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The Black Culture Thread |OT7| Luigi took our stare

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The physical form of blasphemy
I've had black and hispanic friends and family who do occasional (sometimes heavy) drinks and get wasted when they're out partying on weekends or whatever... but I now work in a mostly white NY firm and the alcohol-as-a-lifestyle obsession is like nothing else I've ever experienced. These are people who lament their weight and go on diets to cut out entire food groups, see good doctors and nutritionists about lifestyle changes, or do the religion thing where they give up all meat and and sweets for a month... but you mention cutting out alcohol and it's like you're asking them to sever a limb or two. Some drink during lunch or make it a reg habit to drink after work (for business or pleasure). There are bars everywhere (and every restaurant has a bar), so it's not like back in the old neighborhood at all. It's clear these people are doing a lot more drinking, making it an integral part of everyday life while simultaneously rejecting any notion they're alcoholics.

My coworker recently showed me a new app/service in the city that drops off an IV so that you can rehydrate, lose your hangover and get back out there to do more of whatever the hell you do. She showed me pics of her friends using it and it was just... bleah. I kept a straight face as she describe it as awesome and a great idea and someone she would totally use. This to me epitomizes one of the fundamental differences of the white culture around me that I can't relate to.

Found it:

‘I.V. Doctor’ gives house-call flushes for hangovers
The Hamptons IV Doc is in: Physician offers drips for the hungover 1%

The only difference being is that you've been introduced to the city living where a lot of single people do shit like that. lol. That's business culture for you in general tho. Meetings, lunches, conventions, etc... Wait until you run into some people out there doing coke or whatever to keep up with the fast life.

Having an IV on deck for those times when you get super wasted is smart breh. Call it whatever. I keep vitamins, bananas, water, and gatorade whenever we're out partying. An IV cuts all of that shit out.
I should make more friends with doctors, tbh.

You can drink a lot and not be considered an alcoholic. At least not what i'd consider an alcoholic.

Definitely. The minute they just have to have it to function, that there is a problem.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Investment law and the military are easily the most pro-alcohol institutions I've ever come across.

Like... no other place will plan around time for getting hammered the way that they do.


I've had black and hispanic friends and family who do occasional (sometimes heavy) drinks and get wasted when they're out partying on weekends or whatever... but I now work in a mostly white NY firm and the alcohol-as-a-lifestyle obsession is like nothing else I've ever experienced. These are people who lament their weight and go on diets to cut out entire food groups, see good doctors and nutritionists about lifestyle changes, or do the religion thing where they give up all meat and and sweets for a month... but you mention cutting out alcohol and it's like you're asking them to sever a limb or two. Some drink during lunch or make it a reg habit to drink after work (for business or pleasure). There are bars everywhere (and every restaurant has a bar), so it's not like back in the old neighborhood at all. It's clear these people are doing a lot more drinking, making it an integral part of everyday life while simultaneously rejecting any notion they're alcoholics.

My coworker recently showed me a new app/service in the city that drops off an IV so that you can rehydrate, lose your hangover and get back out there to do more of whatever the hell you do. She showed me pics of her friends using it and it was just... bleah. I kept a straight face as she describe it as awesome and a great idea and someone she would totally use. This to me epitomizes one of the fundamental differences of the white culture around me that I can't relate to.

Found it:

‘I.V. Doctor’ gives house-call flushes for hangovers
The Hamptons IV Doc is in: Physician offers drips for the hungover 1%

Wow. Just wow. Mind blown.

This is the next level of drinking....


I just started watching Star Trek: TNG and I'm on ep 3. they about to let this other species who are eye catchingly similar to humans and have a very "proud" history.

so they beam them all onto enterprise and boom. all of them are brothas in space turbans.

something tells me this ep can be either good or bad


Definitely. The minute they just have to have it to function, that there is a problem.

Some of them act this way tbh. Like a week with no alcohol is a huge NOPE. It's not all single people either and a lot of it is to "unwind" (aka drinking for no reason at the end of each day).

And I already know some of the higher ups here are already on their regular coke and escorts game. Dont know enough to comment, just know it happens a lot around these parts.


