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The Black Culture Thread |OT5| A Nation of Drakes Can't Hold Us Back

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S/O to Drake making his thirst for Cocaine Lorraine public on Instagram when he thought he was sending her a direct message. I can't even hate on dude, the girl is gorgeous af, those yes man…those eyes.

double jump

you haven't lived until a random little kid ask you "how do you make love".
*googles cocaine lorrain*


I don't see it.


Yea +1 to BHZ, she look alright. Not worth "draking" out over tho.

It's crazy how much instagram killed the game for late 90's to early 00's video vixens. They ain't eating as much as they use to from that.
Yahoo comments sections never cease to amaze

Probably the best compendium I’ve seen on the biological state of blacks is a gripping underground book called “Erectus Walks Among Us” written by a Mr Richard D. Fuerle. If you haven’t seen it, it is extremely worth reading.

EWAU makes a strong case towards the notions that blacks should be seen as a separate species within the H genus.

The book gathers a great deal of information and records some very impressive phenomena, some which re blacks and other primates I will lay out here:

Blacks, like great apes and early humans, have some trends towards being ‘robust’, i.e have a thicker (cranial) bones and higher muscle mass.

Blacks exhibit various other cranial and spinal phenomenon that are seen in other extinct hominoids like Australopithecus or H. Erectus. E.g. a more present saggital keel, occipital bun, and of course (lack of) nasal ridge (e.g flat noses in blacks and gorillas)

The forum magnum, “the opening through which the spinal chord exits the skull)” is more towards the rear in blacks. “As quadrupedal animals mature it moves to the rear, but in humans, who are bipedal, it remains in its infant position (so the eyes are directed perpendicularly to the spine).”

Blacks strongly exhibit prognathism, (protrusion of the jaw) “a very primitive trait that is characteristic of apes” the degree of which falls between that of “Orang Utans and Whites.”

Blacks have larger teeth, as other primates and “the upper incisors are mounted in the jaw at an angle and project forward so that they meet the lower at an angle. ([..] Gorilla’s teeth meet at an even greater angle.) African teeth are more primitive than Eurasian teeth and there are many other differences in their structures.”

Blacks have a sacral index “(breadth of the sacrum (the five fused vertebrae that are connected to the pelvis) as percentage of its length) that is closest to Gorillas.” This measurement is important as it gives clues about locomotion (from knuckle walking to bidepal) in primates.

Blacks have longer limbs, closer to other great apes, and extinct hominoids.

Blacks have different brains, with lower volumes and less complex frontal lobes compared to Whites and Asians.


Ita gone till e3?


Honestly, it probably would have been nuked far sooner if it weren't for Ghaleon. He probably was on some "they're my fools, I'll keep them in line" type shit.

I was laughing at the timing though.

"Finally, it feels just like old HaloGAF again!"

locked until a week after E3


yea, they are waiting for more info to come out before it reopens

not gonna lie I laughed at dude that bumped the halo OT community thread with this pic

pouring one out for yall
Thread went to shit and got hostile after it was overran by bungie.net/hbo kids. I'd post more about my feelings but it'd be cruel, let's just say having some 343 employees post there was its doom once other outside sites found out.


Nah, I love freckles. Fair skinned red heads with all over freckles...

She looks like she'll have Drake crying before, during, and after.

also fuck 343 in case you were unaware, and fuck the New52, since I'm fucking things. Joker's Daughter? Fucking hell. And Batman Eternal...spoilers:
the return of the Spoiler and Catwoman suddenly hating Batman and taking over the Gotham crime world.
Just....just my fault for enjoying comic books I guess. I should have just considered them shitty little funny book rags for kids and not as serious entertainment media\art, so I could see them from the perspective of the publishers/editors.


Nah, I love freckles. Fair skinned red heads with all over freckles...

She looks like she'll have Drake crying before, during, and after.

also fuck 343 in case you were unaware, and fuck the New52, since I'm fucking things. Joker's Daughter? Fucking hell. And Batman Eternal...spoilers:
the return of the Spoiler and Catwoman suddenly hating Batman and taking over the Gotham crime world.
Just....just my fault for enjoying comic books I guess. I should have just considered them shitty little funny book rags for kids and not as serious entertainment media\art, so I could see them from the perspective of the publishers/editors.

you sound drake hurt


Drake would never fight someone, cold and wet, in the skreets.

