My idea isn't really personally profitable so much as something that should be done and a situation in which everyone still wins.
I am happy that 150cc became brutal but at the same time I hate that 150cc became brutal.
My idea isn't really personally profitable so much as something that should be done and a situation in which everyone still wins.
when you capture a pokemon you name them right? That's how it goes?
Yes. Loses it's novelty after the third or fourth time.
I just wanna know why gamers in general hate sports and sports games. I'm watching these EA conference reactions, and none of these people like sports at all, and they go out of their way to shit on people who do.
It's so weird to me...
I just wanna know why gamers in general hate sports and sports games. I'm watching these EA conference reactions, and none of these people like sports at all, and they go out of their way to shit on people who do.
Also WWE finally just let JTG go
My idea isn't really personally profitable so much as something that should be done and a situation in which everyone still wins.
Like something you could Kick start, or...?
RIP Ruby Dee
Azure J is black?
...Don't know why I'm surprised tbh, lol
Nope. It's something I'd have to either start up myself if and when I have a company or somehow convince those at the top it should be done for the greater good of us all. Long story short it's something I'm surprised more companies don't do that could facilitate some great things.
Bang only to PsyTrance hehI only have sex to Swedish Death Metal
nah for real, it's usually ends up being portishead type downtempo/chillwave/whateverthefuck/instrumental hip-hop. Sex soundtracks are kinda overrated though. If things are going well, you won't be paying attention to that shit anyway nahmean nahmsayin' hollaatyaboy
I just wanna know why gamers in general hate sports and sports games. I'm watching these EA conference reactions, and none of these people like sports at all, and they go out of their way to shit on people who do.
It's so weird to me...
Or you manage to finally stay in 1st, and on the last item box before the finish line you get hit with a blue shell, then a red shell, then another red shell. 7th place, motherfucker.
JC found out because of my Mii.
I'm wondering what you guys considered me before the revelation. :lol
I didn't even really think about it. You were just...Azure J.
Although this is about as funny as when JC found out I WASN'T black, hahaha
I didn't even really think about it. You were just...Azure J.
Although this is about as funny as when JC found out I WASN'T black, hahaha
your blacker then TheKaeptain tho right? ;p
Too many times on 150cc. From 1st to 8th easily.
I dropped back down to 100cc, finished unlocking characters and turned it off for a while. That extreme lack of control on how well you do is too much sometimes.
They go out of their way to shit on anything they're not interested in instead of just ignoring it.
Un-athletic people that don't take care of themselves and don't socialize generally hate athletic activities requiring socialization and being physically fit. Either that or they were bullied one too many times in school by the basketball/football team.
How to fix Grand Prix 150cc bullshit:
1) Remove Blue Shell
2) Remove coins from item boxes
Ya'lls lists are disappointing the hell out of me. Lazy sommbitches. Let me try this another way (by starting).
This is my "Cake Mix" (Volume 1):
Hotel - Cassidy
Hotel by Cassidy? You smashin hootrats and shit? You got some CVS sparkling grape juice in a plastic cup with some unused birthday candles sitting on top of a yellow pokemonica table cover to set the mood? Dreams pls.
Any of ya'll hop on Destiny yet? I got my Alpha code. Plan on giving it a whirl tonight.
Wish my PS4 played nice with my receiver though. I want to experience that Bungie sound in surround sound without intermittent cuts
How to fix Grand Prix 150cc bullshit:
1) Remove Blue Shell
2) Remove coins from item boxes
I just wanna know why gamers in general hate sports and sports games. I'm watching these EA conference reactions, and none of these people like sports at all, and they go out of their way to shit on people who do.
It's so weird to me...