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The Black Culture Thread |OT7| Luigi took our stare

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I truly despise the word “overhyped“

You have something that gets extremely popular, and millions of people buy it and truly enjoy it then you get another group come along, they also buy it and try it, but they don't enjoy it as much or enjoy it at all.

So they go ahead and label it overhyped, and start a crusade about how the other group is blinded by the hype, and that they don't actually like it that much. The first group then has to defend their beloved product, and start another crusade of their own which involves convincing the other group that they actually like this thing. This is completely futile of course.

In this chaos, both groups come off as rabid fans and really shit the whole thing up.

The first group also becomes even more agitated, therefore anyone who critiques the product rationally gets crucified.

It's in this chaos some pure angelic soul such as Slayven comes along, and wants to try said product, and asks a simple question "how is this thing? “

He then gets dragged from both sides and this leads to someone like him swearing it off completely.

Hey who knows? He might have ended up liking it or hating it. But we will never know.

/end of philosophical assessment of the word overhyped

This is somewhat related to my dislike of the use of the word overrated. Like how can something that's liked by a lot of people be overrated. Wouldn't something have to be not really liked by many but liked and sung to high praises by the few to be overrated?


Formerly Momotaro
It weird, I love stealth games and TLOU never really caught my eye. I dunno.

Been playing sum Blacklist recently, good stuff. Then there's Mark of the Ninja, which is just pure bliss.


I had to see it 2 years ago. Shit was so rough to sit through, but if I remember right it was the editing work that really made people like it over the years. Idk


Ah well I loved it. Maybe cause I love old movies and watch them more than new ones now.

I just recently got into persona 3 FES. Not sure if the fanbase is crazy or not but I like the game.
I liked GTA V better then TLOU.

I was in the same boat. TLOU was still good imo

A lot of the things that people like about TLOU were things I just don't look for in a game. Graphics were nice but I don't care too much about that as long as it isn't Destiny on PS3 lol.

The game was just too slow for me I feel.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
I don't fuck with remakes from this last generation... especially shit that came out less than two years ago.

That's the shit I don't like.


I have a hard time remembering games a lot of the time. They all kinda blend together after a while and I can't remember what they were about or whether they were exceptional in any way or what the difference between sequels was. I can vaguely remember some of the gameplay but that's usually about it. Unless it's a Halo or a Street Fighter, something I put hundreds of hours into, I just play and forget. I think a lot of that has to do with me not really discussing most games as I play them.


GTA 5 wasn't bad but it felt like a game that was made from within a shutdown location with no real contact with anything on the outside. Which was a breath of fresh air but also a very dated feeling ex. directional button controls and still tapping X to run (which is just a GTA thing at this point so I got over it)

Ah well I loved it. Maybe cause I love old movies and watch them more than new ones now.

I just recently got into persona 3 FES. Not sure if the fanbase is crazy or not but I like the game.

It's rough for a 4 hour black and white movie about a company/political man reflecting back on his rise to power and lost of innocence. Maybe it was just being in a classroom setting that made it harder to enjoy but it was eh
I liked GTA V better then TLOU.

I really liked both for very different reasons, someone liking one and not really feeling the other makes sense.

I am done with GTA games.

I think that after every GTA and in GTA4's case, during too.

They always find a way to get me back. Like I wouldn't put it past Rockstar to have the first DLC be set during the Zootsuit Riots of the 40s. And I'd be riiiight back in there.




Mumei speaks the truth

Monster is great


Reading is also a good option, yes.

A vocal fanbase can be a turn off. Preptime Batman turned me off to Batman for a long time.

And I still haven't watched [...] The Wire.

Why hasn't bish banned you until you watch it? I don't understand.

This is somewhat related to my dislike of the use of the word overrated. Like how can something that's liked by a lot of people be overrated. Wouldn't something have to be not really liked by many but liked and sung to high praises by the few to be overrated?

the MASSES are just blind CONSUMERS and will eat whatever is best marketed to them. I and only I am immune to the marketing hype and I and only I can truly tell what's really hood from what's a suburbanite that went to private school.


I truly despise the word “overhyped“

You have something that gets extremely popular, and millions of people buy it and truly enjoy it then you get another group come along, they also buy it and try it, but they don't enjoy it as much or enjoy it at all.

So they go ahead and label it overhyped, and start a crusade about how the other group is blinded by the hype, and that they don't actually like it that much. The first group then has to defend their beloved product, and start another crusade of their own which involves convincing the other group that they actually like this thing. This is completely futile of course.

In this chaos, both groups come off as rabid fans and really shit the whole thing up.

The first group also becomes even more agitated, therefore anyone who critiques the product rationally gets crucified.

It's in this chaos some pure angelic soul such as Slayven comes along, and wants to try said product, and asks a simple question "how is this thing? “

He then gets dragged from both sides and this leads to someone like him swearing it off completely.

Hey who knows? He might have ended up liking it or hating it. But we will never know.

/end of philosophical assessment of the word overhyped
This. So hard.
I think anyone who lets fanbases turn them off things probably wasn't that interested to begin with

That's how I was with TLOU. Went from not very interested to no interest because of its reception
First point goes without saying. 2nd point is what doesn't make sense.

>I'm indifferent to this game.
>Game is released and is lauded as one of the best games of the year/generation.
>fans are gushing about the game
>somewhere amid those points I became even more uninterested in the game. Even becoming resentful.



It's rough for a 4 hour black and white movie about a company/political man reflecting back on his rise to power and lost of innocence. Maybe it was just being in a classroom setting that made it harder to enjoy but it was eh

Damn was it really 4 hours? I don't really remember.

