Thosedeafmutes the next Amir0x, reigning terror on anime avatars.
it's over now.
Guys if I don't make it, tell my wife I said uguu~
I guess I'm going to have to disagree with the group because while I obviously don't agree with the hyperbole coming out of Shinta's keyboard (LOL) and I certainly wouldn't call that mod's post bullying, I CONSTANTLY see "herp derp you have an anime avatar, your opinion is shit/invalid" in topics on GAF. Hell, as has already been cited, in that thread regarding avatars, people with "anime" avatars were near the top in terms of having shit thrown their way. Like if someone has a shitty opinion, just attack their opinion, not their "choice of clothing". How hard is that?
Guys if I don't make it, tell my wife I said uguu~
LMAOGuys if I don't make it, tell my wife I said uguu~
Guys if I don't make it, tell my wife I said uguu~
Personally, I avoid moe threads.
But not because I'm on so holier-than-thou "I don't like it so I'm just not going to enter the thread! People like what they like!" tip, because I think the shit's gross and at some point you just have to draw a line with the whole grotesque sexualisation of what basically looks like a 9-year-old. If GAF banned moe wholesale tomorrow I'd applaud.
I avoid those threads because they literally make me sick to my stomach.
I guess I'm going to have to disagree with the group because while I obviously don't agree with the hyperbole coming out of Shinta's keyboard (LOL) and I certainly wouldn't call that mod's post bullying, I CONSTANTLY see "herp derp you have an anime avatar, your opinion is shit/invalid" in topics on GAF. Hell, as has already been cited, in that thread regarding avatars, people with "anime" avatars were near the top in terms of having shit thrown their way. Like if someone has a shitty opinion, just attack their opinion, not their "choice of clothing". How hard is that?
Guys if I don't make it, tell my wife I said uguu~
ehhh I find usually that most avatar quoters do it for the sake of not having a proper argument,
other times it's just really really funny when you read the quote and IMMEDIATELY see the avatar
On the one hand, yes. Attack the argument, not the person. Good policy and all that.I guess I'm going to have to disagree with the group because while I obviously don't agree with the hyperbole coming out of Shinta's keyboard (LOL) and I certainly wouldn't call that mod's post bullying, I CONSTANTLY see "herp derp you have an anime avatar, your opinion is shit/invalid" in topics on GAF. Hell, as has already been cited, in that thread regarding avatars, people with "anime" avatars were near the top in terms of having shit thrown their way. Like if someone has a shitty opinion, just attack their opinion, not their "choice of clothing". How hard is that?
Oh hey!
I'm still trying to decide if I over-reacted to your post or not (it might be more jokey than I initially read) but I do have to re-iterate I've seen "oh you have avatar X, fuck your opinion" as a sincere, non-jokey post VERY often on GAF. It comes off as very poor debate form and is promotes way too many generalizations for my tastes. So whenever I see it happen, especially from a leader of the community such as yourself, it makes me feel uncomfortable.
I was certainly intending it to be lighthearted but I had no idea there was going to be such a large scale persecution complex rearing its head in response. I wonder if the people accusing me of racism, culture-shaming etc realized that my username is an anime reference.
I don't remember any spanking of prepubescent girls in GitS, so probably not.
On the one hand, yes. Attack the argument, not the person. Good policy and all that.
At the same token, it's getting harder to not notice certain trends among those sporting anime avatars in threads related to anime. Particular, the habit of defending games and shows with sexualized little girls. Does that trend automatically mean everyone with an anime avatar shared those views or that they don't have thoughts worth considering? Absolutely not. But it is a trend that people have seen.
Also, the idea that anime fans are persecuted is ridiculous. Everyone is prone to having their card pulled because of their avatar choice, whether it be a joke or an ad hominem (which is also usually just a joke). If it seems like anime folk get it worse, it's because of those trends I mentioned earlier.
I was certainly intending it to be lighthearted but I had no idea there was going to be such a large scale persecution complex rearing its head in response. I wonder if the people accusing me of racism, culture-shaming etc realized that my username is an anime reference.
Personally, I avoid moe threads.
But not because I'm on so holier-than-thou "I don't like it so I'm just not going to enter the thread! People like what they like!" tip, because I think the shit's gross and at some point you just have to draw a line with the whole grotesque sexualisation of what basically looks like a 9-year-old. If GAF banned moe wholesale tomorrow I'd applaud.
I avoid those threads because they literally make me sick to my stomach.
On the one hand, yes. Attack the argument, not the person. Good policy and all that.
At the same token, it's getting harder to not notice certain trends among those sporting anime avatars in threads related to anime. Particular, the habit of defending games and shows with sexualized little girls. Does that trend automatically mean everyone with an anime avatar shared those views or that they don't have thoughts worth considering? Absolutely not. But it is a trend that people have seen.
Also, the idea that anime fans are persecuted is ridiculous. Everyone is prone to having their card pulled because of their avatar choice, whether it be a joke or an ad hominem (which is also usually just a joke). If it seems like anime folk get it worse, it's because of those trends I mentioned earlier.
So, basically, I have a black friend defense.I was certainly intending it to be lighthearted but I had no idea there was going to be such a large scale persecution complex rearing its head in response. I wonder if the people accusing me of racism, culture-shaming etc realized that my username is an anime reference.
Was wondering why this thread exploded. Welcome back Devo.
