soul creator
How do people get so angry over slang? I don't even find FreeMufasa topics too difficult to figure out for the most part.
How do people get so angry over slang? I don't even find FreeMufasa topics too difficult to figure out for the most part.
Sp n64 just had Golden Eye, wrestling games, and Mario games?
Nintendo did have Rare helping them out back then, back when people actually cared about them. Otherwise the N64 had a lot of games that wouldn't have made it on any other system with real support, but because N64 only owners needed games to play, everything became a instant "classic". There were some "gems" mixed in there like Turok, but most of the games were struggle like Fighters Destiny and Snowboard Kids.
Christina Aguilera is trifling
Spoiler for not stomach safe/not work safe pregnant fuckery
This is the equivalent of how white people look at obese black women wearing outfits that are grossly inappropriate.
COVER THAT SHIT UP. White women be comfortable as shit showing off their pregnancy with blatant disregard for the public decency. Ain't nobody trying to see that shit. Fuck your pregnancy. You dudes condoning this shit need help.
Nintendo did have Rare helping them out back then, back when people actually cared about them. Otherwise the N64 had a lot of games that wouldn't have made it on any other system with real support, but because N64 only owners needed games to play, everything became a instant "classic". There were some "gems" mixed in there like Turok, but most of the games were struggle like Fighters Destiny and Snowboard Kids.
I just didn't enjoy it. Like, at all.
Had the whole playground talking about that level. Had that one dude saying he beat it and then you fight Scar and shit, negro pls you just got that from the movie. Ain't nobody made that jumpReplay that lion king game breh, there probably wasn't any other level after that one, like that was back when they didnt know how to balance difficulty on console and instead made like 3 hardass levels a game and called it a day
Why is he even riding an ostrich my dude
Using that logic, maybe black people should give white people space when crossing the street. Given how man white people have experienced harassment or abuse or been made feel unsafe from black people, it's just common courtesy to give us our space right? Fuck no. But that's essentially her argument.
What. No.
Natural's Law.
Snowboard Kids was good.
Christina Aguilera is trifling
Spoiler for not stomach safe/not work safe pregnant fuckery
This is the equivalent of how white people look at obese black women wearing outfits that are grossly inappropriate.
COVER THAT SHIT UP. White women be comfortable as shit showing off their pregnancy with blatant disregard for the public decency. Ain't nobody trying to see that shit. Fuck your pregnancy. You dudes condoning this shit need help.
new addition to the aint shit list
Nintendo did have Rare helping them out back then, back when people actually cared about them. Otherwise the N64 had a lot of games that wouldn't have made it on any other system with real support, but because N64 only owners needed games to play, everything became a instant "classic". There were some "gems" mixed in there like Turok, but most of the games were struggle like Fighters Destiny and Snowboard Kids.
You scared of pregnant women or something? They're not gonna come at you demanding child support. She ain't ugly skinny nor pregnant breh.
No, I'm not scared of pregnant women. I'm asking for public decency, that's all.
Man she ain't outside lookin like that, it's a magazine shoot.
No, I'm not scared of pregnant women. I'm asking for public decency, that's all.
Easy Xandarians just look human, as do a lot races because Celestials run around the universe fucking with races' evolution.
Oh hell naw.
Sunshine gets WAY more hate than it deserves. ALL the Gamecube entries to Nintendo's franchises do, for some reason.
Is it the greatest? No. But it's still a solid platformer. One of the best we got that gen.Although, Sly Cooper put that long stroke on it.
Also?I still think Nintendo's Gamecube games get so much shade thrown at them now because people feel the need praise EVERYTHING Nintendo releases for Wii/Wii U to the absolute high heavens (and shit on what came before) in an attempt to justify those platforms.
A friend and I were talking not too long ago about how the gamecube was a pretty weird time for Nintendo as a lot their big franchises took these deviations no one really expected. Zelda with the cel-shading, Metroid became a first person shooter/adventure game, Sunshine's odd cleaning up narrative, Star Fox Assault, pretty much everything they did with Donkey Kong. The Gamecube was where they stepped out their comfort zone a bit with weird games like Chibi Robo and Animal Crossing.
I'd like a return to that sort of experimentation not only for Nintendo, but for a lot of big pubs. However, given the financial situations at present, I get why it's not really happening.
Nintendo did have Rare helping them out back then, back when people actually cared about them. Otherwise the N64 had a lot of games that wouldn't have made it on any other system with real support, but because N64 only owners needed games to play, everything became a instant "classic". There were some "gems" mixed in there like Turok, but most of the games were struggle like Fighters Destiny and Snowboard Kids.
No, I'm not scared of pregnant women. I'm asking for public decency, that's all.
Starlord isn't human? Or (going from the trailers), the black guy who says "who?" or the officers who arrest Starlord or those commanders I think I remember talking at some point?
Man, if we all had a dollar anytime someone in OT or gaming invoked Natural's Law. I swear we could all quit our jobs.
Fury how you going to out Jandro Jandro?
Lil Darryl pleaseFury how you going to out Jandro Jandro?
Lil Darryl please
Sometimes I think GAF is a progressive place. Then I read a feminism/race thread, and then laugh a little.
LOL"Can you treat women and minorities less like shit maybe?"
Only 1/3 of assaults happen on the street or by strangers, women should stop being so paranoid.
...but that's a lot lol.
"Can you treat women and minorities less like shit maybe?"
Sometimes I think GAF is a progressive place. Then I read a feminism/race thread, and then laugh a little.
If GAF cared, they would've gave dude an intervention months ago.