best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Iggy fakes the accent when she raps, and Devo fakes the O when she is with Timedog.
yeah, im about to get up un the rafters. i fear a storm coming
Iggy fakes the accent when she raps, and Devo fakes the O when she is with Timedog.
The problem is the dark skin make up, wigs, and prosthetic noses. She's playing Nina Simone, not a Ninja Turtle. If she can't do the part without the Jim Henson make up kit, someone else should play the part.
Iggy fakes the accent when she raps, and Devo fakes the O when she is with Timedog.
Iggy fakes the accent when she raps, and Devo fakes the O when she is with Timedog.
I'm bored so let's talk about shitty jobs we worked.
Iggy fakes the accent when she raps, and Devo fakes the O when she is with Timedog.
I think we are about to witness Slay's end
Iggy fakes the accent when she raps, and Devo fakes the O when she is with Timedog.
Slayven finally grew a backboneIggy fakes the accent when she raps, and Devo fakes the O when she is with Timedog.
Iggy fakes the accent when she raps, and Devo fakes the O when she is with Timedog.
We're recording in 40 minutes Slay, you gotta stay alive til then.
I tip my hat to Devo.
Because something about his posting style tells me Timedog's got good stroke.
Now ain't NOBODY had shit bad to say about Zoe Saldana's acting before.
And all of us black folk were QUICK to claim her when she started blowing up with Avatar and Star Trek. We all cheered for a new black chick doing the damn thing on the scene...
But let her get cast as Nina Simone? And all hell breaks loose.
Zoe Saldana has dark skin (well, not the darkest, but you get it). And, most importantly, she identifies as latina AND black. I literally do not see the problem here.
People jumped off the bandwagon when she started spouting bullshit about there being a black president and her making it in the industry, so black actresses have nobody to blame but themselves for not being successful.
Iggy fakes the accent when she raps, and Devo fakes the O when she is with Timedog.
How it take you this long to clap back?
the statute of limitations were up, you either fire back immediately or hold the L to your chest.
i've never had a shitty job.
You aren't fit to lick the creampie that happens on the towel after I fuck Timedog.
This is the same Nigga who wanted a slave themed porno
The self respect left the building a long time ago
( ._.) scat sundae
How tall is everyone here? Just curious.
I'm 180cm.
People need to remember that this is acting, and actors are going to want to take on challenging roles to flex their muscle and show what they could do. Acting can't always be about casting like people for like roles (especially considering that there isn't really anyone on the scene who looks like Nina Simone AND is at the right age to do young AND old Nina scenes).
And I remember Charlize Theron's performance in Monster, which truly was the greatest performance (Female OR male) that year, and watching the behind-the-scenes footage on all they had to do to get her to look like she does in that movie.
I've seen some of the pictures, with Zoe wearing what looked like very "unfinished" make-up, so maybe there is some reason to be concerned. But I'm going to give it 'till the preview. If the transformation looks convincing, I don't see why anyone should hold it against Zoe for playing the part.
Star Ocean 3 is the better game
4 isn't bad past the atrocious story and unforgiveable voice acting.
Wait there is a podcast tonight? oh shit wait for me duders.
By the way slay, how would you even know about faking Os when that requires actually getting a woman into a room with you?
It has been a long day working with Dys progeny.
Black gaf I'm in a predicament....about penis size. So I'm talking to this girl (same girl from before) and she has a thing for black men with big penises. Honestly, I kinda feel intimated by what her definition of "big" is. I'm six inches erect but I think my girth is a little lower than average. Is that something that would be a problem?
Dudes be writing stories in Navajo code.
Furyous = Trinidad James My dude is living the eternal struggle right now.
Star Ocean 3 is the better game
4 isn't bad past the atrocious story and unforgiveable voice acting.
And annoying as fuck ensemble of characters
Iggy fakes the accent when she raps, and Devo fakes the O when she is with Timedog.
By the way slay, how would you even know about faking Os when that requires actually getting a woman into a room with you?
Fuck Vodka man. Last I had vodka I throw up on my socks, and almost got kick out of college.