I would swoop down on them from a rope wearing nothing but boxers and tee and dirty socks. And a WWE championship belt.


Kinda saw the HaloGAF thing coming, but the disinterest in 4 has pretty much killed all the Halo communities I went to. Shit, there was a point where HBO only had 3 new posts in an entire week. Now imagine threads that exist in communities that aren't built entirely around Halo. The PAForums Halo community had a consistent thread from 2004 until early 2013 when Halo 4 pretty much dealt the finishing blow to it.

Also, while on vidjagames, I guess my design feedback on Titanfall would be:

Interesting game. The base gameplay is CoD as fuck (not surprising considering the legacy of the developer.


The movement seems to clash with itself. They still have the ol' security blanket of ironsights. Ironsights mean slowed down gameplay/coming to a stop to firing at things.. and at the same time, everyone is doing double jumps and wall running and shit. So the movement system directly clashes with the engagement system.

The game also has three options for sprint: activate sprint, sprint after walking for a bit (Perfect Dark mode), sprint automatically when you move at all. Now I'm going to be honest with you.. optimal is always going to be sprint when you start moving. So for a bit of commentary there, it feels like sprinting is here for the sake of sprinting. Why not just have the player move at sprint speed by default, I'll never know. Gotta have that sprint animation I guess.

Wallrunning is neat but it feels like a late addition. There's little opportunity to use it, and I often forgot I could even do it. You're often better off just jumping at something and double jumping, the vastly forgiving mantle system lets you goat-climb up sheer wall faces. So just go in a straight line instead of running along walls. No map has traversal paths that I saw that required wallrunning, either.


None of them have personality, you'll be looking more at their stats than the gun itself for your loadouts. If someone is behind you with the smart pistol, you're gonna die. The shotgun is op as FUCK.

The minions

They keep things moving. I like the idea of them, although I feel they need more tweaking. Some matches they seemed present, in other ones I never saw a single minion. They should have honestly made some monster closets for them to come out of, their drop pods can be 1HKO by just walking near it with your titan.

Using the Titan

Getting and using a Titan is neat, but I hope they aren't betting on the "gimmick" of driving a mech around to carry the game. What it amounts to is being able to change your player state - you upgrade your offensive capability by trading off your movement options. I don't know if it's me but using a Titan is more viable with a controller than KBAM - I just can't manage dodging, shooting, secondary missile volley and the bullet catch without the controller layout. I'd almost suggest KBAM players to keep a controller next to them and switch to it when they get in a Titan and see how that goes for them.

The minions setup basically allows "everyone is in a titan" to work, so the two elements are working with each other there.

I wish there was better control over the Titan. Using the autotitan can be neat, as you can be effective while being somewhere else. You're limited to having it follow you (kinda) or staying where it is. I'd like to be able to put it on patrols, or send it to specific hardpoints. I know I mention the game a lot, but Perfect Dark handled this great with buddy bots in multiplayer; you could put them in about 4-5 different modes, you could tell them who to specifically follow or who to specifically target in the match. If the Titan could be more finely controlled in AI mode this would let the less agile/MLGgaming players play Titanfall strategically and be effective, and set this game farther apart from it's CoD roots while still being familiar

Retail release y/n

I might get it. You should be fine with any platform, so I'll probably be getting it on the 360. There's nothing in this game that screams "only the Xbox One can do it justice" or "PC gaming can only do this", anything above the 360 is only if you want it to look prettier.
RIP in peace HaloGAF

Silence fills the empty grave, now that I have gone. But my mind is not at rest, for questions linger on.

like what happen to Halo, b


yea I played a few rounds of TF at a friends place on there X1. Not bad, definitely might consider just getting a cheap 360 and getting it down the road.

It fucked up coming out the same month Dark Souls 2 did tho. That's basically what's going to be on my plate for awhile
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