Eh well it's not everyones cup of tea then again neither is 2001 or a lot of other films.

I love the 2-3 hours played. I just need to sit down and finish it.

Yeah I just started it myself. Like what I've played so far.


This. So hard.

First point goes without saying. 2nd point is what doesn't make sense.

>I'm indifferent to this game.
>Game is released and is lauded as one of the best games of the year/generation.
>fans are gushing about the game
>somewhere amid those points I became even more uninterested in the game. Even becoming resentful.


There's a fine line between gushing about a game and fighting a forum war to protect your precious baby.


I truly despise the word “overhyped“

You have something that gets extremely popular, and millions of people buy it and truly enjoy it then you get another group come along, they also buy it and try it, but they don't enjoy it as much or enjoy it at all.

So they go ahead and label it overhyped, and start a crusade about how the other group is blinded by the hype, and that they don't actually like it that much. The first group then has to defend their beloved product, and start another crusade of their own which involves convincing the other group that they actually like this thing. This is completely futile of course.

In this chaos, both groups come off as rabid fans and really shit the whole thing up.

The first group also becomes even more agitated, therefore anyone who critiques the product rationally gets crucified.

It's in this chaos some pure angelic soul such as Slayven comes along, and wants to try said product, and asks a simple question "how is this thing? “

He then gets dragged from both sides and this leads to someone like him swearing it off completely.

Hey who knows? He might have ended up liking it or hating it. But we will never know.

/end of philosophical assessment of the word overhyped

Overhyped is better than overrated imo. Both are overused though.

There's definitely a such thing as losing control of your expectations and then getting pissy when the product doesn't live up to your idea. But yeah, most of the time it is one of those words that is used as a cop out of having to elaborate or present valid points/reasons as to why you don't like something. If it is something you've commented on mulitple times before and typing it out again is a waste of time--that is more understandable.

Of course you owe no one here an explanation as to why you do not like something--but seeing how it is a discussion board... you're not really opening a good discussion for anything when you drive by and say something is overrated/overhyped or whatever and just leave it at that.

Anyway, I pretty much agree with you.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
There's a fine line between gushing about a game and fighting a forum war to protect your precious baby.

I think Destiny is going to save gaming. But I'm not about to hold it against people if they don't like it.

(they're just bad people tbqh :3)


There's a fine line between gushing about a game and fighting a forum war to protect your precious baby.

That is going to come as a consequence from people on the other end of the spectrum arguing that a game aint shit or is 'overhyped'(lol). And like you said 'a fine line'.

Have you ever seen how third strike fans are? ST fans and third strike fans are like oil and water.

Honestly, who cares about a things fanbase

Seriously....how you sound being upset that some people enjoy a game, a critically acclaimed game. It's not like their isn't a consensus.


Unconfirmed Member
>I'm indifferent to this game.
>Game is released and is lauded as one of the best games of the year/generation.
>fans are gushing about the game
>somewhere amid those points I became even more uninterested in the game. Even becoming resentful.

I wouldn't say resentful, but yeah I find myself disinterested in things that receive universal acclaim/praise. I feel that sort of hype colors my expectations in a way that makes the game/movie/show less enjoyable. So I lose interest

It's the same reason why I've never seen most of Miyazaki's/Ghibli's films, and had never seen Scarface until after I got out of high school.


I am probably wrong, but I said that Destiny would be the best selling game this year just to say it. Don't really care about being right, but if I am, cool!!!

This was in the "Which will sell more copies Destiny or Smash 4?" thread, and some other poster said something like, "please please don't make yourself eat this much crow" as if I actually cared about being wrong.

It was just one of those weird moments where I think Gaming Side takes shit too seriously.


Only fandoms that legit concern me are Preptime Batman folks because they never read a comic and claim to know shit. And Aquaman fandom, they are clearly disturbed and should seek help.


I wouldn't say resentful, but yeah I find myself disinterested in things that receive universal acclaim/praise. I feel that sort of hype colors my expectations in a way that makes the game/movie/show less enjoyable. So I lose interest

It's the same reason why I've never seen most of Miyazaki's/Ghibli's films, and had never seen Scarface until after I got out of high school.

This is absolutely no way to live bruh. Get it together.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Try being a KoF fan.

All you know is struggle

edit: lol wtf retro. turn your life around

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
That is going to come as a consequence from people on the other end of the spectrum arguing that a game aint shit or is 'overhyped'(lol). And like you said 'a fine line'.

Have you ever seen how third strike fans are? ST fans and third strike fans are like oil and water.

Seriously....how you sound being upset that some people enjoy a game, a critically acclaimed game. It's not like their isn't a consensus.
Well Third Strike was as good as SF ever gets. Definitely one of the best fighters next to VF4/5/FS
I think anyone who lets fanbases turn them off things probably wasn't that interested to begin with

That's how I was with TLOU. Went from not very interested to no interest because of its reception

Same with Journey. I mean you can learn alot about something from the type of people it appeals to, along with their reaction to it

but if you really want to play/see/read something, you'll do it

Like I pretty much can safely say I hate most PG fans on Neogaf, but Bayo 2 is still my most hyped game of the year

Pretty much.


Try being a KoF fan.

All you know is struggle

edit: lol wtf retro. turn your life around

My reason for not playing KOF

I just know I'll love it. Problem is nobody else plays it, and the online is ass. So I'm the exact opposite of these "oh it's too popular" peeps. I don't even want your struggle, you're a better man than me.
You know the worst fandom to be a part of? Homestuck fandom. Here I am just enjoying the source material and I've got people shipping 13-year-olds, cosplaying and producing loads of slash fic. More often than not with supplementary imagery.
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