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The Black Culture Thread |OT6| Monica Enjoys Being Black

It's built in us to vent in someway somewhere so a forum like GAF isn't anything new.

Despite the issue I'm sure they just need someone to hear/read the problem.


Ubisoft Marketing
It's built in us to vent in someway somewhere so a forum like GAF isn't anything new.

Despite the issue I'm sure they just need someone to hear/read the problem.

A forum. Of strangers (mostly). On the internet.

I dunno, but from very early on, i knew that online forums are not the place to vent/ share about deep personal issues. That's what real life friends are for.

Absolutely no offence to those of you that feel otherwise.



A forum. Of strangers (mostly). On the internet.

I dunno, but from very early on, i knew that online forums are not the place to vent/ share about deep personal issues. That's what real life friends are for.

Absolutely no offence to those of you that feel otherwise.

I wondered about that too when I first came here.

But, I feel that Gaf is a different case for some, like it really does feel like a community of people minus a few people that ain't shit. Probably one of the few big forums where people feel that relaxed.


A forum. Of strangers (mostly). On the internet.

I dunno, but from very early on, i knew that online forums are not the place to vent/ share about deep personal issues. That's what real life friends are for.

Absolutely no offence to those of you that feel otherwise.

Well you're one of the "normal" ones (in fact I'd say this community is pretty "normal" when it comes to social interaction with people). But you're dealing with posters who do everything from gaming to watching my little pony at the age of 45. A lot of these man children do not have friends in real life, or the friends they do have probably don't know shit about talking to the opposite sex. I mean look at these topics:

Traveling Alone

How do you cope with being alone?

Forever Alone-GAF New Year 2014 edition

Going out alone-GAF?

There are a lot of socially inept people that play video games. It's a bad stereotype but there's truth in it. So these guys ask strangers for help in everything from dating to whether they should call a doctor if there's a nail in their foot. While you're right, it's sad that they don't have real people to ask these questions to in their day to day, at least they are asking someone and not continuing to do stupid shit (if they listen).
A forum. Of strangers (mostly). On the internet.

I dunno, but from very early on, i knew that online forums are not the place to vent/ share about deep personal issues. That's what real life friends are for.

Absolutely no offence to those of you that feel otherwise.

see, that bolded bit right there, that's the part where you have to just stop and think about your logic.
You really need to remember that not everyone who posts is a well adjusted adult.

There are kids posting here in addition to the emotionally immature adults.


I kind of looked at gaf being around my age 22/college age and up. But I forgot there are a few kids on here as well. Like freshman in high school and possibly younger


Just read from this post onwards...Jesus fuckin' Christ...

Although for context, for the page before they were really trying to help this dude until that shit dropped

I remember that thread. There were a couple of really bad cringeworthy threads occurring every other day near the end of last year.

The "anal smell" thread will always be the worst, though...
I used to read/lurk a lot of them a few years back for insight(I guess). I stopped reading/avoiding certain threads altogether. I forget the guy's name but he asked in earnest for a lot of advice with life. Ultimately he just kept feeling sorry for himself and gave up. Like in my life I'm done with depressing narratives(and people) where the main character won't heed the advice they seek..
You really need to remember that not everyone who posts is a well adjusted adult.

There are kids posting here in addition to the emotionally immature adults.

Yeah, some of these cats, it is literally their first time stepping to a girl (among other things).

As a dude having at least 2 decades on some posters, I'm like "yeah, you should've left that at home" but I don't feel a need to go in on them.
Like, I don't even consider myself one that has a way with girls, but jesus christ at the dating/relationship advice threads we get. Sometimes I refuse to believe that these dudes never take a step back and contemplate.
Even the most awkward of awkward people have to have some sort of "alarm" that alerts them on how fucking offbase they are.

he's no in Japan so he can't just go up to her and ask for her 2nd button or ribbon! it's not his fault it's the culture!! hehe


Junior Member
I probably did this to myself. Set up an Easter egg hunt for the kids: 3, ranging from 2-10. I want them all to get a decent selection, so I put them all over. Easy and hard locations. Put restrictions on the 10yr old because he would hog them all. And all 3 were guaranteed to get 10 eggs a piece. So what happens?