I've had black and hispanic friends and family who do occasional (sometimes heavy) drinks and get wasted when they're out partying on weekends or whatever... but I now work in a mostly white NY firm and the alcohol-as-a-lifestyle obsession is like nothing else I've ever experienced. These are people who lament their weight and go on diets to cut out entire food groups, see good doctors and nutritionists about lifestyle changes, or do the religion thing where they give up all meat and and sweets for a month... but you mention cutting out alcohol and it's like you're asking them to sever a limb or two. Some drink during lunch or make it a reg habit to drink after work (for business or pleasure). There are bars everywhere (and every restaurant has a bar), so it's not like back in the old neighborhood at all. It's clear these people are doing a lot more drinking, making it an integral part of everyday life while simultaneously rejecting any notion they're alcoholics.

My coworker recently showed me a new app/service in the city that drops off an IV so that you can dehydrate, lose your hangover and get back out there to do more of whatever the hell you do. She showed me pics of her friends using it and it was just... bleah. I kept a straight face as she describe it as awesome and a great idea and someone she would totally use. This to me epitomizes one of the fundamental differences of the white culture around me that I can't relate to.

My Kin <3

There is nothing more satisfying than a cold beer down your throat. People in the workforce consumer alcohol as a relaxer/stress reliever. This type thing happens in all culture.

The people you're are describing are more like enthusiast, than alcoholics.


I mean people do unwind by having a drink to end the day. Some of the engineering kids and even graduates in the workplace around here are pretty much fucked after a day of work.

It comes down to the job and career.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Some of them act this way tbh. Like a week with no alcohol is a huge NOPE. It's not all single people either and a lot of it is to "unwind" (aka drinking for no reason at the end of each day).

And I already know some of the higher ups here are already on their regular coke and escorts game. Dont know enough to comment, just know it happens a lot around these parts.

the escort game is crazy

like.... fucking wild. i dated a girl here that escorted and o h m y g o d it was more than i could handle.

more than I could handle.
Ugh having diarrhea sucks. It's pretty mild considering what I've had before but you basically gotta call in because you can't just run to your job's bathroom (especially one you have to access with a key) every time you feel your stomach rumble. And that's just cutting it way too close.


For a week. There's a yearly push to reduce bandwidth, so they go hunting for people, and my boss always warns us. They're mostly looking for streamers, but I'm not going to volunteer how much GAF time my work is paying for.

Sounds like a middle management idea at looking effect. My first job was at a call center with a lax IT department. People have kazaa and shit on their computers and the worse part all the stuff was saved to the network share drives, people would just watch the shit at terminals.


Ugh having diarrhea sucks. It's pretty mild considering what I've had before but you basically gotta call in because you can't just run to your job's bathroom (especially one you have to access with a key) every time you feel your stomach rumble. And that's just cutting it way too close.

You want me to get you some epsom salt?


Well since I started this discussion, lemme ask yall this....

What's the nastiest thing you've seen in porn?

Good or bad

Late to this, but might as well;

Friend send me this girl on girl action vid. The title was just "Nurse Lesbian etc"

Three of them.

They started kissing and the usual, and then I get a damn important phone call, I mute but don't pause. I am on the phone and get up to get some files from the other room.

I walk back into my room and they nurses have snowballed a piece of shit, all round and shit and are chewing on it at the same time.

Needless to say I ran to the bathroom.

I am sorry BCT :"(
Investment law and the military are easily the most pro-alcohol institutions I've ever come across.

Like... no other place will plan around time for getting hammered the way that they do.
Like, why even have a meeting if there's no alcohol present!?!

At one end of the year party at my firm, a big wig partner was completely gone and was leaving to catch a cab. Associate pulled me aside and was like, "man, I'm telling you go make sure she gets a cab."

Nope, not putting myself in a situation to have someone way over me saying something regrettable to me.


Sights never make me throw up, but smells get me everytime.

Is it just me or does attractive person (IRL) + unrelated bad smell in the area = confusion in the brain? Like the mind gets mixed up on what it's supposed to registering and why it's repulsed.