That Criminal Girls thread was crazy. I'm glad those topics are being discouraged because it's a slippery slope. This whole "they are just cartoon characters/it's just a game" narrative can be moved into a lot of different areas and social issues that aren't allowed to be discussed here. For example, what if someone made a game where you star as a angry teenager and you shoot up a school? Or a Neo Nazi against minorities/LGBT people? No one decent wants those threads here outside of condemning those games.
.Stan the first amendment because depictions of child abuse are "artistic expression" worth defending brehs.
I've got sunshine on a cloudy day.
When it's cold outside I've got the month of May.
I guess you'd say
What can make me feel this way?
My girl (my girl, my girl)
Talkin' 'bout my girl (my girl).
I've got so much honey the bees envy me.
I've got a sweeter song than the birds in the trees.
Well, I guess you'd say
What can make me feel this way?
My girl (my girl, my girl)
Talkin' 'bout my girl (my girl).
Hey hey hey
Hey hey hey
I don't need no money, fortune or fame.
I've got all the riches, baby, one man can claim.
Well, I guess you'd say
What can make me feel this way?
My girl (my girl, my girl)
Talkin' 'bout my girl (my girl).
I've got sunshine on a cloudy day
With my girl.
I've even got the month of May
With my girl
Talkin' 'bout
Talkin' 'bout
Talkin' 'bout
My girl
My girl
As long as I can talk about my girl...
If their choice of clothing was a t-shirt with a picture of a huge-titted prepubescent girl in a sexualised vulnerable pose, believe me it's going to affect the conversation.I guess I'm going to have to disagree with the group because while I obviously don't agree with the hyperbole coming out of Shinta's keyboard (LOL) and I certainly wouldn't call that mod's post bullying, I CONSTANTLY see "herp derp you have an anime avatar, your opinion is shit/invalid" in topics on GAF. Hell, as has already been cited, in that thread regarding avatars, people with "anime" avatars were near the top in terms of having shit thrown their way. Like if someone has a shitty opinion, just attack their opinion, not their "choice of clothing". How hard is that?
If their choice of clothing was a t-shirt with a picture of a huge-titted prepubescent girl in a sexualised vulnerable pose, believe me it's going to affect the conversation.
Yeah, I got that.I was using clothing as a metaphor for avatars as objects people can use to identify themselves but are optional, removable and don't necessarily describe every aspect of them.
What I described was not 'explicit'.Since NeoGaf thankfully forbids explicit avatars I'm not sure how what you said is relevant to the exact scenario we were talking about.
I think all gaf users are weird
Anime avatar users can't say shit since the Little Pony brehs don't even get a chance to breathe in a thread before getting pounced.
I don't have any problem with ridiculing people based upon their avatar its how you choose to represent yourself to the community and it is totally controlled b you. There is no financial or cultural restriction to your choice.
Yeah, I got that.
What I described was not 'explicit'.
Basically, if you choose to represent yourself by wearing a t-shirt / avatar with a 'Ford' logo on it, I'm not going to be all that surprised when you're defending exploding Pintos. It is unavoidably going to cloud my opinion of your opinions.
Anime avatar users can't say shit since the Little Pony brehs don't even get a chance to breathe in a thread before getting pounced.
If you're actually engaged in a conversation/debate/argument with a human being asking you attack their points not "what they look like" shouldn't be a tall order. I mean I can understand frustration if somebody is doubling down in dumbfuckery but as I've said what I don't like is how often people use it in favor of actual discussion and with a super wide brush
My apologies I thought you misunderstood my point. Regardless I've never seen an avatar that would raise eyebrows similar to how that hypothetical shirt would/should so I don't think the link works as well as you'd hope. Anyway, I don't think "raising an eyebrow" or turning a critical eye so to speak is bad at all but using it as an excuse to be dismissive or rude by itself is not ok.
What if I also think they've gotten a bad rap even though I don't think there's anything particularly special about that show![]()
ANYWAY, all I'm trying to say is A) attack the argument, not how said person looks like and B) don't punish the many for the dumbfuckery of the few. That is all I'm trying to say.
I dont think his family even bought a copy, dad probably acting like this whole thing never happenedyou think Paula picked up one of those 530 albums Thicke sold
I dont think his family even bought a copy, dad probably acting like this whole thing never happened
Don't worry, I'm not talking about obvious examples of jokes and playful ribbing. I'm also certainly aware it isn't something exclusive to "anime avatars". I've just seen people try to use "LOL avatar" way too often as a means to "mic drop" in serious conversations way too often for my tastes and I certainly mean outside eroge game threads since I rarely step into them. I know it's human nature to try to generalize and shortcut things but I feel people get a bit shortcut happy (and they themselves admit it). Plenty of "anime avatars" who have no interest in the latest creepy shit to come out of Japan get caught in the cross-fire and after a while your eyes get tired of rolling :/
If somebody has a shitty argument, it should be easy enough to blow up without going for "low hanging fruit".
I dont think thats what moe is, little broad. ( no pun intended, how ever it hilarious )
I ussually agree with ya on stuff
That said, as the top of your post suggests, instea of noticing anciotal trends, attack the flawed argument.
"But everone does..."
Maybe everyone one shouldn't.
I had a longer thing here about moderating and other stuff but I'm tried
What's more, in my experience, pony gaf handles it better than anime gaf.Anime avatar users can't say shit since the Little Pony brehs don't even get a chance to breathe in a thread before getting pounced.