They all get a ton of candy and they all end up crying one way or another. Smdh. I can't win for losing. Being a parent is taking an L.

Do people not know that there are Articles to the Constitution? I fucking swear people just think it is the amendments.

Logically, there would have to be some original piece of content for them to amend

You guys assume people know the difference between the constitution or dec of independence ...

Since I'm thinking of it, one of my Favorite history lessons:


Junior Member
Well you're one of the "normal" ones (in fact I'd say this community is pretty "normal" when it comes to social interaction with people). But you're dealing with posters who do everything from gaming to watching my little pony at the age of 45. A lot of these man children do not have friends in real life, or the friends they do have probably don't know shit about talking to the opposite sex. I mean look at these topics:

Traveling Alone

How do you cope with being alone?

Forever Alone-GAF New Year 2014 edition

Going out alone-GAF?

There are a lot of socially inept people that play video games. It's a bad stereotype but there's truth in it. So these guys ask strangers for help in everything from dating to whether they should call a doctor if there's a nail in their foot. While you're right, it's sad that they don't have real people to ask these questions to in their day to day, at least they are asking someone and not continuing to do stupid shit (if they listen).

See, I thought stuff like this was known. This is a video game forum. It's naturally going to attract nerds, many of them socially inept people.

In my experience GAF actually has an unusually high number of socially "normal" people compared to other gaming forums. In other forums I've been to this wouldn't even be a discussion. Threads and people like the ones posted above would pretty much be the norm.
Just read from this post onwards...Jesus fuckin' Christ...

Although for context, for the page before they were really trying to help this dude until that shit dropped

Im glad i had a dad, and uncles to sit me down and tell me how the game go, and correct my mistakes. Readimf that post had my ears burning from second hand embarrassment


Ubisoft Marketing
Being socially inept doesn't automatically equate to posting evidence of social ineptitude on the internet for all to ridicule. But then, i'm enough of a cynic to believe that in some cases, they do this to score (in a reverse sort of way) internet points. Some get off being the subject of conversation for that period of time.

double jump

you haven't lived until a random little kid ask you "how do you make love".
Being socially inept doesn't automatically equate to posting evidence of social ineptitude on the internet for all to ridicule. But then, i'm enough of a cynic to believe that in some cases, they do this to score (in a reverse sort of way) internet points. Some get off being the subject of conversation for that period of time.

Some people really need the help. What gets me is when they turn around and completely ignore sensible advice.


A) I was at Easter Vigil Mass last night. Nice service if a bit long. Not like I didn't already know but it's kind of weird being reminded through the parables how much of a GIGANTIC ASS the God of the old Testament was. I hope everybody had a great weekend regardless of their religious affiliation :)

B) Holy shit some of the recent threads linked here are insane O_O Well at least those threads are confidence boosters - "Things may have not gone my way but at least I've never been as stupid as THAT guy :)"

Why they had to cancel Young Justice for Teen Titans Go!


As a slight consolation, it helps that Teen Titans GO is actually good. But yeah, American action cartoons are in dire straights nowadays.


Old Testament god demanded you throw a bbq for him every once in a while. No you can't eat the meat, you leave it there. For him.

he had a list of rules that made no sense, and if you gave him side eye, he would strike you blind. That's not exactly a religion people flocked to, unlike Christianity. The Jews were rather ambivalent, feeling sort of saddled with this god who may save your ass one day, and kick it himself the next. Almost like a blessing and a burden at the same time.


B) Holy shit some of the recent threads linked here are insane O_O Well at least those threads are confidence boosters - "Things may have not gone my way but at least I've never been as stupid as THAT guy :)"
That's how I look at them. I've never been so low as to say "Can I clone you?" or anything of the sort. Cause...fuck man.
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