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The Black Culture Thread |OT7| Luigi took our stare

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People are seriously not giving TLOU a try because the fanbase loves it too much?

It doesn't make sense, but overzealous fans can definitely turn you off a franchise.

I still have not watched Arrow to this day because those dudes kept shitting up the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. thread.


People are seriously not giving TLOU a try because the fanbase loves it too much?
I don't understand it myself. I can dislike something in spite of its popularity, not because of it. My line of thinking is "man this game has some loyal fans, it must be worth checking out.". Souls games for example.


A vocal fanbase can be a turn off. Preptime Batman turned me off to Batman for a long time.

And I still haven't watched Breaking Bad or The Wire.

And yet you called me a simp. You aren't watching two of the greatest shows of all time because you are too afraid.

Dis fucking


I don't understand it myself. I can dislike something in spite of its popularity, not because of it.

I don't personally find TLoU fun to play. I've tried it; it's not for me. The fanbase can be annoying but they mostly keep it to their own threads nowadays so I don't have a problem. I just like reading the review threads.


I don't understand it myself. I can dislike something in spite of its popularity, not because of it. My line of thinking is "man this game has some loyal fans, it must be worth checking out.". Souls games for example.

I think it's this sort of thing:

Thing gets popular --> Thing forms rabid fanbase --> fanbase attacks dissenters --> person doesn't want to participate in Thing because they might have to interact with said fanbase during discussions, multiplayer, etc.


I think it's this sort of thing:

Thing gets popular --> Thing forms rabid fanbase --> fanbase attacks dissenters --> person doesn't want to participate in Thing because they might have to interact with said fanbase during discussions, multiplayer, etc.
Thats still stupid without an informed opinion though. I think mgs has some stupid fucking fans but that doesnt reflect the entire fanbase. I'm not going to get along or want to associate with a lot of people who play games I play. It's tlou not hyperdimension neptunia. Dafuq


Thats still stupid without an informed opinion though. I think mgs has some stupid fucking fans but that doesnt reflect the entire fanbase. Im not going to get along with a lot of people who play games I play. Its tlou not hyperdimension neptunia. Dafuq

Yeah, I think in a vacuum it's not really a strong reason. But when you're choosing between multiple games/entertainment options and one has that particular negative and another doesn't, it might tip the scales away from it.
A vocal fanbase can be a turn off. Preptime Batman turned me off to Batman for a long time.

And I still haven't watched Breaking Bad or The Wire.

You ain't shit.

It doesn't make sense, but overzealous fans can definitely turn you off a franchise.

I still have not watched Arrow to this day because those dudes kept shitting up the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. thread.

My main reason is that I just don't find it interesting. It's not my type of game.

But I also want to spite the overzealous fanbase.

I find a lot of fanbases annoying, some that I'm apart of even, but I don't think I've ever put off watching/reading/playing/listening to something that interested me at all simply to feel like I was getting one over on someone.

Anything look a little off about this sphinx? From the set of the racially ground-breaking Exodus.


You ain't shit.

I find a lot of fanbases annoying, some that I'm apart of even, but I don't think I've ever put off watching/reading/playing/listening to something that interested me at all simply to feel like I was getting one over on someone.

Hell i wouldnt even associate with some of you crab ass niggas. Some segments of gaf just got more tolerable people.

Bct, fgc-------------------------pony, moe, fedora gaf.

Y'all aint shit


Dark souls fanbase scares me. As does TLOU.
I aint play a souls game till last year. I wouldnt let some overzealous fans disway my wanting to play a game, the exact opposite. Some probably see me in this same light in regards to fighting games because im an enthusiast, im opinionated. Cooler or more rational heads prevail in the end on the gaf usually. Uc3 had a zealous base, but everybody realized that game wasnt shit in the end(relative to uc2 of course)
LOL the fgc


Anyone remember the Short Circuit movies?

Remember? The scene in the second movie where Johnny gets wrecked and suits up for war is Terminator 2 tier.

I don't know Dark Souls vocal minority just as bad imo.

I've concluded Dark Souls is a bad game if you're an adult with a full-time job and limited play time. The game is centered around endless dying and backtracking. Ain't got no time for that.


I hate when people compare games to other games(Watch Dog being compared to GTA V for example). I wonder how many people refuse to play games because the overzealous fans.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
The FGC has bad apples like everyone else they're just objectively terrible at policing themselves at every level.
TLOU is easily the most over hyped game this gen.

I mean I enjoyed it but I've played better. That year.
What was better?

On the same note, Beyond: Two Souls is one of my favorite games ever.


Dark Souls fanbase ain't even that bad, were not going around call the shit the Citzen Kane of games

It's better then Citizen Kane in fact it's Citizen Kane's Citizen Kane so deal with it


Dark Souls fanbase ain't even that bad, were not going around call the shit the Citzen Kane of games

It's better then Citizen Kane in fact it's Citizen Kane's Citizen Kane so deal with it
I bet no one who even said that in the first place ever watched that movie.

Journalists my god..


Unconfirmed Member
I think anyone who lets fanbases turn them off things probably wasn't that interested to begin with

That's how I was with TLOU. Went from not very interested to no interest because of its reception

Same with Journey. I mean you can learn alot about something from the type of people it appeals to, along with their reaction to it

but if you really want to play/see/read something, you'll do it

Like I pretty much can safely say I hate most PG fans on Neogaf, but Bayo 2 is still my most hyped game of the year


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
I was on the fence with Titanfall and everything surrounding its release made me never want to play it lol
Bioshock Infinite, GTA & The Last of Us were my favorites of last year. The intro to The Last of Us is one of the best I've played of a story driven game. Really don't like those slow burn intros for games.


Despite the overload of praise on Gaf I still love TLOU, it's embrassing seeing them talk it up too much but whatever, shit ain't changing my opinion on it

I even have a sort of soft spot for Infinite. Really wish it was better then it turned out
I bet no one who even said that in the first place ever watched that movie.

Journalists my god..

I had to see it 2 years ago. Shit was so rough to sit through, but if I remember right it was the editing work that really made people like it over the years. Idk


I truly despise the word “overhyped“

You have something that gets extremely popular, and millions of people buy it and truly enjoy it then you get another group come along, they also buy it and try it, but they don't enjoy it as much or enjoy it at all.

So they go ahead and label it overhyped, and start a crusade about how the other group is blinded by the hype, and that they don't actually like it that much. The first group then has to defend their beloved product, and start another crusade of their own which involves convincing the other group that they actually like this thing. This is completely futile of course.

In this chaos, both groups come off as rabid fans and really shit the whole thing up.

The first group also becomes even more agitated, therefore anyone who critiques the product rationally gets crucified.

It's in this chaos some pure angelic soul such as Slayven comes along, and wants to try said product, and asks a simple question "how is this thing? “

He then gets dragged from both sides and this leads to someone like him swearing it off completely.

Hey who knows? He might have ended up liking it or hating it. But we will never know.

/end of philosophical assessment of the word overhyped
The AAA hate that some posters have is funny as hell. Indies are cool, but I think I've gotten most of my enjoyment out of the bigger titles. Those production values.
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