I truly despise the word overhyped
You have something that gets extremely popular, and millions of people buy it and truly enjoy it then you get another group come along, they also buy it and try it, but they don't enjoy it as much or enjoy it at all.
So they go ahead and label it overhyped, and start a crusade about how the other group is blinded by the hype, and that they don't actually like it that much. The first group then has to defend their beloved product, and start another crusade of their own which involves convincing the other group that they actually like this thing. This is completely futile of course.
In this chaos, both groups come off as rabid fans and really shit the whole thing up.
The first group also becomes even more agitated, therefore anyone who critiques the product rationally gets crucified.
It's in this chaos some pure angelic soul such as Slayven comes along, and wants to try said product, and asks a simple question "how is this thing?
He then gets dragged from both sides and this leads to someone like him swearing it off completely.
Hey who knows? He might have ended up liking it or hating it. But we will never know.
/end of philosophical assessment of the word overhyped