I think everyone is smart enough to not go into detail about that kind of shit anywhere other than a bar where we could all maintain plausible deniability.

This is true.
And of course they're not really excessively drinking, no way they're alcoholics, no sir. Because so many of them are doing this and it's all highly acceptable among their social circles. Tell them you drink once a month (or less) and it's like WOW what do you even do with yourself, how do you have fun! Ugh.

I'm very quick to stamp this shit out amongst friends and new people i meet. Like, you tell someone you don't drink (usually white) and they look at you like you are some alien.

Oh my fucking god, THIS. I had to deal with this shit for years by my own family, too.My dad's side of the family drinks alcohol like it was water, and they kept asking me why I don't drink. Then I look at some of them being sloppy as fuck, and I just point.


What part of the game is this. Dudes talking on their phone on public transportation... saying all kinds of personal shit out loud for everyone in the same train department to hear.
"She said that only through being with me she realized how sad she truly was..."
You say this kind of shit out loud in front of strangers?


I feel like I can't make two topics in a day, would anyone like to help me out with this:


I'll post but trying to figure out if this is too much. It's a long article with a lot of good content.


The line at the post office was 18 people deep.

I’d been waiting awhile, and was thinking about something I’d read: that in Europe, public services are for the public&#8202;—&#8202;meaning everyone&#8202;—&#8202;whereas in the US, public services are for those who can’t afford a private alternative. Hence the wait.

I looked around and noticed that no one among the patrons or the employees was a white man. At the Hanover Street post office, a half block off Wall Street, that was notable.

A white man walked in. He surveyed the line and confidently jetted past it, over to an employee pushing a wheeled bin across the floor. He put his hand on the employee’s back. He said, “Hey buddy … can you do me a favor? I just have this one thing.”

I also just have this one thing, I thought. And, this line is for people who have one or more things, douchebag. And, you have no right to ask a “favor” that dicks over 18 people uninvolved in granting the “favor.”

Fortunately, the mystified employee&#8202;—&#8202;who was not white&#8202;—&#8202;sent him to the back of the line.


James Altucher recently posted a short piece on Quora entitled, How to Break All the Rules and Get Everything You Want.

In this piece, Altucher&#8202;—&#8202;whose Wikipedia page contains the phrase “ran a fund of hedge funds”&#8202;—&#8202;recounts the tale of taking his daughter out for a fashion show and some ping-pong. When he is not on the list at the fashion show (a friend had promised to add him), he manipulates his way in. When the ping-pong venue is closed due to a private event, he manipulates his way in and plays ping-pong at someone else’s party.

He believes his fun evening provides a lesson for us all: “Don’t break the laws. Don’t kill people. Don’t steal. But most other rules can be bent.”

James Altucher thinks he has written an article about “getting everything you want.” He has actually written an article about white privilege. (And probably class privilege, and male privilege, and maybe some others.)

You know that fun game you play at Chinese restaurants, where you add “in bed” to everybody’s fortune? You will achieve great success this year … in bed.

I have a related suggestion for Altucher’s article. Just add “if you’re white” or “because I’m white” to each generalization or anecdote in the article. For instance:

“I find when you act confused but polite then people want to help if you’re white. There was a line behind me. I wasn’t fighting or angry. So there was no reason for anyone to get angry at me, because I’m white.”

Really, now? You peacefully barged your way into a fashion show in the same town in which Forest Whitaker peacefully attempted to buy yogurt with actual money. Guess who fared better?

There are many people in this country for whom it is exceedingly dangerous to assume that if you aren’t angry, there’s no reason for anyone to be angry at you.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
What part of the game is this. Dudes talking on their phone on public transportation... saying all kinds of personal shit out loud for everyone in the same train department to hear.
"She said that only through being with me she realized how sad she truly was..."
You say this kind of shit out loud in front of strangers?

Why should anyone give a fuck what some strangers think?


We can, but people are often afraid to post in our threads. Also, it looks bad when we ban jerks in our own threads, so most of us don't make them, Except Mumei, who makes enormous threads that no one posts in.

Hey. Hey. I occasionally get other mods to make enormous threads at my insistence that no one posts in, too.
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