Played Destiny a bit and I'm not sure if I dig it or not:
+ The graphics are serviceable. Not mind blowing. But Bungie's gorgeous envrionmental design makes up for it in a big way. The color pallete is awesome as always.
+ When you first jump in, if someone hadn't told you, you would have thought you were playing Halo.
+ The audio and sound mix are fucking AMAZING, which isn't surprising since Bungie are among the best in the business in that department.
- In terms of how the game handles, especially in multiplayer, it's somewhere between Call of Duty and Halo. The map design seems more Call of Duty, as does the aiming. You can take more damage than in Call of Duty, but you're not nearly as big a bullet sponge as your are in Halo.
- The competitive MP is very much CODish in the sense that spotting your enemy, and not necessarily skill and tactics, is one of the more important things in gaining the edge.
- The sense of speed feels dreadfully slow, especially coming off of something like Titanfall where you can get somewhere in a hurry.
Basically, the entire time I'm thinking to myself "man, I wish this was Halo," which I think is attributed to the fact that it has an identity crisis. It's suffering from what Bungie suffered with towards the end of their run with Halo, and that's the fact that they seem so adamant to let the industry influence their games, but they don't utilize those influences in such a way where they own it or are among the best in that area. Call of Duty does Call of Duty better. Borderlands (which I'm not the biggest fan of to begin with) does Borderlands better). Hell, I thought Shadowrun (the 360 FPS, which I was actually a fan of) did Shadowrun better. To put it simply, it comes off as a jack of all trades, master of none kind of deal.
I don't think it's a bad game, but it hasn't come off as particularly demanding of my ownership either. It kind of just makes me want to play the games that it's influenced by...