Junior Member
I actually like your avatar.Hey man, fuck you
I actually like your avatar.Hey man, fuck you
Hey man, fuck you
Thanks, breh.I actually like your avatar.
Out of all the shit the Sonic series had, an article from Polygon is what destroys the fandom? lol
I am sorry but when the media writes this about your fandom, they are done. Take the L
Thanks, breh.
Out of all the shit the Sonic series had, an article from Polygon is what destroys the fandom? lol
To be honest, I still haven't watched this.
How do people get so angry over slang? I don't even find FreeMufasa topics too difficult to figure out for the most part.
it is the person just happens to be a handful of them in a single area and they "stick out" b/c the area is heavily hispanic and gay, some black and white and everyone else is crazy minority
you guys got me thinking i'm Stephen A Smith in here so i need that tv money
You play Dragon's Crown yet, slay?
Was walking home from a night out with work peeps last night. The pavements near my apartment are big enough for two abreast. There's this woman walking in the same direction as me, and as i get closer to her, i step out into the road to give her a wide bearth. I did this because it was 1am, we were the only ones on that street and I wanted her to feel safe.
As i walked past her, I saw that she had taken her keys out of her bag, put them between each or her fingers and had her hand clenched in a fist, with the keys sticking out.
My instant reaction (internally) was to get a bit upset at seeing that. Then a few seconds later, i had to check myself. I realised that it wasn't up to her to know if i was a potential threat to her or not. On an empty street at 1am in the morning, everyone is a potential threat really. Especially a black dude.
It was quite the moment of clarity really.
Shit on the person not the people. Unless they are sonic fans, ain't none of them right.
bout to lose my job cause of you niggas lol
For real though, I beat my first Zelda game recently (lol): Wind Waker. The HD version specifically on the Wii U: That game is beautiful as hell, brehs. I want to kick my younger self for not wanting to try this series due to the toon look. If anything, that look made the atmosphere even greater. I have a bad habit of playing through Zelda games and never finishing them; I actually own 90% of them and now I'm gonna make it my goal to finish the ones I have.
Next is Twilight Princess. I remember being hyped for it when it was coming out but the colors never really sat right with me. I'll still play through it and hopefully it entertains me just as Wind Waker did.
It's a shame because I love the look of Skyward Sword, and to this day I still do.At least it's not Skyward Sword. I remember getting really hyped for Skyward Sword, grabbing the collector's edition, putting it in, and 15 hours later dropping the game and never going back.
Every time I hear someone rave about it, I'm just like:
I remember Dragon Crown for being the game that got Hom permed.
Hom got permed for going entirely too hard in the Bradley/Chelsea Manning thread
Was walking home from a night out with work peeps last night. The pavements near my apartment are big enough for two abreast. There's this woman walking in the same direction as me, and as i get closer to her, i step out into the road to give her a wide bearth. I did this because it was 1am, we were the only ones on that street and I wanted her to feel safe.
As i walked past her, I saw that she had taken her keys out of her bag, put them between each or her fingers and had her hand clenched in a fist, with the keys sticking out.
My instant reaction (internally) was to get a bit upset at seeing that. Then a few seconds later, i had to check myself. I realised that it wasn't up to her to know if i was a potential threat to her or not. On an empty street at 1am in the morning, everyone is a potential threat really. Especially a black dude.
It was quite the moment of clarity really.
Worst game you have ever played to date.
Worst game you have ever played to date.
God Hand is trash but I'll play it over this
You didn't like RE4...Wait Slayven you actually like Neptunia? I thought you were taking a piss at the people who actually like the series lol. It's trash.
I looked at Mikami's director talent and the only games I really liked from him were REMake, Dino Crisis, and P.N.03. Everything else has been mediocre/poor imo.
maybe that's why I have no hope in TEW? I thought it was just Vanquish and RE4 that bored the shit out of me
I like the gameplay. Reminds me of .///hack
I played the first 2 GU games on PS2 and enjoyed them....then I just didn't play the 3rd for some reason
You didn't like RE4...
Nigga you ain't shit
I like the gameplay. Reminds me of .///hack
call me when mikami can actually make something with decent gunplay
to each their own lol. i thought the gameplay was trash. endless boring ass dungeons, character progression was way too slow--in fact a lot of it was really slow. even the animations
I actively avoid singular white women late at night. Avert my eyes, step out of the way.
I like the gameplay. Reminds me of .///hack
This Comcast speed increase is legit.
That A+
My Nigga I used cheat codes(remember those) to try and pass up the bad levelsVJC, I think I tried to force myself to finish Superman 64. I just couldn't. No amount of mental trickery could fool myself into thinking it was fun.
Waste of a Blockbuster rental.![]()
Totally hated Dragons Crown even though it looked like a perfect game on paper. Love beat-em-ups but something was lacking. It didn't have the flavor.