Wait until you get food out of a container, and throw the food in the trash while keeping the container
It always bother me when people have braids but they also have a receding hairline.
^Why's he sitting in the kids sections of B&N?
Ox tail in stew or over white rice = great.
Business in the front party in the backwhat about ...
To answer this question, it’s helpful to be under the age of 25, and thus know what a “thot” is.
Is there nothign else going on that worth being wrote about?
Expect to see more of it. I said this a few years ago, but now that Youtubers, Instagrammers and Vine stars are making BANK, everyone else is taking notice. More will be written about them and how they operate.
Just look how everyone is super LTTP concerning Youtubers and the gaming industry.
I don't want to live in the world where journalists are trying to be the pewdewpie of blogs.
Late on this, but I had gator for the first time a few weeks ago and couldn't stand it. It's rubbery and greasy. Felt like I was eating someone's purse.
By the way, is people-watching a white thing? I was talking with the bae about it and he said he had never really heard of it in the black community.
...or are dehumanizing stares the black equivalent? :lol
what about ...
Bodie and Wallace fucked up the fusion dance.
I don't want to live in the world where journalists are trying to be the pewdewpie of blogs.
Too late. They are all scrambling to:
1: Learn video editing and production
2: Join the cult of "personality"
Same thing when an underage student bangs a female teacher and the replies are like...![]()
Kind of sad the most professional article I read in a year was on a paranormal mystery site. Say what you will about the UFO crazies, but their shit be on point.
It's monday and they already putting that work out for besada
Same thing when an underage student bangs a female teacher and the replies are like...![]()
Ya'll really aren't wrong and that thread is horrible but I'ma tell you the truth...
At 16-17 in high school, if Miss Jordan wanted to throw it at a nigga....well....![]()
Is that wrong? Yeah it is...but who's perfect? Other than SaintGAF that is![]()
Damn this sounds good as fuck right nowJamaican style oxtail is the shit. Get some plantains and it's on.
"OMG, she dressed up in sexy cosplay so i HAVE to oogle her!"
Some posters don't live in the real world. Dunno about y'all, and i know we make jokes, but when i'm in public and in a situation like that, i take one, maybe two quick glances, and focus on something else besides the scantily clad cosplay nearby. Because i have a shred of willpower and I also understand how to behave in public.
Its not fucking hard. Geez.
"OMG, she dressed up in sexy cosplay so i HAVE to oogle her!"
Some posters don't live in the real world. Dunno about y'all, and i know we make jokes, but when i'm in public and in a situation like that, i take one, maybe two quick glances, and focus on something else besides the scantily clad cosplay nearby. Because i have a shred of willpower and I also understand how to behave in public.
Its not fucking hard. Geez.
I think the dumbest shit about the whole social justice warrior epidemic is that you have all of these vehement "DIE CISHET SCUM" claims whenever opportune, yet on the flipside you've got those same people being apologists towards shitty behavior if they happened to be attached to said personality. The one that immediately sticks out in my head is that a popular Game Grumps tumblr that strove for the usual equal rights, yet when someone brought up "you know in hindsight, Jon [former co-host] was kinda racist" and their response was pretty much "yeah, but well, y'know..." with no real substance or counter argument. Don't get me wrong, tumblr has some hidden gems like character design, and even I'm particular to some of its humor, but it's really hard to take their pushes for equality seriously when you've got people backtracking on their militant attempts at "equalization" if it's suddenly ok if something racist / ableist / whatever has been done by their favorite Doctor Who actor or something.
Again, maybe I'm old fashioned but I really never saw tumblr as being more centered around a certain group over another. Always seemed like myspace run-off to me.
Again, maybe I'm old fashioned but I really never saw tumblr as being more centered around a certain group over another. Always seemed like myspace run-off to me.
Same thing when an underage student bangs a female teacher and the replies are like...![]()
i just knew free was permed holy shit lol
I'll always remember the thread a few years back where a black high school student fucked his white female teacher. A lot of the posts were like "wow he's scum for seducing her" "damn now she has to lose her job". Almost the same situation when that black kid was photographed kissing his teacher and ppl went in on him.
Both situations had a lack of "nice....." Type replies. And this was a time where it wasn't too negative to say it
I remember. He was 'worse' because he posted the pics. Even though some will talk about the emotional troubles caused by that abuse, that guy was assassinated. Gaf can't handle two conflicting pieces of info at the same time: child sexual assault vs posting nude pics without consent. Let me see, which one can cause the most damage? Posting pics, of course.i just knew free was permed holy shit lol
edit: and i remember that thread. darkskinned dude with the dreads. played for the team and he posted the texts/pics she sent him
I get the feeling that a significant percentage of those who express such sentiments are Virgins. They're basically channeling their own desperation when analyzing these scenarios. Or maybe they're just flat out morally repugnant and I'm giving them too much credit.