civil War and the 60s.

I'm in the military and have a security clearance. I explained to her it could have consequences later on if they conduct a background investigation.

Like I said, it's hard. MLK!! MLK is a false prophet who should've been preaching against unity.

Our couples therapy was a little disturbed when she viewed her Temple's Bible Study livestream.

And I actually went to a lawyer to discuss my daughter's exposure to her Temple. According to the joint custody we have, we both have a say in her religion. At first, she was very resistant to NOT taking her. She's sort of backed off and agreed to have a babysitter (of her choosing) to watch her on Wednesdays (Bible Study for 3 hours) and Saturday (Temple for 3 hours). But of course, I have no say with any of the b.s. she says at home. Lucky, my daughter is 2, so it's not a huge issue right now.


Fucking Illuminati shit. It's like My First Conspiracy Theory.

Also, I just looked them up. They're classified as a hate group by the SPLC. So yeah, you're not too far off on it being extremist.

Honestly I am not familiar with the BHI, but everything Spiderjericho is saying about his girlfriend reminds me of my friend in the Nation of Islam, although he's become less militant/hardcore about it over the years and has given up on converting me/others over.
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