Ya'll dudes talking about chitlins and eating dogs now? I forget which part of the cycle this is.
I checked out that Destiny beta and saw the potential. However, PS3 version = struggle life. At certain points my gamed chugged and the character models looked horrible when in town. It wasn't as pretty compared to the some of the videos I saw online. Hunter's double jump just makes life easier. Glide is just shit in comparison, but maybe it gets better with upgrades.
I'm not so good with FPS games, but the story has enough tidbits to be interesting. Combine that with a great atmosphere and plenty of distinctive voice actors I hope it's a good story. I'm kinda disappointed that Nolan North was doing the male player voice. He's good, but at this point his voice has been associated with so many projects that it's a distraction. On the plus side hearing Lance Reddick giving out mission details makes it feel fucking legit. Dude can explain how to bake a cake and make it sound like you about take on some serious shit.
Also, I wasn't impressed with the hair options when you create a character. Creating a black guy's face wasn't that hard, but hair options were limited as always. I couldn't even be bald. You can get a buzzcut and kinda of match the hair color to skin tone, but I couldn't rotate the character to see if that worked. Based on what I saw of in game models it would have probably looked horrible on PS3.